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This is the second posting on the vaibhavam of Srimath
Thembarai Andavan Ranganatha Maha Desikan. More
postings to follow after this.

Srimath Andavan Thiruvadi
Venkat Sreenivasan



In the year 1908, swAmi was married to Srimathi
Vijayavalli Ammal who was the seemantha puthree of
sAkkai nallAn chakravarthi Sri U.Ve. Srinivasa
dEsikAchariar swAmi. Immediately after the marriage,
swAmi took the VaisvadEva upadEsam from his paternal
uncle(younger brother of his father), Maha vidwAn
Brahmanidhi Sri. U.Ve. RamabhadrAchAr swAmi. During
his GruhasthAsramA, swAmi observed panca kAla
anushtAnams in an austere and rigorous way. 

Full responsibility of taking care of the family fell
on swAmi after the passing away of his father in 1912.
Due to insistence of his friends and well wishers,
swAmi undertook sanchAram to southern tamilnadu and
kEralA. First he went to Ettayapuram and received
sambhAvanA in Raja sadas. From there, swAmi went to
vAnamAmalai and was well supported by Jeer Bhattar
piran swAmi. Later he went to Thiruvananthapuram and
was honored by ThiruvthAngur mahArAjA . On his way
back , swAmi also visted kochi samasthAnam and
received sambhAvanA from rAja sadas. 

SwAmi returned back to MannArgudi and served as an
examiner in a vidwat sadas set up by Sri satakOpa
mudaliar. Later, swAmi served as a religious teacher
in a national high school. His duty was to teach
religious lessons to the students from different
classes. His daily routine at the school would start
around 10 in the morning when swAmi would recite a
slokA from swAmi dEsikan?s sthothrAs in a melliflous
tone in front of the assembly. One of His students
recollected swAmi?s favorite slokA being ?sEvE dEvi?
from swAmi dEsikan?s Sri Sthuthi. During this time
swAmi served as an examiner for sanskrit competitions
conducted Sri kanchi kAmakOti matam. Sri SankarAchArya
(paramAchAryA) had utmost respect for swAmi?s

SwAmi followed Sriman nigamAntha mahA dEsikan in
observing ?Unccha vrutthi?. In MannArgudi, our swAmi
and Navalpakkam swAmi used to observe ?unccha vrutthi?
in carrying out their day-to-day life. Such was the
vairAghyam swAmi possessed in renouncement all the
materialistic lifestyle and observance of severe
austerity. SwAmi used to walk very fast reciting swAmi
dEsikan?s sri sookthis while going out for unccha
vrutthi. Only those who were waiting in the streets to
give bhikshA to swAmi could do so. Such was the
greatness of swAmi that people considered themselves
to be fortunate to offer bhikshA to him. Due to this,
only a few could give it to him. SwAmi out of his
compassion to bhagavathAs would however not disappoint
those who could not give bhikshA to him, but would
take a few grains from them to keep them happy. SwAmi
performed unccha vrutthi even during later days when
he was undergoing kAlakshEpams under Srimath


Because of Srimath Andavan thiruvadi sambhandam his
parampara had for generations, swAmi decided to go to
Vaduvoor from Mannargudi to perform kainkaryams for
Srimath NammAndavan. SwAmi underwent grantha
chathushtya kAlakshEpams under Srimath NammAndavan. In
the kAlakshEpa goshti, swAmi used to listen to
kAlakshEpam with rapt attention and full
concentration. SwAmi being an astute and a keen
learner would grasp the most difficult purports and
inner meanings of granthams very first time he
listened to them. 

Srimath NammAndavan performed panca samskAram to swAmi
in his younger days and later performed bhara
samarpanam at the lotus feet of vaduvoor chakravarthi
thirumagan(Lord Sri Rama). Having observed swAmi?s
satva gunAs, sraddhA,vairAghyam,intelligence and wide
knowledge of sAstrAs, Srimath NammAndavan ordained him
to take up sanyAsam. But our swAmi prayed to His
Holiness that he was unfit to take up the holy ascetic
order for the asramam and hence continued with his

Whenever swAmi had a chance to share the extensive
sAstraic knowledge he possessed, he would do so
cheerfully by participating in vidwat sadas and by
talking to individuals who had doubts on our siddanthA
or any religious matters. SwAmi?s upanyasams were
widely accepted as pramAnAs. In the year 1922, in
Mannargudi, Sri Ramanaya upanyasam of swAmi was
arranged by Sri. U.Ve. vidwAn Rona swAmi Iyengar and
Sri. U.Ve. KrishnamAchAriAr which went on for over two

While swAmi was undertaking kAlakshEpams from His
Holiness Srimath NammAndavan during Srimath Andavan?s
sanchAram and in Srirangam, Srimath Andavan adorned
ThirunAdu unexpectedly in Kanchipuram. Srimath Akkur
Andavan succeeded NammAndavan to adorn the AchArya
peetam. Thembarai swAmi continued his kAlakshEpams
under Srimath Akkur Andavan.

(To be Continued....)

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