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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,

Dear Bhaktas,

Sriman Rajagopalan Srinivasan Swamin is engaged in the wonderful 
kaimkaryam of copying and distributing upanyasam tapes of the 
Narasimha Avataram by Parama Pada Vasi Sri Mukkur Swami. Adiyen was 
delighted to receive a copy of this set of tapes. Proceeds from the 
sale of these tapes will go towards the Swati Mahayagna trust set up 
in memory of Sri Mukkur Swami to continue the wonderful Swati 
Mahayagna Kaimkaryam for Bhagavan Nrusimha. Adiyen will summarize the 
upanyasam tapes in a multiple part posting and requests Bhagavatas to 
come forward with generous donations for this most noble cause.

Namo Narayana,

SriMuralidhara Dasan

*************Upanyasam Summary**************************************

The upanyasam commences with the rendition of majestic Ghana Patam in 
praise of Bhagavan Nrusimha. Sri Swami goes into ecstasy while 
rendering the padam "Bahubhyam Dhanvani". Sri Swami began by 
saluting his Acharya and stated that the Narasimha Avataram was the 
foremost among all the Avatarams of Lord Narayana. The Avataram took 
place at the Kshetram of Ahobilam, which is adorned by Bhagavan 
Narasimha in the form of the Nava Narasimhas. Swami quoted pramaNams 
from the Vedam to illustrate the exalted position of Bhagavan 
Nrusimha. Rudram for example glorifies Bhagavan Nrusimha in the 
salutation "Trayambakam yajAmahE sugandhim puShti varDhanam 
urvArugamiva BhandanAth mruthyOr mukshIya mAmruthAath" . This mantram 
is known as the Mruthyunjaya Mantram and aptly so since Bhagavan 
Nrusimha is known as "mruthyu mruthyum" (that which spells death for 
death itself). 
Trayambaka is one who has three eyes. In this context, Bhagavan 
Nrusimha has three eyes which are eulogized in the Nrusimha TapanIya 
Upanishad of the AtharvaNa vedam. Specifically, the right eye of 
Bhagavan Nrusimha is Surya (Sun), the left eye is Chandran(moon) and 
the eye in his forehead is Agni. Sri Swami then observed that Swami 
Desikan glorifies this aspect in the KamasikAshtakam as "TapanEndu 
Agni nayana: tApAna pachinOthuna:" Swami continued that the 18 
puraNas, the itihasas (Ramayana and Mahabharata) are replete with the 
glory of Bhagavan Narasimha. Among Mantrams, the NrusimhAnushtup 
occupies the pride of place. Even in the Tantric form of worship 
practiced in KeraLa, there is nothing greater than the Narasimha 

Sri Swami then elaborated on the significance of the sacred Narasimha 
mantram set to Anushtup meter. Sri Swami observed that this mantram 
containing 32 syllables represents the condensed essence of the 32 
Brahma vidyas (which prescribe upasanas for attaining Lord Narayana). 
Properly practice of even one of the 32 Brahma vidyas is impossible. 
Whereas, the prayogam of the Nrusimha Anushtup Mantram learnt through 
upadesham from a qualified Acharya confers the benefit of properly 
practicing all the 32 Brahma vidyas. Therefore, it is the favored 
mantram of Mumukshus (those anxious to get Moksham). 
(As a side note: U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin remarks that 
H.H. Devanarvilagam Azhagiya Singar, the 43 Jeeyar Swami of Ahobila 
Matham was so fond of Bhagavan Narasimha that he changed the 100th 
verse of the Daya Shatakam to read "mukthAnuBhUthimiha dhAsyathi Me 
The status of the Nrusimha Mantram is so elevated that it cannot be 
nullified by the utterance of any other mantram (i.e., the effect of 
uttering some mantrams can be counteracted by uttering other 
mantrams. However, the effects from uttering the powerful Narasimha 
mantram cannot be counteracted by any other mantram.) Therefore, it 
occupies the pride of place among mantrams. 

Sri Swami continued:
Ahirbudhyan, an Amsham of Shiva-the Parama Bhagavata (foremost Bhakta 
of Lord Narayana-"VaishNavasya Shambu:") has blessed us with a 
majestic Stuthi known as the Mantrarajapada Stothram in the 
Ahirbudhnya Samhita, an important text of the Pancharata Agama. In 
this Stuthi, Ahirbudhnyan elaborates on the individual Padams 
contained in the Narasimha anushtup Mantram. Specifically verses 1-9 
of this Stothram elaborate upon the 9 Padams of the Narasimha 
anushtup Mantram, while verses 10 and 11 contain the formal 
SharaNagati of Ahirbudhnyan to the lotus feet of Bhagavan JwAla 
Nrusimhar. Consequently, Swami Desikan salutes Ahirbudhyan in the 
Rahasya trayasAram as "Sarvajnyan Ahirbudhyan". Swami then referred 
to the tributes of various Azhwars to Bhagavan Nrusimha.

Therefore, it is not possible for ordinary people to perform nithya 
Aradhanam to Bhagavan Narasimha of such an extraordinary greatness. 
Only pre-eminent Aradhakas like the Jeeyar Swamis of Ahobila Matham 
are endowed with the jnAnam and anushtAnam to undertake this task.

To be continued

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