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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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103) Ananthaya SrI VenkatEsaaya nama:
The Lord is infinite--"Ananta:". Finiteness can be with regard to three attributes--Time, Place and Object.
By transcending the limits and constraints imposed by the three aforesaid limits, the Lord becomes infinite.
While most of us live for a maximum life span of a hundred years and are thus limited by Time, the Lord is a "Nitya:", who has always been there and who will always be there, with Time having absolutely no effect on Him.
While we can be at one place at a time, one being in the U.S.A. not being able to be in India simultaneously, Emperuman has no such constraints and is able to be everywhere simultaneously.
We can only be ourselves at one time, as a pen can only be a pen. The Lord, however, can be many things at the same time.
Thus because He transcends Time, Place and Object, the Lord is called Ananta or the Infinite One.
This trait of Parmatma is adulated by the Taittiriyopanisad--"Satyam, Gnaanam, Anantam Brahma" . Further the Narayana anuvakam too confirms this thus--"anantam avyayam kavim samudrentam Visva sambhuvam".

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