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Sri Parthasarathi thunai,

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


? Mattrondrum vEinda Maname Madhilarangar

  Kattrinum meitha kazhalinai keezh- uttra

  Thirumaalai paadum seer Thondaradipodi Emperumaanai

  Eppozhudum peesu?


? Srimat Krishna samahvaya Namo yaamuna soonave

  yetkadAkshai kalakshyAnAm sulabha: Sridara: sadaa?






?maramsuvarmadhileduthtu marumaikkE verumaipoondu

  puramsuvar Ottai mAdam puralumpOdu ariyamAtteer

  aramsuvarAgi nindra aranganArkku AtsaiyAdhe

  puramsuvar kOlamsaidhu putkavvakedakkindreerE?


maramsuvarmadhileduthtu marumaikkE verumaipoondu:  We all like to have relation with anyone only when that person is useful to us but then do we ever think in what way we could be useful to the other person?  Like kamsan who wanted to kill his own sister(just after her wedding), after knowing that her eighth child will kill him, we all also act selfishly thinking about only our welfare.  But vasudeva was just married to devaki a couple of hours before but still he begged kamsa to spare her life.  That is how a srivaishnava should be.   We should try to be helpful to others without being selfish.  Why should we be like that, will be the common doubt?  It is to earn some credits for the other world.  After so many births ?kEnAbhi bhakya visheshesEna?(due to a lot of bhakyam due to the punyams earned in various births) we have now got a human birth.  Even now if we stay like trees and animals then there is no use.  With a human body we act like dogs and monkeys then the lord gives us the same body in the next birth.  Only the humans has six senses so we have to use it accordingly and try to realise the relation between the lord and the jeevatmas and try to go to his feet and do kainkaryam.  In this line, alwar says people never realise these facts and hence they stay like a wall or a tree and they gain no credits(verumai) for marumai(moksha logam).


puramsuvar Ottai mAdam puralumpOdu ariyamAtteer: when the body which is a house with holes is shed down you will not know what to do says alwar.  Alwar here attributes the body to be a house which has a wall outside but with number of holes(puramsuvar Ottai mAdam).  Even thirumangai alwar describes a human body as a 9 holed house.  The soul stays in this house.  Again it is not a permanent house for the soul.  We do not know from where we came and where we will go.  But in the intermediate time we consider the house to be ours and we take upmost care of it.  Like a house built of cement, this body is a house built of flesh.  Thirumangai alwar explains this excellently.  ?Oonidaisuvarvaiththu enbhuthoon nAtti orOmam vaidhu onbhadhu vAsal thAnudai kurumbhai?(periya thirumozhi 1-6-9).  The house(body) is made of flesh, to give a shape to the structure the flesh is supported by pillars of bones and to protect the flesh it is covered with hair and the house has 9 holes.  When we know that we are supposed to vacate the house in which we are living in the month end then we prepare ourselves to move into another house.  We book a house in advance which is more suitable for us.  We look into many factors before actually selecting the apartment in which we are going to live.  Similarly, all of us have to leave this body at the end of this janma(after death).  Shouldn?t we think of booking another house for the next?  Again there are two options.  We can either get a new body in the next janma(select the body to our choice by doing respective papam or punyam) else we can surrender to the emperuman and get housed in his palace in the divine mokshApuri(moksham).  There are actually four purusharthas which we call aram, porul, enbam and veedu.  The first three we attain over here in this world and the last is the moksha.  Veedu in tamil means ?a house?.  So the house that actually ours and which is only THE house is the paramapadam or moksham.  The owner of the house lives in naimisaranyam to whom thirumangai alwar surrenders to attain moksham.  Only emperuman Sriman Narayanan can grant us moksham.  When our house is very old we try to renew or reconstruct it.  If it is in a very bad condition then we prefer to go to a new house.  Similarly we have taken birth after births and lived very long in this bhoolokam so it is high time that we shift over to the new sweet home the vaikundam, which never becomes worn out or old.

Alwar says that when we are in the last bed we will not know who to call for help.

Even our very close relatives or friends cannot help us, they will rather cry due to inability.  The doctors who have tried their level best will say, rest left to god.  But all through the life we havent believed in him and we have never gone to his temple with a small tulasi garland.  Then how will the belief suddenly come in the last moment and how can a person think of him in his death bed?  That is why we have to do it now itself(when we are young and capable of worshipping him).  Think the perumai of the bhagavan and meditate on his nAmas.  But what we actually do? Alwar continues saying.


aramsuvarAgi nindra aranganArkku AtsaiyAdhe:  Emperuman is dharma swarropan.?Dharma yoni janardhanaha:? ?rAmam dharma sanAthanam? ?Dharma samstappanaya? ?Dharmasya prabhu: achutaha:? are various verses which say that emperuman is a symbol of dharma.  He has been our saviour always.  When we help our fellow people they forget it very soon.  But emperuman never forgets when we do a dharma and look for the enjoyment in his face.  Even though whatever service we do to the lord is not at all necessary for him still he adds one credit to us for each good deed.  Even though he is filled with so much karunyam and is waiting to be called to help us out still we prefer to call the less capable persons and suffer rather than calling him and enjoying the divine bliss.  That is why alwar says aranganArkku AtsaiyAdhe.  Only for the sake of we humans he came from his divine aboard the srivaikundam and settled in Sri rangam to come to our call without any delay but then we never go near him or call him inspite of innumerable miseries we are undergoing today.


puramsuvar kOlamsaidhu putkavvakedakkindreerE:  we do not surrender to the lord but we are busy decorating our body.  We put on so many cosmetics and scent ourselves to make our body appealing to others.  But we lack to think that one day this body will fall and no one will want to come near it.  We put so much make-up and then we wear a variety of dresses and jewels to make us beautiful.  Then the youth passes and then comes old age when all our beauty vanishes and the same persons who appreciated the beauty once, now criticize it.  Finally comes death.  Can the person who admired our body now keep it for more than a day or two?  No.  Even our closest of the closest now get ready to bury or burn the body.  The father gets ready to burn the body of the son, the wife sees the body of her husband burn down. This is the sad state of any body.  But still for this temporary period we want to decorate it and spend money and time for its beautification.  If we think a little bit we will know what a waste of time and energy it is.  We have to think and spend money and time for more dharmic causes so that we can attain moksham.   Azhvar says ?putkavvakedakkindreerE? meaning at the end, the body is eaten by predators like eagle( symbalising that at the end the body is either buried(the soil eats it), or burnt(eaten by the fire and burnt to ashes) or if we leave it open then the birds eat it).  Here alwar says ?kavva?(bites) instead of ?sappida?(to eat).  Sri PVP explains why?  Considering the body which has never gone to the temple or done any kainkaryam to the supreme lord or surrendered to him, even the bird doesn?t want to eat this body.  These birds, belonging to the same species of garudan who is the vahana to bhagavan like to eat only bhagavat prasAdam so they eat only the body which has been submitted to the lord under the name of saranAgathi (surrendering to the lord,doing kainkaryam and uttering bhagavan nAma always).  This explanation is given just to show the importance of the bhagavat kainkaryam and bhagavan nAma sankeertanam(shouldn?t be analysed taking in the actual sense).


One should realise the temporary nature of the body and should know the only thing which can beautify our body is bhagavan nAma sankeertanam and bhagavat kainkaryam.


To be continued in the next posting.


AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai

Sumithra Varadarajan


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