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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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7) Meru puthra GirIsAya SrI VenkatEsAya nama:
Salutations to Lord VenkatEsan residing on
the Anandha hill , which is the son of the auspicious
Meru mountain ! 
After Lord Adhi Varaahar rescued BhUmi Devi from
the nether world and brought Her up on His tusk ,
He asked Garuda to bring KiridAchalam ( beautiful
hill from SrI Vaikuntam  with gold and nava rathnams )
to earth . Garuda carried KiridAchalam on His back and
dropped it on  a spot east of Swamy  PushkaraNi . This
KridAchalam resembled AdhisEsha in shape and form.
Adhi VarAhar took His abode on KiridAchalam on the banks of
Swamy  PushkaraiNi .
Then came DhvApara Yugam . There was a quarrel between
Adhisesha and Vaayu , the Lord of winds at SrI Vaikuntam . 
SrI VaikuntanAthan had to intervene and decide on which one
of them was the strongest . Our Lord asked AdhisEshan to wrap
himself around Anandha hill , which is the son of Meru mountain
(Meru Puthran) . Vaayu was asked to blow that Anandha hill
away from the grip of Aadhiseshan . The contest between
the two servants of the Lord continued for many days and
the whole world trembled . The dEvAs begged AdhisEsha
to concede victory to Vaayu for the safety of the world and
AdhisEsha reluctantly agreed and let go of Anandha hill,
which got blown away . That hill landed on the bank of
SwarNamukhi river flowing by VenkatAdhri hills .Brahma
comforted the dejected AdhisEsha by assuring that
Anandha hill will be merged with KiridAchalam
(VenkatAdhri hill )  and that AdhisEshan will
metamorphize in to Anandha hill to become
SeshAdhri and VishNu will take His abode on him .
Thus , the Meru Puthran , Anandha hill transformed in to
SeshAdhri and Lord VenkatEsa took His permanent
abode on AdhisEsha's hoods and became SeshAdhri
By associating these hills with the Mahaa  Meru, the former's glory
and magnificence are implied.

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