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Sri Parthasarathi thunai
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha

SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam
Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramyajAmataram munim

Did perumal succeed fully in his avatara mission? No. Perumal wasn?t able to 
correct people totally. Sri Rama piran says, ?These people consider me to be a 
man equal to them and cease to accept my supremacy?. Piratti advised ravana, 
she tried to even threaten him but he never got down fromhis stands. Then 
perumal sent hanuman to advise him but again it didn?twork. Vibheeshana tried 
correcting ravana, as a result he was chucked outof lanka. Inspite of all these 
perumal never got angry with ravana he says, ?vibheeshanO vA sugreeva yathivA 
rAvana svayam? (Oh sugreeva bring not only vibheeshana to my feet, even if 
ravana changes mind and comes then get him immediately to me). Perumal due to 
his divine krupai waited even for ravana to change. Even at the last moment 
during the war perumal says, ?endru pOi nAlai vA? to give ravana more time to 
think and change mind and surrender to him. Inspite of that ravana refused to 
change and hence perumal had to kill him.

Then perumal returned back half mindedly to Srivaikundam. He once again took 
avatar as Krishna. Again kamsa and sisupala considered perumal to be their 
rival. Perumal laments in bhagavat gita saying, ?avajAnanthi mAm moodhA:? 
(these stupid fools never understand me) and till the end Krishna was not able 
to find a single person who considered emperumAn as everything ?vAsudEva 
sarvamithi sa mahAtma su durlabhaha:? So with an heavy hearthe returned back to 
his divine abode.

The next day after perumal going back to his divine abode kali started and on 
the 43th day of kali the great mahan, Sri saTakOpar took avatar. Our acharyas 
with great feeling say, ?What a pity. Couldn?t have Krishna gone 43 days later 
or nammAzhvar taken birth earlier?? Krishna wanted to see a mahan who 
considered vasudeva to be everything and nammAzhvar lived accordingly (?vunnum 
sOru parugum neer thinnum vettrilai ellAm kannan?). Again azhvar did change the 
world with his paasurams but was more involved in his own anubhavams but not 
able to reach the masses. So perumal again due to his love and affection to one 
and all sent the acharyas to this world. These acharyas are only capable to 
correct this world and take the jeevatmas in the right way. That is why 
nammAzhvar says, ?kaliyum kedum kandukonmin kadalvAnnan bhoodhangal manmEl?.

How can these acharyas correct the people who will not listen even to 
emperuman, the sarva shakthan. Our acharyas say, the power of thatva darshi 
vAkhyam is more than even the thatva vyAkhyam. Emperuman is the thatvam and the 
azhvars and acharyas are those who have realized the supremacy and soulabhyam 
of emperuman (thatva darshis). If one says, consider me to be supreme we refuse 
to do so. But some other person comes and says he is very superior, he has all 
divine qualities we accept.

There is one excellent legend in the life history of Sri ramanuja. Ethirajar 
went to thirukurungudi to have darshan of nambi. Nambi welcomed ramanuja and 
slowly asked him, ?I have been having a doubt for long. I have taken many 
avatars myself and have tried to change this world but failed but how come you 
have done the same in such a short span of time?? Sri Ramanujar told perumal 
that he would answer his question only if perumal gave hima seat of an acharya 
and nambi became his shisya. Nambi, very eager to know the answer did the same 
and ethirajar told him the dvayam and said only due to the power of this 
manthra I have succeeded in my mission. I can recite the dvayam and gain power 
but you cannot do the same. Such is the greatness of the acharyas.

But then why didn?t the acharyas convert every soul in this world to 
Our acharyas, surely have the power but the unfortunate part is we have more 
power to say a reason and escape from them. When food is served if we refuse to 
eat and lock us up in a room then what can be done? Our acharyas do shower 
their grace on one and all but we make it a point not to even go near them. 
Mamunigal says how he spent the days earlier, (more apt for people like us)

Arthi prabhandham-28

?pandu palavAriyarum pArulagOr uyyap
parivudanE seitharulum palakalaikal thammai
kandathellAm ezhudhi yavai kattrirundhum pirarkku
kAdhaludan karpiththum kAlaththai kazhiththEn
pundareeka kElvanurai ponnulagu thannil
pOga ninaiondru mindri porundhi engE errundhEn
endisaiyum Eththum ethirAsar arulAlE
ezhil visumbhai yandri eppOdu en manam ennAdhE?

Meaning: Many mahans have given a lot of great works for the upliftment of the 
masses. Earlier I misinterpreted them and wrote what all came to my mind and 
taught it to others also with great vigor. I never had the idea of leaving this 
world and reaching the divine feet of emperuman. I consideredmyself to stay 
permanently here. But now due to the divine grace of ethirajar my mind never 
thinks anything other than reaching the divine abode of emperuman.

After realizing that the divine abode is assured to us due to the grace of 
acharya and perumal then next thing we do is to start hating this world. So now 
the emperuman blesses us with one another thing to make our stay in this world 
cherishable. What is that?

Let us see in the next posting.

(To be continued)

Alwar EmperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharanam

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai
Sumithra Varadarajan



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