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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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50) Sankha Chakra varaanamra lasath-karatalaaya SrI VenkatEsaaya nama:
Salutations to Lord Venkatesa , whose ( tender ) hands are slightly bent from carrying always (the heavy) conch( paanchajanyam)
and (fiery) Chakram ( Sudarsanam) !
The significance of the weapons in the hands of the Lord
This tirunama indicates the beautiful postures and adornments sported by the Lord's four arms and palms, indicating His endearing and imposing traits of Soulabhyam  ( accessiblity) and Paratvam (Supremacy).
The Lord's upper arms hold the magnificent Conch Paanchajanya and the Sudarsana Chakra respectively, which serve both as deadly weapons to be dispatched for the destruction of the wicked, as well as admirable adornments for the Lord's matchless arms. These are indicators of the Lord's supremacy. Chakrattaazhwan is adulated as the sole symbol of the Lord's divine will or Divya Sankalpam, while the Shankham is indicative of Gnaanam and Purity. That these form the Lord's symbols of Supremacy is clear from Sri Periazhwar declaring the identity of the Parama Purusha to be adorned with these two weapons--
The Lord's lower arms are held in a unique pose. The right arm is held in the "Vara Mudra", with the fingers pointing to His lotus feet, telling us that it is they (His tiruvadi) that form both our everlasting refuge and also the strategy to attain the same. Since this posture indicates the granting of the ultimate boon ("Varam") of His tiruvadi, it is known as "Vara Mudra".
The lower left hand is held at the hip, slightly bent inwards, assuring us not to be terrified of the unfathomable ocean of Samsaara, which would only be hip-deep to those who perform Sharanagati at His lotus feet, as indicated by His right palm. The following slokas from the Bhavishyottara Purana describe the Lord's bewitching postures and their purport--
"darsayan paaNinaikena dakshiNena Vrishaakapi:
Pada padmam gatim cha paramaam nrinaam
kati nyasta kareNaapi nija paadaabja gaaminaam
nrunaam bhava payo raasim kati daghnam pradarsayan
viraajate Venkatesha: sampratyapi ramaapati:".
Thus Srinivasa's postures are indicative of the incomparable combination of His Paratvam and Soulabhyam, both of which are required for the protection of mortals, for, Supremacy without accompanying mercy and related traits would make for a tyrant, while mere accessibility without requisite Supremacy would render the Lord well-meaning but impotent and incapable of protecting us. It is this winning combination of complementary and supplementary virtues which makes Srinivasa unique and matchless. 
Swamy NammAzhwAr's anubhavam of the Lord carrying the weapons and his worries
Our Lord carries Five weapons ( PanchAyudha SthOthram). The two weapons (  Sankham and Chakram ) have always to be lifted
up and held for the protection of the devotees . The remaining three weapons ( Sword, Gathai and Bow) rest on the Lord's body and do not need to be held up untill ready to use . These three weapons are not tiring to hold in AzhwAr's anubhavam , where as the Sankham and Chakram could be causes for fatigue for the hands of the Lord.
AchAryAs and AzhwArs worry about any fatigue to the Lord in holding the Sankham and Chakram permanently by the tender hands of the Lord and offer to help the Lord to give relief to the Lord by carrying them out of their concerns for the Lord . Swamy NammAzhwAr's anubhavam on the Lord of ThirupparisAram quoted below is exquisite ( ThiruvAimozhi Paasurams : 8.3.3 and 8.3.7) :
He (the Lord ) can order servants about . He goes alone however and carries the Chakra and SankhA Himself. Even the Sword and bow and arrows He carries; there is no  one to follow Him , serving Him. Not even a person to keep (Him ) company. When He walked in this fashion , it was not given to me to see Him , enjoy Him and worship Him without hindrance. For that missed chance , I wail now , as SitA did in forest , in a lonely state , searching for Him , every day , to see and serve Him " ( 8.3.3)
" What is this ? ". So many people go to ThirupparisAram and return. It goes on . Not one tells Him , my Thiru-Vaazh Maarbhan (SrInivAsan) , that there is one devotee of His at Thirunagari , who will gladly be at Your service , walk with You , give You company at all times; will carry , say , the Chakra and the SankhA for You. What am I to do ? "(8.3.7) .   

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