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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00062 Aug 2002

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In the amara koSa vyAkhyAnam of li'ngayasUrin, the word nAstikah is explained 
as "nAsti para loka iti matir-yasya sah nAstikah". M.Monier-Williams gives the 
samskRt words for "athiest" as "nAstikah, deva-nindakah, and anISvara-vAdI". 
Vaman Apte also gives the equivalents for "atheist" as "nAstkah, an-ISvara 
vAdin, nir-ISvarah". The samskRt word for "atheism" he gives is "ISvara nindA". 
The samskRt words for "theism" are given by Apte as "ISvara vAdah, Astikaya 
vAdah", and for theist as ISvara vAdin. Prof. A. A. Ramanathan has given the 
translation for the word "Astika" as "full of faith (in god)". 
For "agnostic", Vaman Apte gives the samskRt equivalent as "anISvara-nirISvara 
I have not been following the thread on this discussion, but hope the above 
information will be useful.

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