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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00050 Nov 2002

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha
Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha

SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam
Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramya jAmataram munim

RamyajAmAtru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA
ThathAyath thAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE


5. After the kalashepam, swamy blessed the disciples with his sripAda 
theertham. When the time for thiruvArAdhanam to aranganagarappan came, swamy 
did thiruvArAdhanam and offered fruits, a lot of prasadam along with pAyasam (a 
grand meal) to perumal and then according to the procedures of his acharya, did 
sattrumurai (completion of pooja).

6. Swamy then distributed the perumal theertham to all and did bhagavata 
dhadheeyArAdhanam and accepted some prasadam himself. Then swamy stood in front 
of perumal with folded hands and recited the manthra ratnam. As per the verse, 
?gurO: pAdhAmbhuja dyAyEth gurOr nAma sadhA jabhEth? swamy mentally always 
meditated on the divine feet of his acharya and always kept saying, ?Jeeyer 
thiruvadigalE sharanam? and there by remained for many years.

7. Swamy then delivered kalashepam on Sri Ramanayana and also continued 
hissannadhi kainkaryams without any shortcomings. In his leisure time, 
swamysimilar to his acharya, mAmunigal discussed many sath vishayams with 
elders and other srivaishnavas interested in bhagavat vishayam. Swamy used to 
tell them a number of interesting vishesha arthas and words of 
poorvacharyasduring those discussions.

8. Meanwhile, one fine day the topic of discussion happened to be about 
bhAgavata prAvanyam. Swamy immediately remembered the thirukkOloor 
vriththAntham in the life history of Sri ethirajar and told it to the collected 
bhagavatas as follows:

When emperumAnAr visited thirukkOloor, he met a lady on the way, who payed her 
obeisance to emperumAnAr. Ethirajar asked the lady, ?Oh! Lady From where are 
you coming?? The lady promptly replied, ?I started my journey from 
thirukkOloor? EmperumAnAr shocked with the reply said, ?How is that the place 
where everyone has to go and settle became the place for you tostart from? 
Shouldn?t you stay in thirukkOloor even if you have to share a single dress 
with 7 others and get only a few vegetables or fruits to eat?? As per alwar?s 
words, ?thinna ennilamAn pugumoor? thirukkOloor is the place of refuge for 
everyone? The intelligent lady replied in the form of 82 questions, which 
showed her great knowledge in puranas, itihasas, guru paramparai and in 
sampradaya vishayams. We will just see a sampleof 10 questions and reserve the 
whole lot for a separate posting since it is a very very interesting topic to 
elaborate on.

ThirukkOloor ammal?s reply:
Adiyen nAyindhE! NAyindhE! (I am right over here at your service)

1. Did I say I would bring him like akroora?
2. Have I shed my ego like vidhura?
3. Did I leave my body like the rishi pathni?
4. Did I curse dashamukan like piratti?
5. Did I wake a corpse like thondaimAn?
6. Did I serve a treat of deadbody like kandAkarnan?
7. Did I take the part of a mother like anasooya?
8. Did I ask where my father was? like druvan?
9. Did I utter the three letters like kshatrabhandu?
10. Did I get the first step like akalya?

And thus the questions continue. Finally thirukkOloor ammal ended saying that I 
do not possess the greatness of any of the above so what difference does it 
make whether I stay in thirkkOloor or elsewhere? I am like the remains of a 
rabbit, it never matters whether I am in the field or outside. You continue 
your journey and go and do mangalasasanam to vaiththamAnidhi andmadurakavigal 
so that they celebrate nithyOtsava, pakshOtsava, mAsOtsava, samvatsarOtsava 
without any hinderence forever. Highly pleased with the reply of the lady 
ethirajar visited her house and asked her to cook and ate the food made by her. 
He also blessed her with his SripAda theertham and prasAdam. In this way my 
paramAcharya, Sri ThiruvAimozhi pillai used to say and enjoy line by line, the 
greatness of the intelligent bhagavatai?s words.  

Saying all these to his shisyas, vanamamalai Jeeyer swamy spent his daytime.

We will see the evening anushtanams of swamy in the next posting and also his 

(To be continued)

Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen Ramanuja dasyai
Sumithra Varadarajan

P.S: The earlier postings have been archived at


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