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 Sreemathe Ramanujaya Namaha

Thirukkolur Ammal Varthaigal

3) Did I give up my life like Rishi's wife?

This event is also from Sri Krishna Avatharam.This
happened when Krishna was still in Ayarpadi. One day
as usual he and his cowherders were in the forest
looking after their cows. It was noon time and they ate
the lunch that was brought from home. But all the boys
were still very hungry. So they asked Krishna to find
some more food.( He was considered the head of the 
group and the children knew that if they asked Krishna he
would fulfil their request. They had the atmost faith in 

Nearby was an Ashram were learned pundits were 
performing an yagnam.( these scholar were referred as
Rishi's in the title). Krishna told some of the boys to go 
to the Rishi's and tell them that " Krishna and his friends
are hungry, he is asking for some food".The boys did as
they were told, but to everyone's surprise and utter dismay
the Vedic scholars pretended like these children were
not even there and totally ignored them. The boys with
tears in their eyes went back to Krishna and narrated 
the event. Krishna with a smile on his beautiful face
consoled the children and this time pointed out the 
wives of the pandits, and told the boys to go back and
ask the women," Krishna and Balarama are very hungry,
they are requesting some food from you, will you give
us some to take back?"

Immediately the women with great happiness, started collecting 
diffrent varieties of food and headed towards the forest,
in great hurry, because of their eagerness to see Krishna.
Their husbands saw what was happening, they
were not happy that their wives are feeding some 
urchins from the forest and forbid to not go. But they 
still went to the forest, saw Krishna and Balarama,
and fed all the children
to their heart's content.Then Krishna saw the confusion
and fear on the women's face and told them, " Don't be
afraid, go back and help your husbands to finish the
yagam, they will accept you."

Who can resist Krishna's words, they went back to their
respective houses and as Krishna predicted all the
scholars were happy, except for one, who still was very upset with
his wife for not paying heed to his words ,
( Bhaghavadham 10-23-34). That lady had long time ago
locked up Krishna in her heart, and now with her 
husband's unreasonable behavior she did not want to
live anymore. So with her yogic powers she kept Krishna
in her heart and gave up the body that belonged to her
husband. The rest of the pandits realised the errors of 
their ways and they went and surrendered to Krishna.

The place were Krishna and his friends waited for food is
called "Bhanda Vilochanam" --' Nacchiar Thirumozhi 12-6'. 

The Rishi's wife gave her heart totally to Krishna and 
did not want to live in this mundane world, without his 
sambhandam." Marrainam Kamangal marrelo rembhavai"

Moral of the story:
In this story adiyal found quite a few interesting points,
though the scholars were very learned people ( especially
in Vedas) when Perumal himself came in front of them
they could not recognise him. Whereas their wives,
simple people, not so learned were able to realise who
Krishna was. Unlike the rishis who saw Krishna as
a cowherder with their eyes, the women saw him with 
their soul. So theirs were the real eyes and the rishis were 
peacock feather eyes.

When someone comes knocking on your door, who knows 
who that might be!!!! may be the " Paramporul" himself.
So don't turn anybody away from your door.

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