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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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Brahmothsavam: Thirumala
98) Achyuthaaya SrI VenkatEsaaya nama:
This is another name of the Lord which portrays His glorious quality of never forsaking His devotees, of never slipping from His avowed objective of emancipating those who surrender themselves to Him, heart and soul.
Swami Desikan's definition of Achyutan, as one who doesn't forsake devotees, is brought out by the following sloka from Tatparya Chandrika--
"Ashritaan na chyaavayati ata: chyutosya
 naasti iti Achyuta shabdasya kaachit nirukti:"
Not only does the Lord never slip from His duty, He doesn't permit His votaries too to slip away from Him. Even if we want to move away from the Lord and stray on to the path of peril, through some means or the other , He brings us back on the path to the Promised Land, guiding us there by hand.He is like a tiger carrying its cub lovingly by its teeth, applying only that much pressure to ensure that the little one doesn't slip.
Though the Supreme Lord permits Himself to be counted among Brahmaa, Rudraa, Varunaa and other such deities, He never forsakes any of His supremacy or bounty, that makes Him tower head and shoulders above those who appear to be His equals--
"Saadharmyena avataarepi Brahma Indra Varunadibhi:
 Na sva isvaryaat chyavate ya: sa Achyuta: parikeertita:". 
This name of the Lord is considered so hallowed that it is the first one of the twelve, uttered during the purificatory ritual known as "Achamanam".
And it is this Achyutha nAmaa which is mentioned first by Sage Vyaasa, as being the perfect panacea for all ills of the mind and body--
"Achyuta Ananta Govinda naamocchaarana bheshajaat
 nasyanti sakalaa rogaa: satyam satyam vadaamyaham"
It is to this Achyutha that the beleagured Draupati addresses her prayer, when her modesty is about to be outraged by Ducchaasana--
"Shankha Chakra gadaa paane! Dwarakaa nilaya! Achyuta!
 Govinda! Pundareekaaksha! raksha maam sharanaagataam"
This Achyutha is the repository of all that is auspicious and the antithesis of all that is not, says Sri Nammazhwar--"Achyuthan, amalan engo!".
And it is this Achyuta whom Sri Andaal dreams of wedding--
"ari mukhan Achuthan kai mel en kai vaitthu
pori mukham tatta kanaa kanden tozhee naan!"
The Achyutha tatthvam is celebrated by Swamy  Desikan in SrI Achyutha Sathakam , a blessed work of 100 verses in Praakrutham dedicated to Nadu Naattu Srinivaasan presiding over the dhivya dEsam of Thiruvaheendhrapuram .  

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