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Post 3 of vaachaama gOcharam

Dear srivaishNava perunthagaiyeer, 

In the previous post I raised three questions on the ST krithi "vaachaama 
gOcharmE" which were: 
1. Is there any reference in sreemadh raamaayanam that seethaa wanted a 
cutpiece of tail of a deer? 

Response: There is no reference available that seethaa wanted a cut piece of 
tail skin of a deer. 

2. Is there any reference like, raama sending the arrow twice, as stated byST 
[according the meaning given here] one to do the job of scissoring the tail, 
and second one to blast the first and thus save the deer? 

Response: Here again there is no reference to such sending two arrows by 

Note: There is another krithi in raaga harikaambOdhi by ST where he 
praisesraamaa is "oka maata, oka thaara, oka baaNa" - raama is a person of "one 
word, one wife, one arrow" and that he has this as his vratham, like what that 
famous vratham of giving "abhayam sarva boothEshu". 

For "such a raama" how ST will attribute two arrows is being shot to do that 
one job of dealing with skin of a deer, leave alone who has aked the 
skin[whether seetha or lakshmaNa]. Then, is it that ST is wrong in his 
krithi.If we say that, then it is a great disservice to such a raama bhaktha. 

The wrong is on our part in interpreting his krithi. We will have to go back to 
srimadh raamaayaNam again. 
3. Or is it that ST is "painting a picture to project raamaa's glory" to show 
raamaa's sympathy even towards such creatures?

Response: a firm No. When you read the interpretation below, then you will 
appreciate how ST painted his raamaa.

Turning to srimadh raamaayaNam baala kaaNdam again: Raamaa says to lakshmaNa on 
the sixth day night on seeing the two raakshasaas, maareecha and his brother 
subhahu, appearing just when the yaaga is getting concluded. 
1.      [in the forest where he has gone to do the protection duty as sought by 
sage visvaamithraa] 
2.      [raamaa was advised by sage visvaamithra to be vigilant for the next 
sixdays during which the rishi will do the yagna] 
3.      [after spending five days smoothly without any disturbance, these 
raakshasaas arrived on the sixth day to disturb the yagam of visvaamithra when 
the same is about to be concluded - viz. when poorNaahuthi is to be performed] 

pasya lakshmaNa dhurvruththaan raakshasaan pisithaasanaan |
maanava asthra samaadhoothaan anilEna yathaa ghaNaan || 1-30-15

pasya + lakshmaNa = see lakshmaNa; 
dhur + vruththaan = ill behaved; 
raakshasaan = demons; 
pisitha + asanaan = raw-flesh eaters; 
maanava asthra = by maanava missile; 
sam + aadhoothaan = well puffed out; 
anilEna + yathaa + ghaNaan = by wind, like, thick-cloud.

Summary: See, LakshmaNa, these ill-behaved demons who are eaters of raw-flesh, 
by this maanava missile will be blown out easily, like the wind blows off a 
thick-cloud. [1-30-15]

karishyaami na sandhEhO na uthsahE hanthum eedhrusaan |
ithi ukthvaa vachanam raama: chaapE sandhaaya vEgavaan || 1-30-16

karishyaami + na + sandhEha: = I do have no doubt; 
na + uthsahE + hanthum + eedhrusaan = not prepared to kill this sort of 
ithi + ukthvaa + vachanam = thus words said; 
raama: + chaapE + sandhaaya + vEgavaan = Raamaa targeted the dexterous bow.

Summary: No doubt, I wish to do so [blow off], for I am not prepared to kill 
"this demon" said raama. Thus saying, raama, the dexterous one, targeted the 
bow at maareecha] [1-30-16]

maanavam parama udhaaram asthram parama bhaasvaram |
chikshEpa parama krudhDhO maareecha urasi raaghava: || 1-30-17

maanavam + parama + udhaaram = maanava the great benign one; 
asthram + parama + bhaasvaram = very radiating missile; 
chikshEpa + parama + kruddha: = very angrily darted; 
maareecha + urasi + raaghava: = on maareechaa's chest raaghava:.

Summary: The maanava missile, that great benignant and verily radiating one, 
was very angrily darted on the chest of maareecha by raaghava. [1-30-17]

sa thEna parama asthreNa maanavEna samaahitha: |
sampoorNam yOjana satham kshiptha: saagara samplavE || 1-30-18

sa: + thEna + parama + asthrENa = by that great missile he 
maanavEna + sam + aahitha: = well hit by maanava; 
sampoorNam + yOjana + satham = ful hundred yojana-s; 
kshiptha: + saagara + samplavE = hurled in ocean tides.

Summary: He, the demon maareecha, is well hit by that great missile maanava, 
hurled and pushed fully for a hundred yojana length, into the tides of ocean. 

vichEthanam vighoorNantham seethEshu bala peeditham |
nirastham dhrusya maareecham raamO lakshmaNam abraveeth || 1-30-19

vi + chethanam + vi + ghoorNantham = without sense, verily whirling; 
seetha + ishu + bala + peeditham = by cold missile's strength rammed away; 
nirastham + dhrusya + maareecham = on seeing maareecha far-flung; 
raama: + lakshmaNam + abraveeth = raama said to lakshmaNa.

Summary: By that cold - missile [seetheshu] whirling maareecha senseless, 
ramming far-flung & away, and on seeing him raama said to lakshmaNa. [1-30-19]

pasya lakshmaNa seethEshum maanavam dharma samhitham |
mOhayithvaa nayathi Enam na cha praaNair vyayujyatha || 1-30-20

pasya + lakshmaNa = see lakshmaNa; 
seethEshum + maanavam = cold-missile maanava; 
dharma + samhitham = abound with virtue; 
mOhayithvaa + nayathi + Enam = baffled him and taken away; 
na + cha + praaNai: + vi + a + yujyatha = also life verily not separated [not 

summary: See lakshmaNa, this cold-missile maanava, abound with virtue, baffled 
and taken him away, and not verily separated his life from his body. [1-30-20]

Now go back to he krithi - pallavi and Anupallavi is clear and hence we will 
not deal again. [just repeated for clarity sake]

Pallavi: vaachaama gOcharamE manasa varNimpa tharamE? raama mahima --- vaachaama
Meaning: Lord Rama's glory cannot be described in words and is beyond the 
perception of speech.

Anupallavi: rEchaari maareechuni padakagotti reNdOvaani sikikosagenE -- 
Meaning: He has made the demon maareecha fall and killed the second person.

maanavathee mathi neRigi chaamaram oudaga asthramu nEyakani
maanambugai medachaga maadhavuNdu kani karagi vEgamE  
dheenaarththi bhanjanudai praaNa dhaanambu osaga munu, chanina
baaNambu nadu chedhara jEya lEdhaa? 
gaana lOla thyaagaraajanuthu mahima -- vaachaama

mAnavathee mathi nerigi chaamaram oudaga asthramu nEyakani - to do anvayam as 
"mathi nerigi chaamaram oudaga mAnavathee asthramu nEyakani - knowing the mind 
of raamaa that asthram maanavathee with capacity to blow off that demon like a 
whiff of air

vEgamE maadhavuNdu kani karagi maanambugai medachaga - with speed that asthram 
left the hands of maadhava [here raamaa], and showing mercy blew his false 
pride - [by whiffing off 100 yOjanaas].

chanina baaNambu dheenaarththi bhanjanudai praaNa dhaanambu osaga - oh raamaa - 
that dheenan - poor person maareechan - was shown sympathy - that sentasthram 
maanavathee gave the dhaanam of life [for he has to perform another duty in the 
raamaayaNam later being the reason for pulling away raamaa deep in to the 
forest thereby according time for raavaNa to abduct seetha]

munu chanina baaNambu nadu chedhara jEya lEdhaa? - Later sent arrow split the 
chest of same person - oh such a glorious raama - vaachaama - your glory is 
beyond perception and description by me. 

Again checking whether this "nadu chedhara jEya lEdhaa" is having a reference 
in sreemadh raamaayaNam or not - let us go back to aaraNya kaaNdam of sreemadh 
raamaayanam - 

punarEva thathO dhooraath vruksha khaNdaath vini:srutha: |
dhrushtvaa raamO mahaa thEjaa: tham hanthum krutha nischaya: || 3-44-12

puna: + Eva + thatha: + dhooraath = again thus then distantly; 
vruksha + khaNdaath + vi + ni: + srutha: = trees from well out thicket emerged; 
dhrshtvaa + raama: + mahaa thEjaa: = on seeing raama the great-resplendent one; 
tham + hanthum + krutha + nischaya: = to kill it firmed up decision.

Summary: Then, again, that deer, well, emerged out of the thickets of trees. On 
seeing it, that great-resplendent raamaa firmed up his decision to kill it. 

bhooya: thu saram udhDhruthya kupitha: thathra raaghava: |
soorya rasmi pratheekaasam jvalantham ari mardanam || 3-44-13

bhooya: + thu + saram + udhDhruthya = highly [furious] but arrow up-heaving; 
kupitha: + thathra + raaghava: = furious at that time Raghava; 
soorya + rasmi + pratheekaasam = shining similar to sun shine; 
jvalantham + ari + mardanam = holocaustic enemy subjugating arrow.

Summary: At that time, Raghava became highly furious and up-heaved an arrowthat 
is similar in its shine to the sunshine, a holocaustic, and an enemy-subjugator 
arrow. [3-44-13]

sandhaaya sudrudhE chaapE vikrushya balavath balii |
tham Eva mrugam udhDhisya svasantham iva pannagam || 3-44-14

sandhaaya + [sharam] su + dR^iDhe + caape = tautened, [arrow,] very, tautly, in 
vi + kR^iSya + balavat + balii = out stretched [bowstring,] forcefully, 
forceful one [Rama]; 
tham + Eva + mrugam + udhDisya = that only deer aiming [targeting]; 
svasantham + iva + pannagam = exhaling [hissing] like snake.

Summary: Makng taut that bow, and placing an arrow in the bow very taut, that 
forceful Rama fiercely outstretched the bowstring with arrow, which is hissing 
like a snake, targeted that deer alone. [3-44-14]

mumOcha jvalitham dheeptham asthram brahma vinirmitham |
sareeram mruga roopasya vinirhbhidhya sarOththama: || 3-44-15

mumOcha = released; 
jvalitham + dheeptham + asthram = fierily, blazing, missile; 
brahma + vinirmitham = by Brahma, carefully, created; 
sareeram + mruga + roopasya = body, in deer's, form; 
vi + nir + bhidhya + sara + uththama: = very profoundly impaling arrow the best.

Summary: Released is that fierily blazing missile, which is carefully created 
by Brahma, and that best arrow transpierced very profoundly that body inthe 
form deer. [3-44-15]

maareechasya Eva hrudhayam vibhEda asani sannibha: |
thaala maathram atha uthpluthya nyapathath sa bhrusa aathura: || 3-44-16

maareechasya + Eva + hrudhayam + vibhEdha = Maareecha's heart severed in 
asani + sannibha: = thunderbolt, similar [arrow]; 
thaala + maatram + atha + ut + plutya = palm-tree, measure of [height of,] 
then, up, vaulted; nyapathath + sa: + bhrusa + aathura: = fallen down, he 
[Maareecha,] highly, frenzied.

Summary: That thunderbolt like arrow particularly severed the heart of 
maareecha [in the core of deer's body] then that highly frenzied maareecha 
vaulted up to a height of palm-tree and fallen down. [3-44-16]

What ST says as "nadu chedhara jEya lEdhaa" is adequately described here, is it 

By this that "oka maata oka baaNam oka pathni vratham" and as such 
raamaa'sglory is also maintained. In particular, that raamaa will not send 
baaNam twice to achieve one purpose is also well established. 

Dear bhakthaas, see how ST described raamaa through his krithi vaachaama 
gocharame. Since we just can not think of describing raamaa's glory, when such 
stalwarts also say "vaachaama gocharame", let us enjoy that raamaa's glory 
through such works. 
raamaa raamaa.


Vasudevan m.g.

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