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srimathE rAmAnujAya namah

Ramanuja sambhandam leads to Moksham - Part 2

Part 1 -- Does Veda mention rAmAnuja sambhandam ? ...

Yes, they mention it. It is not mentioned directly but Vedas connote in a successive chain of statements of facts. Now, in science, to prove that masses are not lost in a chemical reaction ( CuO + CO = Cu + CO2), we measure the mass before (LHS) and after (RHS) the chemical reaction to prove the equality. Let us apply the same approach to prove :
Obtain Moksham = Ramanuja Sambhandam. ------------------(1).

Vedas proclaim that one who has knowledge of Brahman, reaches Brahman(TamEvam Vidhwan Amrutha Iha Bhavathi); One who realizes Brahman, is equal to Brahman (Brahma veda, brahmaiva bhavati). Vedas also proclaim karma yoga helps cross this ocean of samsArA and Gnana yoga fetches moksham. (AvidyayA mrithusteerthvA Vidyaya amruthamashnuthE). This proves
that: Gnana fetches moksham ----------(2).
Vedas also proclaim - "Yo Brahmanam Vidhathathi poorvam", "Yovai vedAsya pratinothitasmai (One who graced Vedas to 4-headed brahma)", "Samhadeva Atmabudhi prasAdam", Mumukshurhavai sharanam aham prapadye" These statements prove that it is paramAtma that gives Gnanam.
Therefore ultimately,
it is parAmatma who gives Moksham -----------------(3).
The same shastras that is the Vedas, says that Bhagavan, with hands full of books, incarnated as an AcharyA and with His devine grace uplifts the downtrodden( "Karunyath ShastrapAninA maghnan uddharate lokAn). Now, based on this if we assume that Acharya and Brahman is one and the same, it is easily proved that it is Arhcarya that gives MokshAnandam. "GururEva Parambrahma, GururEva Paragathi: GururEva Parayanam, Guru TasmAth Guru Tarau Bhakti yasmAth tha upadEshta sau thasmath gurutarau guru:". These statements imply that it is guru who gives absolute gnanam to perform karma and gnana yoga and eventually know ParamAtman. It is guru who should be treated as ParamAtman Himself. Pillai LokAchArya, an illustrious poorvachArya, in his work SriVachana Bhooshanam ("ornament of divine sayings"), says that Acharyan should be treated at par with Bhagavan(Acharya SAmyathku adi Bhagavath vachanam). Bhagavan Himself says treat your Acharyan equal to Me (Mantre tad devatAyAmcha tatha mantraprategurau trishubhakti samAcharya sahip pratama sAdhanam). The foremost way (pratama sAdhanam) to reach moksha is to have devotion on all three, namely
1. Mantre(Thirumantram, Dvayam and Charamslokam)
2. the Lord explained in the Mantre
3. Guru who explains this Thirumantram to you.
If you are a devoted of all the above then you are confirmed of mokshAnandam. Thus, even if we assume that AcharyA and Sriman Narayana are not the same, it is proved that
Acharya Bhakti gives Gnanam and therefore fetches moksham -------(4).
Now, who is this AcharyA? If we prove that this Acharya is none other than Srimad Ramanuja then we can say that it is Ramanuja sambhandam that fetches moksham.

To be continued ....

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azhwAr emberumAnAr JeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam

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Basic Tenets of SriVaishnavism
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