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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00138 Oct 2002

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai
Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha
Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha
Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha

SrisailEsa dayA pAthram deebhakthyAdhi gunArnavam
Yateendra pravanam vandhE ramya jAmataram munim

RamyajAmAtru yOgeendra pAdha rEkhA mayam sadhA
ThathAyath thAthma sadhdhAthim rAmAnuja munim bhajE

On reaching Srirangam, VanamAmalai Jeeyer bathed in the sacred kaveri 
river(?gangaiyil punithamAya kaviri?), changed clothes adorned himself withthe 
dvadasa urdhva pundrams and finished his anushtanams. Meanwhile, periya perumal 
sent uththama nambi, along with his ?uduththukalaintha peedhaga vAdhai?, 
vanamAlai, abhaya hastham and other honors accompanied by manySrivaishnavas and 
chatra samara respects and sound of divine instruments, to welcome Jeeyer.

Seeing the whole lot of Srivaishnavas, vanamamalai Jeeyer wondered if they were 
adiyars of ranganatha or the nithya sooris themselves. Immediately alwar?s 
paasuram, ?van ponnip pErAru pOl varum kannaneer kondu arangan kOil 
thirumuttram sEru sei thondar sEvadi chEru en sennikku anivanE? flashed in 
Jeeyer?s memory and getting deeply involved with the divine arthas of the 
paasuram fell down to prostrate and show his due regards to the crowdof 
Srivaishnavas. The Srivaishnavas happily submitted to swamy all the honors sent 
by namperumal and swamy accepting the same and entered Srirangam.Swamy enjoyed 
the divine beauty of the beautiful gardens, mAda veedhis, palaces and gopurams 
as per the anubhavams of the alwars about this great divya desam and finally 
reached the mutt of his beloved acharya, Sri manavalamAmunigal.

At the entrance swamy did sAshtAnga pranAmam and then went inside to do 
mangalAsAsanam. Swamy prostrated once again in front of the 
thirumalai-Azhvar(the place in which periya jeeyer used to sit and deliver 
kalashepam). Swamy then glanced at the picture, which he himself has installed 
during the renovation of the mutt. The picture, which got to memory the divine 
exoticbeauty of the thirumEni (physic) of Sri Periya Jeeyer swamy. Swamy 
enjoyed and expressed his anubhavam in sweet words to the shisyas near him. 
Swamy?s memory ran to the sweet old days, which he spent, in the very same mutt 
along with his acharya. Then, imagining his acharya to go in front, swamy 
followed him to the nanmuga gopura vAsal and did mangalAsAsanam as before 
starting with ?devi godhA? to Sri andal and then to udaiyavar and azhvar and 
then proceeded to ranganAchiyAr sannadhi.

As per the verse, ?rakshakAm sAparAdhanam AhEduka krupA mayeem I parathanthram 
param pathyu: anyAm seiva vallabhAm? thAyar remained with her divine grace 
showering mercy irrespective of anyone?s umpteen number of mistakes. Having 
darshan of the divine mother, swamy did mangalAsAsanam starting with ?ullAsa 
pallavidha? and ended with ?sriranga raja mahisheem sriyamAsrayAma:? and stood 
reciting the strotras of the poorvAcharyas when Sri ranganAyaki thAyar said, 

?Oh! Jeeyer! You being very close to periya perumal?s heart is very close to me 

Then with great pleasure thAyar blessed Jeeyer with her thiruparivattam, 
thirumAlai and other honors. Accepting them Jeeyer then proceeded towards the 
chandra pushkarini, payed his homage to the divine theertham and proceeded 
inside. Swamy then had the darshan of ranga vimAnam and senai mudaliyAr and 
further proceeded towards the dvajasthambham when namperumal as a welcoming 
note sent his Srisadagopan through the adiyars to swamy. Swamy accepted the 
same with due regards and then went inside. After taking the permission of the 
dvarapAlakars swamy went into the sannadhi and mesmerized by the beauty of the 
divine thirumEni of periya perumal stood inbetween the two divine pillars 
(thirumana thoongal).

(To be continued)

Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen Ramanuja dasyai
Sumithra Varadarajan

P.S: The earlier postings have been archived at


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