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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00011 Feb 2004

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AchArya Hrdhayam 
sUthram 223
The Fifth Ten -Introduction

The qualities of the Lord seen in the preceding four tens-namely Supremacy, 
Creation, omni-presence, Controlling factor make the Lord a Great entity and 
may make the soul to distance themselves, observing the suprieority of the Lord.

The Lord out of His mercy -kArunyathvam- voluntarily approach the souls who 
distance themselves so, and shower His love and affection. The Lord harbours 
the bhakthi of the AzhwAr who by his counsel sees the vision of one and all 
becoming the Lord Almighty's devotees and praises this utopian state. 

The fact that the vision of srevaishNavic devotees is a happy sight is 
enunciated by AzhwAr and those who realise the fact also yearn for the end, the 
longing grows which is a part of the bhakthi - a part of the immense love 
towards the Lord=== This also an advice by AzhwAr in this Fifth Ten-anjAm pathu.

(to be continued)
vanamamalai padmanabhan

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