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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:

Sri Koorthazhvan's Athimanusha Sthavam this saturday. (From 21st pasuram)
(Questions about Rama Avatharam to Perumal and answers by our Poorvacharyas.)
Scholar: Sri. U.Ve. E.S. Bhoovarahan Swami

Time: Saturday, Dec 20 2003, 8AM CST.
Bridge# : 1-702-835-5000 code : 91544#
Sunday 8AM CST: Oh Lord Rama: Was it Right to Kill Vali? Hiding behind a tree?
Slokam 21: Lord Sri Rama is asked:

"Just because YOU gave YOUR word to Sugriva, to protect him, 
is it right to kill Vali from behind the trees? 

"Should YOU not have given Vali a chance to defend himself, 
instead of sending the arrow from a hiding place and being called Adharmavan? "

"People are talking that, in the first place it is not fairplay to Kill Vali,
when he had not confronted you in anyway, "
"but to do it in such a manner like hunting an animal is unethical"
Come to the Upanysam on Sunday at 8 AM to hear the answer given by our 
Documented in Sri Koorthazhvan's Athimanusha Sthavam.

Excerpts from the last upanyasam
Slokam 19 and 20:

Question Koorathazhvan poses to Perumal :

"When Vali had so much might and valour, why did YOU side with 
Sugriva who was in hiding? 

If YOU asked Vali he would have brought you SITA PIRATTI without 
any war. But YOU befriended Sugriva and even after YOU have 
given YOUR word he still didnot beleive in YOUR prowers and 
YOU had to prove it by sending an arrow through 7 trees, seven hills, 7 lokas 

These are the reasons for Sri Rama to befriend Sugriva:
The beautiful answer that was discussed was 
" First and foremost SITA PIRATTI'S kataksham was showered on 
Sugriva while SHE was the way to Lanka, (from above She dropped HER 
ornaments and at that time Sugriva got blessed).

Also Dhanu Kabhandan sent SRIRAMA in search of Sugriva to be an 
allay in HIS quest for SITA. Dhanu Kabandhan asked Sri Rama to befriend 
Sugriva to get Sita back from his Deva Vimanam. If Kabandhan had told lie 
at that point, both Kabandhan and Sri Rama would have fallen from the Deva 

If anybody does saranagathi to Sri Rama it is his duty to protect the 
at any cost. After SRIRAMA met Sugriva and heard his story about the ill 
in the hands of his brother Vali and also the way in which sugriva's wife was 
by vali, It was not acceptable to SRIRAMA. So SRIRAMA had to protect Sugriva.

There are few more reasons, but to keep it short we will stop it here.
Azhvar Emperumanaar Jeear Thiruvadigale Saranam

Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

Adiyen Chitra Ramanuja Dasee
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