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kShEtrajnaha(star-aSwini) = kShEtram SarIram jAnAti iti = The one who knows the 
SarIram - He knows well, what kind of a body suits His seekers in serving Him 

pASuram : nAnmukan tiruvandAdi - 52 (Tirumalisai ALwAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam)

samanvayam with pASuram : We recognize this body as a means to amass wealth or 
exploit the weak. But He considers it as the best aid in doing kainkaryam to 
Him. Those who similarly recognize the actual purpose of their body (serving 
Him) are given better and better oppurtunities to serve Him. For He knows best, 
what Kind of a body would assist them in their noble endeavour. Those devoid of 
this thought lead a useless life and verily eat sin. They are not kShEtrajnAs.

pASuram :
vilaikku aTpaDuvar | viShAdi yErTru uNbar
They will become prey to wealth and accrue many sins

talaikku ATpali tirivar takkOr
Those despicable ones are fit to be offered in a human sacrifice

mulaikkal viDamuNda vEndanaiyE
The supreme one who drank poison from the breasts

vErAga yEttAdAr kaDamuNDar | kallAdavar
Those who do not worship Him are really ignorant and verily experience sin.

Detailed Interpretation :

1) They will become prey to wealth and accrue many sins : Those who consider 
this body as a means to amass wealth for personal enjoyment really earn just 
sin. This body exists merely to serve Him and thereby become subject to His 
endless love. If its misused, it can incur His wrath. This is what is called 
real sin.
If a son misuses the wealth given for his good by His father, it will pain His 
father and the son may not stand a chance again for receiving such a help even 
at times of dire need. Similar is the case with this gift (this body) given by 
He knows well the purpose behind equipping us with our bodies. Hence He is the 
kShEtrajna. Those who do not put it to its real use are not kShEtrajnAs.

2) They are fit to be offered in Human sacrifices : Those who try to ruse & 
exploit the weak & innocent for their own benefit are highly deplorable. They 
are like the demons who do sacrifices to get mystic powers and are fit to be 
offered back in the same sacrifice fire. They serve no use to this world and 
are equal to dead.

3) They are really ignorant and sinners who do not realize & worship the 
supreme Lord who drank poison from the breasts : pUtana came to kill Him. She 
used her body to poison Him. Such great Lord He is that He didn't see the 
intention behind her act. He just noticed the fact that she used her body to 
feed Him. And see what He did...!!. He granted mukti to pUtana and all her 
relatives. He accepted the milk as bhOgyam to Him. He just recognized the fact 
the she used her body for His sake. And so, He is the kShEtrajna.
If we merely act or just talk in terms of being useful to Him (even though we 
might not feel it in our heart), He recognizes it and grants us such a real 
position to serve Him and His beloved ones. He even protects the ignorant 
fellow who accidentally runs around His temple to catch his running calf. He 
acknowledges our worship even though it was done unknowingly. And He grants 
better & better oppurtunities to serve Him.
For He knows well what kind of a body would suit us in such a noble endeavour - 
which is the highest of all.

Jai Sriman Narayana

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