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SrI Raama Jayam

vEdavEdhyE ParE pumsi jAthE DasaraTAthmajE 
vEda: PrAchEthasAseedh SaakshAth RaamAyaNAthmanA

Dear Raama BhakthAs:

This is the second day of PaarAyaNam , when Sargams 6-15 are to be covered . 
For slOkams , word by word translation of the 440 slOkams of these sargams and
meanings , please refer to the following URL: 

The titles of these 10 chapters are : 

1. Chapter 6 : RaavaNa Gruha PravEsa:/ Entry inside the Palace 
2. Chapter 7 : Pushpaka Darsanam/HanumAn sees the Pushpaka VimAnam 
3. Chapter 8 : Pushpaka Darsanam /sight of the Pushpakam
4. Chapter 9 : Pushpaka VarNanam/The description of the VimAnam
5. Chapter 10: MandhOdhari Darsanam/Inner chambers: seeing MandhOdhari 
6. Chapter 11: Paana BhUmi vichaya: /Continuation of search in drinking halls
7. Chapter 12: HanUmadh VishAdha: /HanUmAn's dukkham 
8. Chapter 13: HanUmadh NirvEdha:/HanUmAn's dejection
9. Chapter 14: AshOka VanAnvEshaNam/Search in AshOka vanam
10. Chapter 15: SEETHAA DARSANAM /Seeing SeethA PirAtti

We will now study selected slOkams from each of the ten Sargams :

Chapter 6: Arrival at RaavaNA's palace
SarvEshAm samathikramya bhavanAni samanthatha:
aasasAdhATa LAKSHMEEVAAN rakshasEndhra nivEsanam
---Sundara KaaNDam : 6.27

After search inside the houses of the many sons and servants of 
RaavaNan , HanUmAn with LakshmI sampath arrived at RaavaNan's

Chapter 7: The sight of Pushpaka VimAnam 
PushpAhvayam nAma virAjamAnam
rathna-prabhAbhisccha vivardhamAnam
vEsmOttamAnaamapi chOcchamAnam
MahA Kapis-tatra mahA-vimAnam
---Sundara KaaNDam: 7.11

(Meaning): The great monkey , HanumAn saw there ( inside the palace of
RaavaNa) the splendid VimAnam with the name of Pushpakam . 
It glittered with mulitcolored precious gems and was taller than 
many mansions . It was famous for its power to travel in the sky .

It was embedded with MahA Lakshmee's image (Bhimbham):

niyujyamAnAsthu gajA: suhasthA: skEsaraascchOthpala pathra-hasthA:
BhabhUva Devi cha kruthA suhasthA LakshmIstaTA Padhmini Padhma-hasthA
---Sundara KaaNDam: 7.14

(Meaning): The consecrated image of MahA Lakshmi holding lotuses
on Her hand was found on that auspicious VimAnam . The beautiful-
armed MahA Lakshmi's image was seen with elephants holding
NeelOthpala flowers filled with stamens in their hands (trunks) ; 
some of them were seen in the posture of performing AbhishEkam 
for Her with water from the lotus pond at which She was residing . 

Sargam 8 and 9 : Description of Pushpaka VimAnam 
The VimAnam was at the center of RaavaNA's palace .
The third slOkam salutes the beauty of this divine vimAnam:

na Tatra kimchinna krutham prayathnathO
na tatra kimchinna mahArharathnavath
na tE visEshA niyathA : surEshvapi
na tatra kimchinna mahA-visEshavath
--Sundara KaaNDam: 8.3

(Meaning) : There was nothing in that VimAnam that did not
have precious effort behind it .There was no gem there that was not
of high quality . Even the VimAnams of DevAs did not have those 
luxuries. There was nothing to match the auspicious attributes of 
the Pushpaka VimAnam.

That VimAnam was made for BrahmA by ViswakarmA in
DevalOkam . It was acquired by KubhEran through the power of
His penance (tapas). RaavaNan , the brother of KubhEran seized
it by the power of his parAkramam (valour).

Sargam 10: MandhOdhari Darsanam
Inside the Pushpaka VimAnam , HanUmAn saw the many wives of 
RaavaNan . Chief among them was Queen MandhOdhari , the Raaja
Mahishi of RaavaNan. She was resting with her lord on a gem-adorned
bed with a white umbrella .HanUmAn got near the bed and sat on 
the steps leading to the bed , where RaavaNa was sleeping without
a worry. Next to him , HanUmAn saw an youthful and beautiful woman
and mistook her for a second for SeethA Devi. He got elated momentarily
thinking that he had found SeehA Devi and quickly corrected this impossible
thought . HanUmAn knew that SeethA is a MahA Pathivrathai and would not
be seen anywhere near another man except Her husband. HanUmAn quickly
relized that the beautiful woman next to RaavaNan was his empress ,
Queen MandhOdhari .

Sargam 11: Search in the drinking halls of RaavaNa 
HanUmAn swa all objects of enjoyment ( bhOgya Vasthus) 
all around him in RavaNNA's palace drinking halls and eating
places. He saw food and wine in golden and silver vessels.
He saw everything in the harem of RaavaNa except SeethA PirAtti:

yEvam sarvam asEshENa RaavaNAntha:puram kapi:
dhadharsa sumahAtEjA na dhadharsa cha Jaanakeem 
---Sundara KaaNDam: 11.34

HanUmAn , the BrahmAchAri , was happy that the sight of all 
these women of inner chambers of RaavaNa did not affect
the tranquility of His mind . He reasoned out:

manO hi hEthu: sarvEshAm indhriyANAm pravarthanE
subhAsubhaasvavasthAsu taccha mE suvyavasthiTam 
---Sundara KaaNDam: 11.40

(Meaning): One's mind (Manas) is the reason behind engagement in
PuNya and Paapa Kaaryams . My mind is totally unagitated and
is not affected one way or the other by these sights seen at the harem
of RaavaNan .

12. HanumAn"s sorrow: HanUmath VishAdham
This is a short sargam with 25 slOkams.HanUmAn began
to imagine the many things that could have happened to SeethA Devi
at the hands of the evil rAkshasaas and rAkshasees of LankA.
He was dejected with the thought that he had searched everywhere
in the palace and could not yet find SeethA PirAtti . He felt that all His
effort was in vain :

dhrushtam antha:puram sarvam dhrushtA RaavaNayOshitha:
na SeethA dhrusyathE saadhvee vruTA jAthO mama srama: 
--Sundara KaaNDam : 12.3

HanUmAn reasoned that he had left not even four inches of space
in the palace unsearched ( chathuruangulamAthrOpi nAvakAsa: 
sa VidhyathE ). HanUman tried to cheer up over that thought
and tried to cheer Himself up for additional searches elsewhere :

karOthi saphalam janthO: karma yath-tatth karOthi sa:
tasmAdh-anirvEdha-krutham yathnam chEshtEham utthamam
--Sundara KaaNDam: 12.11

(Meaning) : The joyous effort ( uthsAham filled karmaanushtAnam)
of the people is behind the success in accomplishing things .It is
uthsAham that propells people to perform their assigned deeds . 

HanUmAn's sadness over His lack of success would not leave Him 
that easily. The next sargam also deals with the agitated state of 
mind of HanUmAn .

13. The Sorrow of HanUmAn : HanUmannirvEdham
HanUmAn said to Himself: The knig of eagles , SampAdhi
said that SeethA Devi is incarcerated in RaavaNA's house. 
My search to locate Her there has not been successful. Has She 
fallen out of the VimAnam as RaavaNan transported Her to LankA ?
Has RaavaNan eaten Her up ? Did the evil ladies of RaavaNA's court
eaten Her as their meal? May be She does not live anymore !
He began to worry about this sad news , if it were to be true, on
Raama , LakshmaNa and on Sugreeva. HanUmAn concluded 
that He can not return to KishkindhA with bad news .He thought 
about taking His own life , if He failed in His extensive efforts .

HanUmAn's agitated state of mind and His new resolve to search
afresh for SeethA Devi elsewhere in LankA are described by 
the Addhi Kavi in two slOkams of this sargam:

ithi chinthAm samApanna: SeethAmanOdhigamya thAm 
dhyAna-sOka pareethAthmA chinthayAmAsa Vaanara:

Yaavath SeethAm hi pasyAmi Raama-pathneem yasasvineem
thAvadhEthAm pureem LankAm vichinOmi puna: puna:

---Sundara KaaNDam: 13.51 and 52

With sorrow over His lack of success in finding SeethA Devi , 
HanUmAn was overcome with despondency and dejection.
He vowed not to give up His search in LankA for SeethA PirAtti , 
the renowned consort of Lord Raamachandra . 

14.Search in AsOka Vanam
HanUmAn now jumped away from the inner chambers of the palace of
RaavaNa and landed in AsOka Vanam , a dense forest known for its
multifarious fauna and exquisite flora.Adhi Kavi's descriptions of the unique 
beauty of AsOka Vanam ( the private garden of RaavaNan) are a delight
to take in. Since there were thousands of AsOka trees in this sport garden of
RaavaNan , it was called AsOka Vanam.

HanUmAn looked intensely over all areas of this AsOka Vanam . He came to
the conclusion that SeethA PirAtti will surely come to the river flowing through
AsOka Vanam for Her anushtAnam , if She were to be alive :

Yadhi jeevathi Saa dEvee taarAdhipa-nibhAnanA
aagamishyathi Saa avasyam imAm Siva-jalAm nadheem
--Sundara KaaNDam: 14.50

HanUmAn compares the beauty of the face of SeethA PirAtti here 
to that of the full Moon . Siva Jalam means parisuddha nadhi. 

15. Darsanam of SeethA PirAtti in the AsOka Vanam
HanUmAn sat on a tall SimsupA tree and looked all around
for any clue that will reveal the presence of SeethA PirAtti there.
Slowly , HanUmAn's eyes settled on a temple like structure in
the middle , which was known as ChaithyaprAsAdham. Near there,
HanUmAn saw a group of Raakshasis and in their middle a noble
lady , who was frail from fasting and sighing very often . She had no
jewelery . Her eyes were full of tears .She was like a tender female deer 
surrounded by fierce hunting dogs ( Raakshasees) . The words of Adhi Kavi
to describe the suffering Jaanaki MaathA in AsOka Vanam are most moving:

Malina samveethAm = with dirty vasthrams
UpavAsa krusA = frail looking from lack of eating 
Dheena= helpless and frightened 
analankArAm= without any jewelery or decorations
VipadhmAmiva Padhmineem= like a lotus pond devoid of lotuses
vreeDithAm = repentent over Her harsh words to LakshmaNan
tapasvineem= one engaged in tapas to reunite with Her husband
grahENAngArakENEva peeDithAmiva rOhiNeem = like the star
RohiNee affected by AngAraka graham
asru poorNa mukheem= with eyes filled with tears
nithyam dukkha ParAyaNAm= subjected daily to sorrow

HanumAn used logic to conclude from the above signs 
that the sorrow-stricken noble lady in front of Him was 
none other than SeethA PirAtti , the dear consort of His Lord

HanUmAn thus saw SeethA PirAtti and his mind raced immediately 
to the lotus feet of his Lord across the ocean , who had sent Him 
to LankA to find His dear dharma pathnee .HanUmAn was thankful over
His bhAgyam to find Her .

SrI Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE Nama:
Raama Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Raama DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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