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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00058 Feb 2002

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Vedics seek the blessings of all bhaagvathaas before proceeding in this
small kaimkaryam of writing Basic Tenets of Vaishnavism in English as per the upanyaasam rendered by U.Ve. Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy. 2nd Sunday 9:00AM over (Ph: 405 244-5555, Pass: 1533)

We also seek the blessings of U.Ve. Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy in fullfilling this kainkaryam without any hindrance. (and correcting our write up before we put this up on the Web


"Sriman abhirabhoot bhoomau rAmAnuja divAkara:"

There are many pramAnams and statements of our poorvachAryas that go to prove beyond doubt that it is indeed Ramanuja sambhandam that gives Moksham.

At first thought, it appeared to be an easy task to prove that
Ramanuja sambhandam fetches moksham. On further thought, trying to prove it objectively seemed to be more difficult and in fact impossible. Therefore at the outset, I must admit that this can be proved only subjectively by means of the numerous pramAnas and statements of our poorvacharyas.

The only solace I have is that any theory in science is also proved
only subjectively. To prove a law like the law of forces or law of refraction, we verify it with thousands of scenarios to make sure it will stand the test. We must also recognize that the phenomenon existed all along and after studying it, we then frame the law. Similarly in our sampradAyam, the phenomenon of many people (like Kurathazhwan, Pillan, Nanjeeyar, Nampillai, et al) attaining moksham through Ramanuja sambhandam exists and based on that, the law - "Ramanuja Sambhandat Mokshalaba:" is framed. Any law holds good until it is disproved by a negative example. There is no such example of anyone who had Ramanuja sambhandam and did not attain moksham. Therefore to prove any law subjectively, there are two things that are very essential: an Aptha vakhyam and an experiment.

In science, Newton is an Aptha (and so is Einstein, etc) who framed the aptha vakhyam (law or statement) that action and reaction are equal and opposite (Law of forces). An Aptha is the promulgator and the aptha vakhyam is the statement he comes up with. This is then put to stern test by numerous experiments performed to prove the validity of the statement(vakhyam).

Now, having framed the law or Aptha vakhyam that it is Ramanuja sambhandam that fetches moksham, let us go to the next question and that is ? Who is an Aptha in sampradayam?

The first aptha is the Vedas ( "Matha Pitru Shastrebhya: vatsalataram shastram" "Apourusheya, anAdi, shastram vedas" ). It is important to note that in science, what is told today does not necessarily hold good tomorrow but in sampradAyam, what was told a long time ago, always holds good. Now, if we can prove that Ramanuja sambhandam is mentioned in Vedas, then we can agree that it is an aptha vakhyam. The question that immediately comes to mind is that when Vedas are so much before Ramanuja's time, how can Vedas mention this directly?

(To be contd..)

You can hear the upanyasam on-line at:

azhwAr emberumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam

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Basic Tenets of Vaishnavism
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