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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha
srImadh varavara munayE namaha

Dear Members,

I second the thoughts provided by Sri Thirumalai swamy. While it is 
very good that we do not want to fight with them, healthy argument is 
not at all wrong. What Sri Thirumalai swamy said is absolutely right, 
in my humble opinion. 

In "tharkam", it is said that any thing that is not objected to by 
the opposite party means it is accepted by them. Do you all want this 
to happen really. 

If this (no fighting at all with others) is what our greatest 
AchAryAs like, Sri P.B.Annangarachariar swamy, Sri Velukkudi 
Varadhachariar swamy, Sri Puttur Krishnamachariar swamy et al, would 
have preferred, where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam be today. 
And if we, now, prefer it where will the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam 
be tomorrow.

Please note, I am not criticizing all those who support this "no 
fight" aspect, but I am only presenting the practical problems.

The word "fight" is, yes, really not the correct one. As you all 
said, we need not fight with them and that is never our intention. 
But when they say something very very bad about us, it is equal to 
saying bad about our dear AchAryAs. Remember Sri embAr's words "illai 
enakkethir, illai enakkethir, illai ennakkethirE!". He said 
this "highly egoistic" looking word, due to his faith in his AchArya 
Sri rAmAnujA. So if we are to follow the same, any such "alpa" 
criticism is not on us, but only on our dearest AchAryAs.

So in my humble opinion, we have to negate such highly fanatic and 
idiotic talks to the extent, our divya dampathis want us to do. Of 
course, here we are trying to convert anybody from Vadagalai to 
Thenkalai and this will never happen. Also we are not expecting 
things to change because of our arguments. Whatever is happening is 
only due the sankalpam of Sriman nArAyaNan.

In this context I would request you to kindly go through any of 
the "vivAdha granthams" (books of arguments) between both the kalais. 
Undoubtedly, the arguments would have started because of some wrong 
propaganda from the Vadagalai side. 

Why, take the example of our list itself. Have we ever written ill of 
swAmi dEsikan (this would never happen, even in dreams) or their 
followers on our own. No. Even the arguments that I posted to Sri 
Sadagopan was based on his wrong interpretation of swAmy dEsikan's 
sri sookthis. So these "Objections with Proper proofs" are not at all 
a fight. Rest assured. However, every one of us have to think that it 
is our own responsibility to protect the true rAmAnuja sampradhAyam 
and that this is not actually our act but the sankalpam of Sriman 
nArAyaNan (not with respect to protecting it, but with respect to our 

I said in my earlier mail that I will start to post some articles as 
a sort of fact files regarding the kalai disputes. However, if you 
all think that this is not required and you prefer to keep quiet (in 
the true thennAchArya sampradhAya manner) I will stop it. I request 
the views of our members further on this.

AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam
adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

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