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RaamaBhakthi List Archive: Message 00010 Nov 2004

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Dear Raama BhakthAs :

Many times , people facing difficulties of different kinds think 
that their sufferings is caused by dhOshams associated with 
the specific movement or positions of one or more of the Nava Grahams 
and perform Navagraha Poojaa to get relief or mitigation .

One who has surrenderd unconditionally does not perform 
these worship of Navagrahams and place full trust in the Lord's
ability to protect him from all kinds of calamities . They recognize 
that the Lord is the indweller and empowerer of these Nava Grahams
and the other Gods and refuse to stand before them with hands folded
in supplication fro relief .While the Supreme Master , Sriman NaarAyaNan 
can give anything and everything as Sarva Swamy , the Prapannaas 
wonder why anyone would or should pray to the Nava Grahams or
other servants of The Lord . Their attitude based on their MahA ViswAsam 
is " NaaL yenna seyyum , kOLL yenna Seyyum , ThirunAraNan arL
irukkum pOthu ? " ( What harm can the nakshathrams , grahams and 
Naazhikai do to You , while the Lord is on your side ? ).

Saint ThyyagarAja expresses these thoughts in the morning raagam of
Revagupthi : Graha BahalamEmi :


Graha BhalamEmi SrirAmaanugraha BhalamE Bhalam 


Graha BhalamEmi tEjomaya vigrahamanu dhyAninchu vaariki 
navagraha BhalamEmi ? 

CharaNam : 

GrahapeeDala pancha paapamulanAgrahamulu gala
kAmAdhiripula nigrahamu jEyu Harini bhajimchu
ThyagarAjuniki , rasikAgrEsarulaku ( Graha BhalamEmi ) 

Here Saint ThyagarAja instructs us : What can the nava grahams 
do ? What power they have over us , when Lord RaamachandrA's
power is the dominant one over them ? Lord Raamabhadran's
anugraham is THE REAL STRENGHT that matters in warding off all
asubhams and amangaLams. What harm can the planets do to 
those who engage in the dhyAnam of the resplendent form of
our Lord SitApathy ? Nothing . For discerning Raama BhakthAs
like ThyAgarAja , who are immersed in the aarAdhanam of 
Hari , what can the power of nava grahams do ? The RamachandrAvatharan ,
Lord Hari is the power that destroys ALL the ill effects of nava grahams 
and that is the power eliminates the cancerous enemies like desire, 
attachment and the five great sins . 

Sri Ramachandra PrabrahmaNE Nama:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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