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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00043 Feb 2004

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--- In ramanuja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, s.ramachandran@xxxx
Dear Sriman Ramachandran,

You have quoted and misunderstood my words wrongly in
your reply. At the same time, you have irresponsibly
copied your reply to another list where I am not a

May I expect a posting from you in Srirangasri,
quoting me from my original mail correctly, without
getting carried away by emotions?

> It is therefore highly essential, nay highly
desirable that one just not
> mechanically chant. The mantra words,
originating from the Shurthi, are
> pure and structured with high precision by divinity.
When chanted properly
> a series of vibrations are set forth and this
impacts each of the 'nadis'
> or nerve endings deep inside us. These
vibrations in turn activate the
> parasympathic nervous system in the spinal column
and results in a natural
> calmness covering the brain cells and brain
activities. Specifically with
> reference to the Gayathri Chanting, experiments
with volunteers over many
> days at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala have clearly
established beyond any shred
> of doubt mental, psychological, psysiological 
and hormonal changes at
> deeper levels - all for the better of 
course. So we do have clear
> scientific, well documented, researched, 
statistically proved and
> calibarated results available. These srudies 
are part of a much bigger
> project and are ongoing.

That is the faith of those conducting the research and
we do not condemn that.

> In short the contemplation of the meaning of Om is
to follow the chant of
> Om. When we recite or chant Om, it does not
mean that our mind >will be
> remaining idle. On the contrary, it 
concentrates itself: it >feels the
> presence of a harmony with the whole universe. One
can do Japa of Om itself
> in any of the forms mentioned. One has to
extrapolate this the Gayathri
> and it will be obvious about the enormous
potential which occurs >when the
> Gayathri alongwith the Om is chanted.

Whatever you said goes totally against the spirit of

> It is therefore, extremely critical and
mandatory for the Sandhya to be
> performed without fail. It is quite 
surprising that Shri Vishnu has
> questioned the efficacy of Sandhya and perhaps
thinks of replacing the
> Sandhya with 'namaa' chanting. 

Please re-read my mail. I did not say anything aboput
nAma sankIrtanam. I said whether it is not better to
think of BhagavAn's guNas by reading bhagavad guNa
darpaNam or a few pASurams with meanings.
This is according to SAstras (Ref. Mudhal
ThiruvandhAdhi fourth verse) which say it is of no use
counting the chant of mantras in sanhdyA without
thinking of His qualities e.g. granting a place to
brahmA in His lotus navel, granting him vEdas etc.

If one is doing it, one can do it in the mood of
kainkaryam. If one is not doing, there is no harm.
Faith in SrImannArAyaNa is important.

>Come what may, the Sandhya is a nitya karma
> ordained by the Vedas and no one is excused.

where do vEdas say so?

>Dilution of >Sandhya
> requirements are therefore out of question. 

This is the standard statement in most of the
yahoogroups. We know many youngsters (also elders) are
not doing it regularly. Why should we affect their

>One may dilute >all other
> rituals, worship etc. but not the Sandhya.

Why one may dilute all other rituals, worsship etc.?

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

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