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srImathE saTakOpAya namah
srImathE rAmAnujAya namah

dear bhAgavathAs,

as an addendum to Smt. SheeLa bELUr's posting on the first
slOka, the following are some notes on slOka 1 that might
be useful.

notes on slOka 1:

the word akLishta (that is used to describe knowledge, gnyAna
of svAmi srIman nAthamuni) literally means "Unwearied", "that
which was obtained without stress" etc. Smt. Sheela Belur 
refers to that word in her translation as "aklishta - very easy",
which also applies in this context.

The natural question that arises here is "how does this word
fit in this context, especially when talking about the
majesty of svAmi nAthamuni's knowledge?".

Here is what svAmi periyavAchchAn piLLai has to say:

svAmi nathamuni did not obtain this knowledge like
the sage vyAsa, for example, who obtained their knowledge
through rigorous penance and self-effort. svAmi nAthamuni's
knowledge was given to him by the Lord due to His causeless
grace - as krishNa says in srIbhagavad gITa - dadAmi 
budhdhiyOgam tham, and like the Lord did for the AzhvArs -
"mayarvu ara madhinalam aruLinan" {gifted the perfect
knowledge, without any blemishes}. The bhagavadgIta
slOka here is gITa 10.10:

thEshAm sathatha yukthAnAm bhajathAm preethipUrvakam |
dadaami budhdhiyOgam tham yEna mAmupayAnthi thE ||

For those who desire to be with Me, and who worship
me, I will give them the sAdhana for attaining me 
which is budhdhiyOga, with love.

AzhvAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam,
adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

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