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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00065 Aug 2001

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srimathE rAmAnujAya namaha:

Sri-Bhashya expounds the philosophy of Sri Ramanuja in all its essentials.
Every Sri Vaishnava should try to 
learn and teach Sri Bhashyam. (Per the last instructions of Bhagawat Ramanauja)

We are blessed to announce Sri U.Ve. Anantha Narashimhachar's live lectures on
Sri Bhashyam
every 3rd Sunday at 10am CST. (19th August) from SriRangam.

Topic: ``Sri Bhashya '' of Sri Ramanuja.

Date: 3rd Sunday of every month.(60 Min Lecture, 10 Min Q&A) 
Time: 8:00am Pacific/ 10:00am Central / 11:00am Eastern 
Suggested donation: $10

Details of the tele-upanyasam
Date: August 19, 2001
Time: 10 AM CST to 11 AM CST. Q&A: 11 to 11:20
Subject: Sri-Bhashya (English) Suggested donation $10.00

Call the Number below at 10 AM CST.
Conference number: 1-405-244-5555
Access code: 1533# (Please enter # after the 4 digit number)
You can receive a recording of this beautiful and important lecture
for $6 (Incl. S&H) in the US. (send mail to acharyas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
with the title of the Upanyasam.

Participants can donate for the upanyasam at:

Info on Sri-Bhashya:

AzhwAr emberumAnAr Jeeyar thiruvadigalE saranam

adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan
Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi

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