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Sri Krishnaya Namah!

Extracts from Narada Bhakthi Darshana:

Bhakthi, as per Narada, is like a nectar - 'bhakthi amrutha swarupaacha' . 
Nectar is the byproduct of sagara, during sagaramanthanam. This is 
devabhogyam and lies in heaven. This is not of much significance since it 
works till the presence of virtue(punyam) of a being and as we all know 
punyam deminishes over time in heaven. In other words, this results in 
punyakshayam. The other nectar is present in Soma(moon) and this is the 
very reason for the various medicines in the form of herbs etc., in our 
planet. It destroys diseases and ensure protection from various 
physiological problems that we face. The third type and the most 
significant one, as per Narada, is in the form of bhakthi, which is 

Once Krishna calls Radha in such a melodious/loving voice that the whole 
world (chara; achara) responds to the Lord in their own way. Saraswathi, 
who is seated in Brahmaloka, was so attracted by the divine calling, that 
she comes down to brundavana, appears before Krishna and begs with him to 
make her his dasi. Krishna, since he is in search of Radha, could not 
agree or listen to Saraswathi's pleas but could accept her when she becomes 
a flute to serve Krishna. Thus Bhakthi (here Goddess Saraswathi's) is 
bhagavadbhogyam as she served Him in the form of flute, which he can't part 
till avataar samapthi.

Bhakthi is not sathvaguna; not maya; not an effect of a jeeva; it is 
blissfulness of bhagavan. He expresses/releases it through melodious 
tunes out of the flute which enters the ever focussed ears of gopikas, then 
into their hearts, gathers the bountiful prema (love) there and then gets 
submerged within the bhagavan, who is the antaryami. Thus, bhakthi itself 
is God.

To further illustrate bhakthi's dominence over other systems, Narada 
compares the experience that a bhaktha gets through bhakthi vis-a-vis Yoga, 
righteousness etc., 'apama somamamrutha abhoom' - reaching heaven 
through dharmic life(righteousness). One can get into heaven, drink nectar 
after following a strict discipline and righteousness in his life. He can 
gain punyam in the process of dharmic jeevan but this is laced with lot of 
difficulties and turmoils, as, loukika jeevana pose hardships to any 
displinarian. In other words, a dharmic life, in the beginning, is very 
difficult but at the end it brings happiness. This is true in case of a 
siddha who inculcates yoga system for reaching and realising 'rasaprapthi' 
. Starting with nadi shodhana, bhandanas and into pranayama etc., he has 
to focus and follow a rigid pattern in life till he reach samadhi and 
'rasaprapthi'. Zyanayoga also falls in the same category, but bhakthi 
yoga is just 'amruthamaya' - in the initial stages till the end pure bliss, 
though with the krupa/grace of bhagavan. To state in simple terms - of 
His grace on a bhaktha, there is a river flowing and at there at one end 
jeeva and the other end paramathma and a union has to take place. Jeeva, 
through yoga & dharmic life style reaches bhagavan either through swimming 
against the tide, or by boat etc., but with lot of effort. But in case of 
a bhaktha, God himself comes from the other end, with the sole motive 
behind being helping jeeva to cross the tide and take him to His abode at 
the other end. Thus, for jeeva, it is sheer bliss throughout - initially 
and at the end. This is how bhakthi has been narrated by Narada, which 
makes us sit up and take notice.

Jagannatha Pandith in his Rasa Gangadharam says -
mrudnika rasithasitha samashitha spithamcha peetham payaha
svaryathena sudhavyadhaya kathiba rambadharcha khandithaha
sathyam bruhi madiya jeeva bhavatha bhuyobhave bramyatha
Krishnethyakshara yordhvayorma dhuriyodgaraha kvachillakshitha

Oh! jeeva, several times over you have born in loukika jagath and have 
tasted sweetest of grapes, drank thick milk, and several times over you 
went to heaven and spent time happily with rambha and other apsaras, but, 
please tell the truth, have you ever seen / experienced anything 
madhuryam(blissful) as a two lettered 'Krishna'.

Sri Krishnadwaipayana in SMB says -
vadanthi thathva vidastha thvam yathgyanamadhvayam
brahmethi paramathmethi bhagavanithi shabdyathe

that which possess this universe with its shakthi and is the reason for its 
expansion, that is sachidananda swarupa. Gyanis meditate on Him as Brahma; 
that who possess sakala kalyana gunas with divya vibhuti, which is all 
powerfull but no sakhas(friends) or leelas is Paramathma;
that who possess all the kalyana gunas, is all powerful and has various 
namas, rupa, leelas and one who has sakhas is Sri Krishna Bhagavan.

His undivided form is Radha; Hence, Narada says in his pancharathra -
Sathyam, sathyam, punaha sathyam, ssathyameva puna punaha
radhanamna vinalokena mathprasado navidyathe

I am telling the truth and I repeat, it is truth, listen, one who does not 
pray Radha will not get my krupa.

Srikrishna bhakthi prade devi
Radhadevi namosthuthe!


Sri Krishnaparabrahmane Namah!

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