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Dear VedAbhimAnis :

Earlier this year , 32 VedAbhimAnis from overseas 
and few from India came forward to support a very 
important Kaimkaryam : The Publication of the first
of the three volumes of translations on Major Upanishads
following the VisishtAdvaic tradition.The first of the three 
volumes entitled "The Selections from Upanishads was
released at Bangalore by HH SrI Rangapriya Swamy of
the AshtAnga Yoga Vigyana Mandiram on October 30 ,2002.
adiyEn recieved an advance copy of this informative 
monograph few days ago .HH SrI RangapriyA Swamy hs
contributed a nice foreward to the First Volume 
that he relaeased . 

Thanks to all Supporters of this Project
First of all adiyEn wants to thank all the VedAbhimAnis ,
who responded to the call for underwriting the expenses of 
the publication of the three volumes on Upanishads by VedAntha 
VidvAn Dr.NSA Swamy .It is their "stout" help that made us
realize the publication of this First monograph in expeditious 
manner. We shall all be grateful always to Dr.NSA Swamy for
blessing us with the brilliant translations of the selected
Manthrams .It is a wonderful treat for beginners and
advanced students alike. 

A Note of Appreciation of " Upanishads Monographs : Volume I "
(1)The first Volume houses the collection of significant 
manthrAs from all the 15 Upanishads following the VisishtAdvathic
intrepretation by SrI Ranga RaamAnuja Muni of SrIrangam ,
who is known generally a s Upanishad BhAshyakArar.
The choice of the manthrAs chosen from 15 Upanishads attest to
the Scholarship of Dr.NSA Swamy .The smoothness of translation
is admirable. It is not an easy matter to translate abstract
and complex VedAnthic texts in Sanskrit to English or for that matter
in to any other language. This is where Dr.NSA Swamy's 
command of Sanskrit and English as well as his in depth
knowledge of SampradhAyic commnetaries of Upanishads 
and Veda Manthrams comes to the fore. Upanishads are not
just provincial and esoteric scriptures intended for 
a small group.They are indeed scriptures par excellence for 
the World and its people for all times.We have today 
abundant commnetaries on Upanishads in English by Advaitha 
and Dvaita Scholars.Rare indeed are English translations 
and commentaries following the VisishtAdhvaithic darsanam. 
SrI Ranga RaamAnuja Muni created his Sanskrit Commentaries 
on Upanishads following pasages dealing with Upanishads 
in SrI BhAshyam . Dr. NSA Swamy with his own mastery of 
SrI BhAshyam and Swamy NigamAntha MahA Desikan's Sri Sookthis 
has brilliantly translated the commentaries of SrI Ranga 
RaamAnuja Muni. 

We shall always be indebted to Dr.NSA Swamy for helping
aspirants and SaadhakAs at all levels to gain a clearer 
understanding of the purport of major Upanishads that form 
the foundation of Brahma SoothrAs , Bhagavath GeethA and 
Dhivya Prabhandham .

The first volume commences with a brilliant and concise 
introduction to the 14 Upanishads from which the selection
for translation has been made. This is followed by translations of
important manthrAs from each of the 14 Upanishads . A most 
valuable appendix has been added , which provides an index 
of all of the 961 ManthrAs from the above 14 Upanishads.
This is indeed a monumental task .These monographs by 
Dr.NSA Swamy on Upanishads are a must in every one's 
library . 

The Second Monograph on Upanishads
Dr. NSA Swamy is actively at work now on the preparation
of the other two companion monographs: 

(2) A Composite Volume of the principal Upanishaths (viz)., 
Isa , Kena , KaTha Prasna ,Mundaka , MANDookya , TaittirIya , 
MahA NaarAyaNa and SvEtasvatAra containing FULL versions 
with their translations and brief notes on them in English 
following the Sanskrit texts of SrI Ranga RaamAnuja Muni of 
the 16th Century. 

The Third Monograph under preparation
(3) The third monograph would be a full version of
the ChAndhOgya Upanishad belonging to the Saama Vedam 
with English translation and notes thereon based on
SrI Ranga RaamAnuja Muni's commentaries.

The VaishNavA Community is deeply grateful to 
Dr.NSA Swamy for his dedicated kaimkaryam to
help us access these rare VisishtAdhvaithic 
commentaries in an easy to access format.

Samples of Translations from Volume I
adiyEn will conclude this note with two samples 
of Dr.NSA Swamy's translations :

(1) Second Manthram of NaarAyaNatharvasirOpanishath 

" aTa nithyO NaarAyana: , BrahmA NaarAyana: ,
Sivasccha NaarAyaNa: , dhyAvA PriTivyou cha NaarAyaNa:,
Kaalasccha NaarAyana: , Disasccha NaarAYaNa: , 
Urdhavasccha NaarAyaNa : , Adhasccha NaarAyaNa: ,
antharbahisccha NaarAyana: , NaarAyaNa yEvEdham SARVAM 
yahbhUtham yaccha bhavyam , nishkalO niranjanO 
nirviklapO nirAkhyAtha: suddhO dEva yEkO NaarAyaNa: 

na dhvithIyOasthi kascchith , ya yEvam Veda , 
Sa VishNurEva bhavathi Sa VishNurEva Bhavathi,
ya yEthathyajurvEdasirOadhIthE " 

" NaarAyaNa is eternal. BrahmA is NaarAyana (i-e).,
NaarAyaNa is his inner self. ShivA is NaarAyana as
NaarAyaNa is his inner self. Indra is NaarAyaNa as NaarAyaNa 
is his inner self.Time , Directions and inter directions 
are all NaarAyaNa because NaarAyaNa is htier inner self.
Region above and Region below are NaarAyaNa that which is 
within and that which is outside is verily NaarAyaNa as
they have Him as their inner self. All this that is, 
and that was and will be in the future is verily 
NaarAyaNa alone. NaarAyaNa is the One , Non Second
deity , who has no defect , no taint , no change , 
nor any limitations but is ever pure and auspicious.
There is not second entity whosoever (Every thing that 
exists ahs NaarAyaNan alone as their inner self and
there is no entity which has not Him as his inner self).
He who realizes thus becomes similar to VishNu. 
The Yajur Veda Siras ordains like this". 

(2)Selection from ChAndhOgya Upanishad : 8.4.2
tasmAdhvA yEtham sEthum thIrthvAndha: sannandhO bhavathi
viddha: sannaviddhO bhavathyupatApI sannanupatApI bhavathi.
tasmAdhvA yEtham sEthum theethvApi nakthamaharEvAbhinishpadhyathE.
sakrudhvibhAthO hEyvaisha Brahma lOka: 

" Therefore reaching this Sehtu or Ordainer , one being
blind before , overcomes blindness , one who is wounded 
by a weapon overcomes wounds , though one is ill overcomes
illness. Therefore for one , who has crossed SamsAra and
reached this Brahman designated as sEthu even the night
becomes the day. This BrahmalOka is always luminous."

These are just two samples of exquisite translations.
adiYen recommends you to gain access to the other 959
manthrAs culled from the 15 Upanishads .

Our collective namskArams to Dr.NSA Swamy for bringing
the Veda Purushan before our eyes . NamO NaarAyaNAya.

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan 

P.S: The monograph is priced 200 rupees and can be 
acquired from SrIman Anantha Narasimhan Swamy
780 V Main Road , Vijayanagar , Bangalore 560 040
(phone ) 338 3755 .
e-mail: ananth@xxxx 

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