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Post 4

Dear srivaishnava perunthagaiyeer,

We are continuing the winning ways of raamaa. We saw in the last post how king 
janaka was won over by our raamaa by his beauty. In this post we can see how 
wins seethaa's hand in marriage. Since winning of seetha's hand is linked with 
the breaking of siva dhanu: we will see few slOkaas on that also.Again here we 
will mainly study how king janaka reacts, that 'karma and jnaana' yogi by the 
sheer elegance and simple approach of raama. King janaka asks his assistants to 
bring the bow so that raama can see it. 

janakEna samaadhishtaa: sachivaa: praavishan puram |
thath dhanu: puratha: kruthvaa nirjagmu: amitha oujasa: || 1-67-3

nruNaam sathaani panchaasat vyaayathaanaam mahaathmanaam |
manjooshaam ashta chakraam thaam samoohu: the kathanchana || 1-67-4

janakEna + samaadhishtaa: = by Janaka, clearly instructed; 
sachivaa: + praavisan + [antha:] puram = ministers on entering [palace] 
thath + dhanu: + puratha: + kruthvaa = that bow [their] afore on keeping; 
nir + jagmu: = out came [from palace-chamers]; 
a + mitha + oujasa: = not, limitable, energetic ones [wheel cart pullers,not 
nruNaam + sathaani + panchaasath = by men, hundreds, fifty [five thousandmen]; 
vyaayathaanaam = tallish [men]; 
mahaathmanaam = high souled [ministers]; 
manjooshaam = coffer; 
ashta + chakraam = eight, wheeled; 
thaam = that [coffer]; 
samoohu: + thE + kathanchana = tugged they [ministers] somehow [very 

meaning: Thus clearly instructed by Janaka those high souled ministers wentout 
[from the ritual hall] and on entering the palace-chambers, they came out with 
an eight-wheeled coffer, [in which that bow is ensconced,] and they the 
ministers got it tugged by five thousand tallish men of illimitable energy, who 
somehow tugged it very difficultly, and they the ministers have re-entered [the 
ritual hall,] keeping that bow afore of them. [1-67-3, 4]

Note: The point why this slOkam is included in winning ways is to show how 
great the siva dhanu is. Here one may tend to think sage vaalmeeki has 
exaggerated a lot that when such a big lot of people had drawn the cart 
carrying the bow, how raama as a sixteen-year boy could do it so simply. For 
that the reply is in the second sargam of baala kaaNdam. This slOkam is 
brahmaa's words to vaalmeeki, when he was in a troubled mood about the male 
bird killed by the hunter, during the krouncha mithunam, [as a result of which 
raamaayaNa slOkams started flowing in anushtuB meter of Sanskrit language] 
[because of which vaalmeeki is called aadhi kavi]. 

na the vaak anruthaa kaavyE kaachith athra bhavishyathi || 1-2-35b
kuru raama kathaam puNyaam slOka badhDhaam manOramaam | 1-2-36a

athra + kaavyE = in this epic; 
thE + vaak = your word; 
kaachith = any one [word]; 
a + nruthaa = unfounded; 
na + bhavishyathi = not, it results in 
punyam = merit-yielding; 
mana: + ramaam = heart pleasing; 
raama + kathaam = Raamaa's legend; 
slOka + badhDhaam + kuru = verse bound you make.

Meaning: You shall make the verses such that it is pleasing the heart and 
merit-yielding legend of Raamaa, and not a single word of yours will be 
unfounded in this epic. [means it is all true and as happened]

Dear bhakthaas, please note the words 'na thE vaak anruthaa'. 
Then king janaka says to the sage visvaamithra, let this be displayed to those 
two princes in slOkam 11. next slOkam sage says to raamaa.

visvaamithra: sa raama: thu sruthvaa janaka bhaashitham |
vathsa raama dhanu: pasya ithi raaghavam abraveeth || 1-67-12

visvaamithra: + sa + raama: + thu = visvaamithra with raama, but; 
sruthvaa + janaka + bhaashitham = on listening, Janaka's, sentence;
vathsa + raama + dhanu: + pasya = oh boy, raamaa, bow, you see; 
ithi + raaghavam + abraviit = thus, to raaghava, said.

Meaning: But visvaamithra on listening the sentence of Janaka along with Rama, 
said to Raghava, thus "oh, boy raama, you may see the bow" [1-67-12]

Point: on this "dhanu pasya" several comments are given. Since not coherentwith 
the topic on hand these are not touched upon. In the next slOkam raama asks 
sage's permission to feel the bow with hands on it. On getting that permission 
from both the sage and king janaka, see what happens next 

baaDam ithi Eva tham raajaa muni: cha samabhaashatha |
leelayaa sa dhanur madhyE jagraaha vachanaath munE: || 1-67-15

baaDam = All right!; 
ithi + Eva + tham = thus, only, to him; 
raajaa + muni: + cha + sam abhaashatha = king, saint, also, equally [in 
chorus,] said;
leelayaa + sa: + dhanu: + madhyE = playfully, he Rama, bow's, middle [grasping 
at middle handgrip of bow]; 
jagraaha = snatched; 
vachanaath + munE: = by word, of sage.

Meaning: "All Right!" thus, the saint and king said to him in chorus, and 
raamaa by the word of the sage, snatched the bow, grasping it at the middle 
handgrip, playfully. [1-67-15]

pasyathaam nru sahasraaNaam bahoonaam raghunandhana: |
aarOpayath sa dharmaathmaa sa leelam iva thath dhanu: || 1-67-16
aarOpayithvaa mourveem cha poorayaamaasa veeryavaan |
thath babhanja dhanur madhyE narasrEshtO mahaayasaa: || 1-67-17

pashyataam + nru + sahasraaNaam + bahoonaam = while witnessing people thousands 
of many of them; 
raghu + nandhana: = raghu's legatee raama; 
aarOpayath + sa: + dharmaathmaa = stringed the bow, he [happened to be a,] a 
virtue [profound,] souled one; 
sa + leelam + iva = with, frisky [friskily, effortlessly] as though; 
thath + dhanu: = that, bow.
aarOpayithvaa + mourveem + cha = having stringed, bowstring, also; 
poorayaamaasa + veeryavaan = started to stretch the bowstring [up to his ear to 
see its tautness,] dextrous one; 
thath + babhanja = that, he broke; 
dhanu: + madhyE = bow, medially; 
narasrEshta: + mahaayasaa: = best among men, glorious one.

Meaning: While many thousands of men are witnessing, he that legatee of raghu, 
raama, for he happened to be a profound souled one, he stringed the bow, 
effortlessly. Having stringed the bow, he that best one among men, raama 
started to stretch the bowstring [up to his ear to examine its tautness, but] 
he that glorious raama broke that bow, medially. 

Point: On hearing the sound of the breaking of the bow, and bewildered by that 
raucous all the people swooned, except for that eminent-saint Vishvamitra, king 
Janaka, and those two Raghava-s, namely Rama and Lakshmana says next slOkam. 
Then king janaka reacts to visvaamithra and see how assures the winning of 
seetha by raama.

bhagavan dhrushta veeryO mE raamO dhasaratha aathmaja: |
athi adhbhutham achinthyam cha atharkitham idham mayaa || 1-67-21

bhagavan = oh, god; 
dhrushta = seen [evidently]; 
veerya: = gallantry; 
mE = by me; 
raama: = Rama; 
dhasaratha + aathmaja: = dhasaratha's son; 
athi + adhbhutham = highly wondrous; 
a + chinthyam + ca = not imaginable; 
a + tharkitham = not, reasoned [not hoped]; 
idham + maya = this [act] by me [for me]

meaning: Oh, god, I have evidently seen the gallantry of raama, the son of 
dhasaratha and [the whys of this boy and wherefores of his stringing that 
massive bow] are unimaginable [to me, more so, humans lifting it, how so?] An 
act not hoped [act by me, besides, breaking it!] A highly wondrous [experience 
is this for me] 

janakaanaam kulE keerthim aaharishyathi mE suthaa |
seethaa bharthaaram aasaadhya raamam dhasaratha aathmajam || 1-67-22

mE + suthaa + seethaa = my, daughter, Seetha; 
dhasaratha + aathmajam + raamam = dhasaratha's, son, raama; 
bharthaaram = as husband; 
aasaadhya = on coming by; 
janakaanaam + kulE = for Janaka's, lineage; 
keerthim + aaharishyathi = celebrity, brings about.

Meaning: My daughter Seetha, on coming by raama, the son of Dasharatha, as her 
husband, brings about celebrity to the lineage of Janakas.

Dear bhakthaas, see how king janka reacts and assures the winning of seethaa 
for the sportive act of raama - leelayaa - and leelam - in krishNa also you 
will find this word 'leelayaa gOpa vEsha' is brought in. So these are all 
sports for the lord for us to enjoy his winning.
Vaasudevan m.g.

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