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This is in continuation of earlier posting.

Freewill of ?Kulapathi? (2)

That is what we learn from ?ACHARYA HIRUDHAYM? by Azhakiya Manavala Perumal 
Nayanar, brother of Pillai Lokachariar.
Let us enjoy Sutras. 100 to 114 in this respect.

(NOTE; The text and the explanations of these sutras runs for more than 
In the first place it is difficult to translate them into English without 
loosing the verve of the substance. Another it will be tedious for the readers 
to go through such hard discourses unless one has got a taste for it. However, 
an attempt has been made to present the central ideas of the Sutras to the 
extent possible. It is possible that full impact might not have beenpresented 
here. It may be concise. Adiyen request the readers to forgive me for any fault 
of any kind and forbear with me.)

Sutram 100: The aim of Prapannas who have adopted to Siddhopayam is Kainkaryam 
to Emperuman .The preliminary requirement for this is Bhakti(dedicated 
devotion)That is to be granted by Emperuman Only. A prayer is made in this 

I surrender to your Lotus feet as a resort.

The prapanna who have opted Siddhopayam pray for Bhakti (deep devotion)

?Just like hunger to relish food taken in? (otherwise it will end in 
indigestion and discomfort)
?This Bhakti is also necessary for Kainkaryam?

This prayer will be heeded before the Bhakta leaves his physical and spiritual 
(Sookshma sarreeram) bodies.

Sutra: 101. Next, the specialty of bhakti of Nammazhvar is explained here.This 
kind of bhakti is neither Sadhya bhakti nor Siddha bhakti
Then what is it?
This is mentiond in Sutra 97.
The ignorance of Azhvar is removed completely by this wisdom that will create 
deep devotion towards Emperuman.
What is the purpose of this grace?
?thannakka?( to use Azhvar for his purpose)
That is Emperuman cares for the welfare of all Jeevas. Such a care is channeled 
into one and directed towards Azhvar.
(?ENNAI THNNAKIYA??TVM.7.9.1) He made me to represent him.
What is the idea?
He gave him the wisdom/knowledge and skill like Emperuman to correct the people 
in the world to worship him like Azhvar.

So, this is a special type of bhakti granted by Emperuman. It .was born with 
Azhvar from his child hood.
Just like Lakshmana who cared for Sri.Rama from the stage of cradle itself
An intense desire was created in Azhvar from child hood itself. Normally atthis 
stage there is no possibility for gaining of knowledge.
Just like the fragrance of Thulasi leaves
Azhvar was overwhelmed with love towards Emperuman.
Even if he wants to forsake it he cannot do it.
That desire will not leave him
Not only that. It develops into a difficult disease
This further develops into frustration
The spirit is made to suffer, then? Azhvar has fallen in love with Emperuman 
and wants to see him. Then this desire further intensifies
This makes him to shun away all means of help except empruman . Now, the desire 
has intensifies to such an extent that makes him to break this rule also. He 
declares and decides to take action by himself to see him. The distress in him 
is such. (Prapannas are not to make any effort of their own)
Similarly he breaks another rule also
Prapathi is to be done only once.
Sri Rama while granting saranagadhi to Vibeeshana declared? If any body does 
prapathi once, I protect him from all evils This is my vow.?
But, Azhvar has surrendered many times in his anguish. Thus he has broken 
another rule. Such is his anguish to see Emperuman.
This bhakti is an instrument for his sustenance, for his enjoyment and an aid 
to development of Kainkaryam. How?
He is always thinking of Him. Because of this bhakti, hence it is an instrument 
for his sustenance
Azhvar?s bhakti is an instrument for development of all type of kainkaryam at 
all time.
Service to Emperuman is the key note of Atma.(Jeevan).This is the ultimate aim 
of Sesha. When the Emperuman is pleased with sesha?s kainkaryams the bhakta is 
happy that he had done his duty.
Thus Azhvar?s bhakti is not a result of any action done by him. He did not ask 
for it. But, it was with him from birth itself granted by Emperuman. It was 
helpful in doing his service to Lord.

Sutra.102. Is Azhvar?s bhakti was a result of observance of actions of 
gnanayoga/karma yoga/bhakti yoga during the previous births or continuance of 
the same in the current birth?
No. It is not so.
He did not do any action that can be termed as karma yoga.
He did not do any action to control his senses so that it can be termed as 
gnana yoga
. He did not follow any of the actions to be called as bhakti yoga
He did not do it in the previous birth also.

Sutra.103. He got this bhakti in this birth itself in a short time by the grace 
of Emperuman

Continued to >>>>3

Freewill of ?Kulapathi? (3)

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