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Humble pranam to all devotees:

##  maargazhi thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal*
neeraadap pOdhuveer pOdhuminO nErizhaiyeer*
seer malgum aayppaadi selva chiRumeergaaL*
koorvEl kodundhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran*
Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam singam*
kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan*
naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan*
paarOr pugazhap padindhElOr empaavaay                   

Word for Word meaning
maargazhi thingaL  the month of maargazhi (december-january)
madhi niRaindha    full moon
nal naaL           auspicious day
neeraada           to bathe
pOdhuveer          those of you who desire to go
pOdhumino          let us go
nEr izhaiyeer      you who are adorned with jewels
seer               wealth, glory
malgum             full of
aaypaadi           Brindavana (where cowherds live)
celva              prosperous
ciRumeergaaL       O young girls
koor vEl           sharp spear
kodun thozhilan    cruel deed (to those who harm Krishna)
nandagOpan         Nandagopala, Krishna's father and
                   chief of the cowherds
kumaran            son
Eraarndha kaNNi    eyes full of beauty
yasOdhai           Yashoda, Krishna's mother
iLam singam        lion cub
kaar mEni          with a body that is dark
cen kaN            red eyes
kadhir             sun
madhiyam           moon
pOl                like
mugaththaan        with a face
naaraayaNanE       Narayana himself
namakkE            to us, indeed
paRai              the drum
tharuvaan          will give
paarOr             (so that) the people of the world
pugazha            will celebrate, praise
padindhu           follow, get involved (in our nonbu)

=====Sri ESB Swami's writeup=============================

        The first stanza which states the central premise to be
        elaborated in the rest of the poem contains the
        following ideas:
        1.Andal praises the day (NANNAL)that has appeared of
        its own accord for the observance of the vow.What it
        means is that for a soul,that day is the Good Day when
        he understands all about himself and God and their
        mutual relationship of Lord and Servant which is stated
        in the Tirumantram.
        2.The fruit in getting one's body is for serving the
        Lord here and hereafter (NEERADA PODUVIR)
        3.All those who have a longing for the service of the
        Lord are qualified to join her.(PODUVIR PODUMINO)
        4.She speaks of the radiance that attended on the face
        of her companions on hearing her requisition.(MADI
        NIRAINDA ;the moon is not in the sky alone!)
        5.The prosperity of Gokula consists of Sri Krishna's
        amiable pranks in stealing butter and girls; i.e.,the
        wealth of a Sri Vaishnava consists of his intoxicating
        love for and enjoyment of Lord's company.
        6.Nandagopa's vigilance in guarding Krishna with his
        very sharp spear in hand symbolises the "ASTHANE
        characterises a SriVaishnava.
        7.Yasoda's over-indulgence of Krishna is responsible
        for all his pranks and misbehaviour towards the young
        8.SrimanNarayana is the SOLE MEANS of attaining His Feet.
        This strikes the keynote of the Song Divine-THIRUPPAVAI.
        NARAYANANE (Upaya Swarupam) NAMAKKE (Adhikari Swarupam)
        PARAI (Phala Swarupam) TARUVAN.The safest means of securing
        Him is not Karma yoga etc but His Grace only.
        That is the sum and substance of this verse.

========End of Sri ESB Swami's writeup=========

In the US, devotees can dial into hear the upanyasam.
ESB Swami's Thiruppavai Upanyasam: Dec 15, 05', to Jan 25, 06 at 7:30 PM EST
VEDICS free bridge: 1-319-279-1015  Passcode: 216039#
Language: Tamil;   Cost:  FREE  on the Telebridge.

Azhvar EmberumAnAr JeeyAr ThiruvadigalE Saranam


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