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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00135 Feb 2006

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Moola Prakruthi is created by the LORD.
and it is considered to be constantly changing,

I am certain all Bhagavatas on this list know this so this
is a mere terminological clarification and only a reminder to
you all. moola-prakriti is not created by the Lord. it
is eternal and exits due to his eternal will (nitya-icchA).
It is extremely subtle, present only as a seed, during cosmic
dissolution, and when manifest it is the phenomenal universe
that we experience. In all cases it is bhagavad-Atmaka, or
ensouled by Bhagavaan who is the fundamental
support (AdhAra), controller (niyAmaka), and substrate (seshi).

As another writer has mentioned, our vyAkhyAna-kartAs have
explained Alvar's exclamation of "mudal tani vittu" as corresponding
to the three kinds of causes. I'm writing from memory so please
forgive any errors, but the view is that tirumAl alone is
"mudal" -- the first One. He was not the product of anything else.
Therefore he alone can be the nimitta kAraNa or efficient cause.
"tani" -- tirumAl alone is the operative cause. He has no sahakAri-kAraNa or
second agent helping him.
"vittu" -- tirumAl alone is the seed, the material cause (upAdAna-kAraNa).

In the last case he is the material cause not because he is identical
with prakriti or transforms himself into prakriti but because prakriti in
both its manifest and unmanifest state is completely pervaded, controlled,
and supported by him, and exists by his will (sankalpa).

This is a long aside and I beg the reader's forgiveness for writing
so much.

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Azhvar EmberumAnAr JeeyAr ThiruvadigalE Saranam


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