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Srimathe Ramanujaya nama:

Dear Sri Ranganathan,
Humble pranams to you. I would like to say a few things
wrt Einstein's comment. If you do not know in what context he made
it will lead you somewhereelse(as you're now comparing with Sri 
Ramanuja's statement). As already mentioned,since QT deals with 
probabilities,Einstein's contention was that QT can't be the true 
representation of physical reality. There are "hidden-variables
(causes)" at sub-quantum level,which would give a precise description 
of these probabilistic quantities. Sometimes these guys(who favored 
hidden-variable theory)were termed as hidden-variable physicists.
It's not that easy to find what these hidden causes are. 

To favor Einstein,there is something called Turbulence in 
Fluid Dynamics. Turbulence is to do with the fluid flow itself(how a 
fluid flow behaves or evolves as a function of time). Initially it's 
random,chaotic(there are different types of models to solve the 
problem,one is using the statistical averages)but once the flow is 
"fully-developed" there is an order underlying that turbulent flow. 
Anyway these things require some background.

Just because you/we don't understand certain things,that 
does not negate or question the "very" existence of certain things.
There is a reason for LIla vibhUti also. I have a very fundamental 
question regarding the "undifferentiated state" with paramAtma/atma 
co-existing but people may get offended by the question. So I just 
keep it to myself and go back and forth between Bhagavad Gita and the 
Lord in trying to understand. 

Just rememeber that scientists study at the level of matter. 
Mind is beyond matter. God is above the level of mind. First we have 
to understand our own minds,then that of God. In the case of gambling 
roulette, we customers don't know or have any mathematical model(one 
mathematician called von Neumann developed a model for game theory 
which is used widely),and that's why we lose money. Not that the 
gambling centre owner wins(everytime) a lot,relatively he would make 
more money(based on probable outcomes) than the customers. Sakuni 
mama was an expert gambler,knew the outcome(could predict),that's how 
he cheats! 

Biologists may find one day how brain functions as a 
mechanical device(even that I doubt it,right now they don't have cure 
for third-stage cancer patients,HIV + and brain tumor,the more 
advanced the technology,the more new diseases will be invented)but 
not how and why it thinks. That would be psychology and not biology. 
Basically biology depends on physics and chemistry.

I don't put/equal SriRamanuja with anyone. For me,he 
stands apart from the rest. Sri Ramanuja assumed the role of SriRama
when it came to making changes in or how to run the society but he 
assumed the role of Sita when it came to "personality". Hope you 
understand what I mean. Einstein was struggling(and successful to a 
fair degree)wrt the first part but not the second. Einstein was 
supposedly an advocate of vegetarianism but I don't think he followed 
it. Food also influences the mind(the way one thinks).

In short Sri Ramanuja and Einstein are not in the 
same "physical/mental/spiritual" plane to compare the two statements. 
If physicists had started from God,by this time they would have 
unfolded the matter but they went in the opposite direction. So they 
may(will) not come near the truth. Understanding of God implies 
understanding of matter but the converse is not true!

WHatever I have said is based on my small circle of experiences,so 
pardon me if any wrong message is conveyed.

Quote: I want to know how God created the world. I am not interested
in this or that phenomenon,in the spectrum of this or that element. 
I want to know His thoughts;rest are details. - Albert Einstein 

AzhvAr EmperumAnAr Jeeyar TiruvadigaLE saraNam

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