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<japa78@xxxx To: <SriRangaSri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> cc: 
Subject: [SriRangaSri] from mukund 
12/30/02 04:08 

Dear All,

We very often come across these two syllables in our daily life"Acharam"
and "Madi".When we keep ourselves cleen interms of daily abolutions and
having a clear thought on doings things right

are we taking things too far in this "Madi and acharam"

No, it might seem we are taking it too far, but then one must understand
this in the context of (a) who is the person(s) insisting on a
particular 'acharam/madi' (b) the time/circumstances under which such
particular 'acharam/madi' is insisted (c) the person on whom this is
being imposed and (d) the rationale

(a) The age/experience/knowledge /capability is of prime importance. If
a Ahobila Mutt Jeeyar tells that xyz must be observed, then there is no
question of any rationale, time/circumstance etc. This is called in
Yogic language as "Agama". An Agama is defined as a person/entity of
absolute trustworthy authority. No one can question such an authority.
The Vedas are the primary Agamas to give an example.

(b) the time/circumstances : Coming down to the next level, if the
person(s) does not appear to be so much learned, aged, experienced or
does not seem to command authority, then the status vis-a-vis the
time/circumstances alongwith rationale should be considered. Example,
great grandfather/grandfather's who have been doing the basic minimum
requirement of daily Sandhi, who perform without fail the Pitru works
and say who are able to at least chant something of the Divya Prabhandam
or Vishnu Sahasranam or some work, but who are ordinary mortals living a
normal life in general. Such person by their sheer dint of Sandhi/Pitru
works, etc. are eligible to infer and give instructions on
'acharam/madi'. The circumstances may differ and keep on changing. What
has been observed by them in their time compared to what is happening
around in the present time/circumstances may be taken into account. For
instance, in the old days there was no flat/apartment system. Water was
from a river and not stored/rationed. In these days, with rationed
water, the grandmother may insist that say during an upcoming occasion
like Pongal water may be stored after taking bath in a separately washed

(c) The person on whom this is insisted is also to be considered.
Generally children, especially boys who have not yet had the Upanayanam
may be excused for all such 'acharam/madi' issues. However, the
impositions/restrictions if any imposed on any person(s) who is capable,
in full health and with adequate mental capability, then such an
imposition may be adhered otherwise in the former cases ignored. For
instance if an adult is diabetic and or suffers from low blood pressure,
then if someone insists that during "Tarpana" /"Shardha" time he should
be empty stomach, then this stricture may not be valid, such person can
go ahead and have a bare minimum say a cookie, biscuit or coffee or
butter milk or lemon juice or some such satvic consumption may be
indulged in only to ensure that there is enough strength and capacity to
discharge the duty.

(d) Lastly the rationale should form the basis. If all the three factors
above are not enough,then some logical rationale either explained by the
person(s) who imposes or referred in some book, by some authority etc.
may be considered.

or is it a pompus tool for the half baked intellects to build an aura
around themselves?

You are right, there are half-baked intellects, especially in these
matters who make this into a big issue and cause trouble to all around.

Pl clarify.

adeyan ramanuja dasan

thathachar mukund

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