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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00009 Mar 2004

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Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer'

We have used many medicines to get remedy or relief or cure from the many types 
of ills we suffer from time to time. We also have heard that there arecertain 
medicines, which are simply useless and cause many side effects. Similarly we 
also know there are certain diseases for which we do not have established yet a 

We, through the study of scriptures, sthOthrams, 4000 paasurams etc, know that 
the supreme lord sriman naaraayaNan is the medicine and the doctor rolled into 

See this familiar slOkam 
'thrisaamaa saamagas saama nirvaaNam bhEshajam bhishak' 
in sree vishNu sahsasra naamam 62nd slokam 

meaning: the lord sriman naaraayaNan is 
bhEshajam - the medicine and bhishak - the doctor. 

We are also familiar with the slOkam in the dhvaadhasa naama panjara sthOthram 
at the concluding portions of sree vishNu sahsra naamam -

"achythaanantha gOvindha naamOchchaaraNa bhEshajaath
nasyanthi sakalaa rOgaa: sathyam sathyam vadhaami aham

meaning: when I say or utter the naamaas - viz- names - achyutha, anantha, 
gOvindha, these crush all the diseases or destroy all diseases -viz - 
thesethree naamaas are the medicines. This is sathyam truth, truth and nothing 
but truth I say. 

In the same sthOthram another slOkam says -
oushadham jaahnavee thOyam vaidhyO naaraayaNo hari:  

meaning: the medicine is the water of ganga and the doctor is hari, 

All these establish beyond doubt that sreeman naaraayaNan is the doctor andthe 
medicine for all ills. For nammaazhvaar kaNNan is the medicine - see paasuram

marundhE nangal bOga magizhchchikku enRu 
perum dhEvar kuzhaangaL pidhaRRum piraan
karum dhEvan emmaan kaNNan viNNulagam
tharum dhEvanaichchOrEl kaNdaai manamE - 9-3-1 - thiruvaaimozhi

"karum dhEvan emmaan kaNNan marundhE" - the black god and my uncle kaNNan, that 
krishNa - the shyaama sundhara - is THE medicine. Please note the eKaaram - 
which shows that assertion. 

We also have another reference from same nammaazhvaar - for that love on that 
krishNa the medicine is the words which praise the feet of that lord krishNa - 

madhuvaar thuzhaai mudi maayap piraan kazhal vaazhththinaal
adhuvE ivaL uRRa nOikkum arumarundhaagumE - 4-6-2 thiruvaaimozhi

In moonRaam thiruvandhaathi - another aazhvaar - pEi aazhvaar says 
- the feet are the medicine, of the lord who measured this world - 'ulagam 

marundhum poruLum amudhamum thaanE
thirundhiya sengaN maal aangE - porunthiyum 
ninRu ulagam uNdu umizhnthum neer ERRum moovadiyaal
anRu ulagam thaayOn adi - 4th paasuram

See anRu ulagam thaayOn adi marundhum poruLum amudhamum thaanE - the feet are 
not only medicine, but also poruL - the wealth, amudham - the nectar to drink. 
This word thaayOn - is another special [- on that we will have a separate write 

Ok. Agreed. My krishNa - he is the doctor, his name is the medicine, his feet 
are the medicine, wealth etc etc. 

But a person claims "the beauty" "ramaNeeyathaa" - is the medicine. Of what? 

Before that - Is beauty a medicine to cure for ills, if not all at least for a 
few? This is a question lingering in my mind and I want to discuss withyou all. 
I feel the answer is difficult to give out. 

First let us take a 'YES' answer. because "think positive" that itself cures to 
some extent. The doctors many a times advise the patient to go to a hilly 
resort or some such place, for, perhaps the change in environment helpsto cure. 
The natural beauty there, the fresh air, new surroundings etc helps the patient 
to recover largely. So the 'beautiful face of mother earth' in the form of 
'nature' helps in curing the ills.

Now let us take the 'NO' answer. Many a times we see beauties even in 
urbansurroundings or even in village outings, like 
*       beautiful young children, 
*       blossoming flowers, 
*       nice paintings, 
*       nicely constructed buildings, 
*       the beautiful sunrise and sunset, 
*       good music etc. 

But I do not think these any way help in curing the ills in urban or even 
village surroundings. If they are really curing, why we have so many hospitals 
and clinics plus umpteen number of medical representatives hanging around with 
large stuffed bags selling all kinds of medicines. 

One more reason comes to mind - May be that because we see them quite 
oftenthese do not serve as a medicine. Or to put it in other way, perhaps 
seeing these quite often itself is a reason for the ill. So is beauty a real 

It is difficult to judge. So we have to consult experts. 
What the experts have to say on this. 
That we will see in next post considering the length of this one.


Vasudevan m.g.

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