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Post 8

Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

Continuing the winning ways of raama - the next win for raamaa is against the 
khara dhooshana group of raakshasaas. The reference for this win is in srimadh 
raamaayaNam - aaraNya Kaandam - [the forest trek of raama] - sargam 30 - 
[chapter 30].
The 'winning' theme of this sargam [chapter] is - raama and khara exchange a 
haughty wordy duel. Then the demon khara charges at raama, raama eliminates him 
with his all-powerful arrow. Gods and sages shower flowery rain. seetha and 
lakshmaNa return from their hiding cave which was as per direction of raama. 
seetha exults on seeing her victorious and indefatigable husband and embraces 

pravrudhDha nidhrE sayithE thvayi raakshasa paamsanE |
Bhavishyanthi asaraNyaanaam saraNyaa dhaNDakaa imE || 3-30-8

pravrudhDha = in well developed [profound manner]
thvayi nidhrE sayithE = sleep by you
raakshasa = oh, demon
paamsanE = the notorious 
imE dhaNDakaa = this dhanDaka [meaning this forest]
Bhavishyanthi = will become
saraNyaa = shelter
saraNyaanaam = for shelter-worthy [sages]

Meaning: sree raamaa says to khara - "while you sleep in that profound sleep 
[meaning death], oh, notorious demon, let this Dandaka forest becomes a shelter 
to the shelter-worthy [the sages and saints in the forest]".

janasthaanE hatha sthaanE thava raakshasa math sarai: |
nirBhayaa vicharishyanthi sarvathO munayO vanE || 3-30-9

janasthaanE = in janasthaana,
hatha sthaanE = ruined holdings
thava = of yours 
raakshasa = oh, demon,
math sarai: = by my arrows 
nirBhayaa = without fear
vicharishyanthi = will move about 
sarvatha: = everywhere
munaya: = sages
vanE = in this forest.

Meaning: raamaa continues to khara "when your holdings in this Janasthaana 
forest are ruined by my arrows, the sages in this forest will move about 
fearlessly, everywhere".

thatha: paavaka sankaasham vadhaaya samare saram |
kharasya raamo jagraaha brahma dhaNDam iva aparam || 3-30-24

thatha: = then 
paavaka = Ritual-fire
sankaasam = similar 
vadhaaya = for eliminating
samare saram= arrow in war 
kharasya = for khara's [killing,]
raama: jagraaha = raama snatched; 
brahma dhaNDam = brahma's shaft [missile]
iva aparam = secondary to.

Meaning: Then, raama snatched an arrow that is similar to the ritual-fire, and 
secondary only to brahmaasthram - the special brahma missile, for the 
elimination of Khara in war.

sa thath daththam maghavathaa sura raajEna Dheemathaa |
samdhadhE cha sa Dharmaathmaa mumOcha cha kharam prathi || 3-30-25

sa: thath daththam = to him [raama] that arrow was given,
maghavathaa= by Indra 
sura raajEna Dheemathaa = the king of gods, the sensible one; 
samdhadhE cha = well slung the arrow on the bowstring
sa: Dharmaathmaa = he [raama] the virtuous soul  
mumOcha = released
kharam prathi = towards khara.

Meaning: Then that virtuous soul raama, slung well the arrow on his bowstring 
and released it towards Khara, that arrow given by Indhra, the king of gods, 
who is a sensible one [about the future course of events], gave that arrow to 
raamaa through sage agasthya.

Ethasmin antharE dhEvaa: chaaraNayO: saha sangathaa: |
dhundhuBhi: cha aBhinighnantha: pushpa varshaa samanthatha: || 3-30-29

Ethasmin antharE = in the meantime
DhEvaa: chaaraNayO: = the gods and chaaraNaas [the celestials]
saha sangathaa: = collectively gathered 
dhundhuBhi: cha abhinighnantha: = drummed well all over [universally]
pushpa varsha samanthatha: = rained flowers everywhere.

Meaning: In the meantime, gods and chaaraNaas gathering in the skies 
collectively drummed the celestial drums universally and rained flowers from 
everywhere on raama.

ahO batha mahath karma raamasya vidhitha aathmana: |
ahO veeryam ahO dhaarDyam vishNO: iva hi dhrusyathE || 3-30-32

ahO batha = Aha! surprising 
ahO veeryam = what a valour; 
ahO dhaarDyam = what a fortitude; 
vidhitha aathmana: = the shrewd soul 
raamasya mahath karma = raamaa's great deed 
vishNO: iva hi dhrusyathE = seems to be verily vishNu himself

Meaning: "Aha! Surprising is this great deed of raama, the shrewd-soul... what 
a valour, what a fortitude, he seems to be vishNu himself.

thathO raaja rshaya: sarvE sangathaa: paramarshaya: || 3-30-33 [part slOkam]
sabhaajya mudhithaa raamam sa agasthya: idham aBhruvan |
Ethath artham mahaathEjaa mahEndhra: paaka shaasana: || 3-30-34

thatha: sarvE raaja rshaya: = then all the royal sages 
paramarshaya: sangathaa: = happily gathered
sa: bhaajya mudhithaa raamam = to the adoring and delighted raama 
sa agasthya: idham aBhruvan = agasthya said like this 
mahaathEjaa ethath artham = for this reason the great-resplendent one 
mahEndhra: paaka saasana: = that mahEndhra, the controller of paaka demon

Meaning: Then all the royal sages led by agasthya gathered near raama and 
adoring raama, delightedly said "for this reason only that 
great-resplendentmahEndhra, the controller of paaka demon brought you here" [ 
and also gavethis weapon to you oh raama.] 
[sage agasthya came to this portion of aaraNyam to witness the victory of raama 
and said with idea of these rishis indhra brought you to this place ofsree 
saraBhanga with the intention of killing these raakshaasaas and that is 
achieved today. 
Similarly when raavaNa is about to be killed then also sage agasthya visitsthe 
battle field and gives the aadhithya hrudhyam sthOthram to raama - which some 
say is not a part of original but later day insertion into raamaayaNam] 

The point here is - the winning ways of raama is in front of a gang of 
celebrated celestials and sages, killing of a noted powerful and valiant enemy. 

thatha: thu tham raakshasa sangha mardhanam 
sa poojyamaanam mudhithai: mahaatmaBhi: |
puna: parishvajya mudhaa anvitha [sasi + praBha] aananaa 
baBhoova hrushtaa janaka aathmajaa thadhaa || 3-30-41

thatha: thu tham = but then him [that raama]
raakshasa sangha mardhanam = eliminator of demonic troops 
sapoojyamaanam = with worship
mudhithai: mahaathmaBhi: = great-sages delightfully 
puna: parishvajya mudhaa anvitha = again, embraced, delight, assuming, visage
sasi praBha aananaa = moon-shine visaged Seetha 
thadhaa baBhoova hrushtaa janaka aathmajaa = Janaka's daughter then became 

Meaning: Then, seetha with her moon - shine - visage [with her delightful face] 
again embraced raama, the eliminator of demonic troops, and whom the 
great-sages are worshipping. That Janaka's daughter, Seetha became 

We will continue raamaa's winning ways.


Vasudevan m.g.

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