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bhUtAtmA (star-aSwini)

bhUtAnAm AtmA = The Atma (soul) of all bhUtAs (beings)

pASuram : Periya Tirumozhi : 2-9-1 (Tirumangai ALwAr TiruvaDigaLE SaraNam)

samanvayam with pASuram : We are all existing (all of this is existing) just 
because, He exists as our Atma (our indweller). So, He is the bhUtAtmA.

pASuram :

Solluvan Sol poruL tAnavai yAi

He having become the Sabdam (vEdAs) and their substance (their inner meaning).

cchuvai yArolinAttamum tOttamumAi

He is (having become) the senses of taste, touch, sound, smell, sight and their 
inner controller.

nal aran nAraN nAnmukanukku,

(To) The nArAyaNa who is the inner self of Brahma & Rudra

iDandAn taDam SUzhndazhkAya kacchi

residing in Kanchi surrounded by the beautiful lotus ponds.

pallavan villavanenru ulakil | palavAi ppalavEndar vaNangu

kazhal pallavan | mallaiyar kOn paNinda | paramEcchura viNNagaramaduvE

The great Mallaiyar king, pallavan, the great bow wielder to whom other kings 
offer homage - offers worship here in the temple of TiruviNNagaram.

Detailed Interpretation :

1) Having become the vEdAs and their substance :

Sabdam is getting its power due to the presence of nArAyaNa as its antaryAmi. 
It is getting its meaning (its giving meaning) purely due to the presence of 
nArAyaNa in it.

2) (Having become) the senses of taste, touch, sound, smell, sight (their inner 
controller) :

Water gets its taste, wind gets its touch, sounds reverberate thru the sky (sky 
carries sound), earth gets its smell only because of the presence of nArAyaNa 
as their antaryAmi.

3) (To) the nArAyaNa who is the inner self of Brahma & Rudra : 

Rudra is having the power to destroy and Brahma is having the capability to 
create due to the presence of nArAyaNa as their inner controller.

So everything/everyone gets their dharmAs due to their having that nArAyaNa as 
their inner self. Their svarUpam is sustained purely for the same reason.

For this simple reason, the supreme SrIman nArAyaNa is known as the bhUtAtmA.

4) He resides in the beautiful TiruviNNagaram :

If you are desirous of serving that Lord who is the AtmA of all, come and offer 
worship to Him at this TiruviNNagaram.

What is the speciality of this TiruviNNagaram?.

5) It is surrounded by beautiful lotus ponds :

The love of His devotees has taken the form of these beautiful ponds. As, He is 
easily conquered by love, He resides in this TiruviNNagaram amidst these tanks.

6) The great Mallaiyar king, pallavan, the great bow wielder to whom other 
kings offer homage - offers worship here in the temple of TiruviNNagaram :

The great king pallavan worships the Lord at TiruviNNagaram considering himself 
as an eternal servent to that Lord. He is already a great bow wielder. But, his 
greatness has reached unconquerable heights due to this thought He cherishes 
and the loving service He does to the Lord at TiruviNNagaram.

All other kings there, serve that great pallavan king being totally egoless. 
All of these great souls have surrendered themselves to that great bhAgavatA.

Imagine, how can things like ego & pride reside in such a place where great men 
serve the Lord & His devotees lovingly with all their humility?. There is 
absolutely no room for the feeling 'I am Brahma'.

All these great men have realized that their fame, power, wealth, their 
capabilities etc are not their own earnings. All these glories are purely due 
to His presence in them as their inner controller.

That supreme Lord nArAyaNa resides happily, only in such a place, isn't it?.

Summary :

Even though that supreme Lord exists in all as their inner self, He does not 
reveal Himself to those who consider themselves as Brahma.

He will show His divine form only to those who serve Him lovingly, leaving 
aside all their ego. Such people develop all the noble qualities by His grace 
and become worshippable to others.

The heart of such a devoted person is this TiruviNNagaram. That heart has 
realized the fact of the Lord being the bhUtAtmA and thus is fully pure. Thus 
the Lord resides happily in that TiruviNNagaram clearly revealing the 
indisputable fact that He is in actuality the supreme inner self of all. The 
love in that heart is the beautiful pond overflowing with pure cool water & 
fully blossomed lotuses, ready to be offered in worship to the Lord.

Jai Sriman Narayana

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