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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //
SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/
SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//
KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /
SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//
SRI RANGA SRI VOL.07 / ISSUE # 10 dated 19th December 2005
So far, 186 Regular issues of SRS have been released apart from 
Special Issues:
27 Issues of Vol. 1
15 Issues of Vol. 2
42 Issues of Vol. 3
35 Issues of Vol. 4
28 Issues of Vol. 5
30 Issues of Vol. 6 and
09 Issues of Vol. 7
Tiruppavai 04
aazhi mazhai 

aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *
aazhiyuL pukku mugandhu kodu aarththERi *
oozhi mudhalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *
paazhiyam^ thOLudaip paRpanaaban kaiyil *
aazhi pOl minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *
thaazhaadhE saarngam udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *
vaazha ulaginil peydhidaay * naangaLum
maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr embaavaay. 

Here is a beautiful and scientific description of how the clouds 
gather waters and shower them on land for the benefit of humanity.

aazhi          circular; ocean-like in expansiveness 
mazhai         rain
kaNNaa    Oh! Dear god! 
?       Andal addresses the indwelling (antaryAmi) deity of rain here 
who is KaNNan and NOT parjanaya dEvatai)
?       Uttamur Swami says that due to their intense and inalienable 
attachment to KaNNan, they invoked KaNNan, the Adhyakshan.
?       Another interpretation is that when they desired rain, the 
rain god hastened to them on his own accord and begged to be 
commanded and they did command!

OnRu (m) even a little bit
nee            you

kai karavEl    Don't withhold. The Gopis ask KrishNa not to act like 
the stentorian father who does not readily yield to requests but to 
act like PiraaTTi who out of overflowing compassion is quick to 

aazhiyuL       into the deep oceans
pukku          entering
mugandhu kodu  fetch
aarththu       thunder 
ERi            climb

oozhi          primordial
mudhalvan      First One

Who is "Oozh Mudalvan"?
He is the one who creates, sustains and absorbs (at the time of 
deluge), the 7 worlds above the Earth, the Earth itself and the 7 
worlds below the Earth. It is thus NOT the proverbial "2x7 =14 
lOkams" as popularly held but the count actually works out to 15!

Nammaazhwaar says that when there was nothing at all (yaadumillaa 
anru), it is He (Sriman Narayana) who gave birth to one and all 
including the celestials (dEvum), the earthly world (ulagum) and the 
four faced Brahma (naan mugan tannODu), breathed life into them (uyir 
paDaithaan)  all along with their respective worlds (dEvar ulagODu).

"Onrum dEvum ulagum uyirum yaadumillaa anru 
naan mugan tannODu dEvar ulagODu uyir paDaithaan"

uruvam pOl     like the form
mEy            body
kaRuththu      become black 
?       The color black is always associated with mercy, compassion 
?       "mega syaamam" is the color of the Lord

paazhi         great
am             beautiful

thOL          Beautiful shoulders: Did not Kamban say "thOle kaNDaar 
thOLE kanDaar?

udai           with these
paRpanaaban    the one who has a lotus navel, Lord Vishnu (Sanskrit: 

Why Padmanabhan?
When a son is born to a majestic emperor after a long time, his sheer 
majesty would not let him demonstrate his happiness. But, his 
friends, relatives and servants would dance with joy and exhibit 
their happiness. Brahma was born to the Lord after a whole Kalpa. In 
his majesty, the Lord did not reveal his joy. But, Chakrath azhwar 
held in his hand shone with a never before brilliance, thus 
demonstrating his joy on his master's progeny.

kaiyil         in that person's hand: 
When the Sudarsana Chakram was out of Lord's hands and was in the air 
it did not shine. Jayadratan had to be killed before sunset. When it 
left the hands of the Lord during Mahaabhaarata war for hiding the 
Sun, it resulted in an enveloping darkness. Thinking that the Sun had 
set, Jayadratan came out from his safe haven. And, when the discus 
came back into the hands of the Lord, everyone realized that the Sun 
had not set as yet. And, Jayadratan got killed. 

aazhi pOl      like the discus 
minni          shine 

valamburi pOl  like the conch
It may be noted that Andal refers to the Conch in several contexts in 
Tiruppavai itself (e.g) 
        "valampuri pOle" in this 4th verse
        "veLLai viLi sangin" in the 6th verse
        "sangoDu Chakkaram yEndum taDakkaiyan" in the14th verse 
        "paalanna vaNNathu unn paancha janniyamE"  in the 26th verse.
She devotes a whole decad (7th  decad) in her Nachiyaar Tirumozhi 
(NT) where she addresses the Conch variously as "aazhi veNN 
sangE', "narr sangE", perum sangE', "valam puriyE", "paancha 
janniyamE", "Sangaiayyaa" etc. in "Karpooram naarumO, kamalappoo 

ninRu          residing

adhirndhu      resound (the sound of blowing a conch) 
?       The sound of the conch brought joy to the hearts of the 
faithful and instilled fear in the hearts of the foes.
?        Unlike in that war when the conch was blown once and then 
stopped, Andal asks the thunder to sound incessantly.
thaazhaadhE    without tarrying, instantly. 
?       Unlike Devatantaras, the Lord does not hasten to bestow boons 
?       She seems to have a dig at the Lord who delayed succor on 
three occasions previously and suffered remorse (NirvEdam) later.
1.      GajEndra
2.      Draupadi
3.      VibheeshaNa

Andal says that there is no need for testing their eligibility and so 
pleads with the Lord not to put them to test and delay His granting 
His grace.

saarngam       Lord Vishnu's bow
udhaiththa     shoot forth (lit. kicked)

saramazhai pOl like the shower of arrows. 
?       Sri Rama and Arjuna are known as the greatest archers. But, 
the difference is that when Sri Rama sends out one arrow, it 
multiplies itself and returns to his quiver only after destroying the 
?       Andal asks the Lord to shower His blessings unceasingly and 
multifold like Sri Rama's bow ("Sarangam" is probably the same 
as "KodaNdam") and Not like Arjuna's "GaaNDeepam" bow.

Rain bearing clouds have 4 attributes: Blackness, Lightning, Thunder, 
Showers. Andal has brought out all these in this Pasuram

Mei karuthu: The dark black color reminds the color of the Lord
aazhipOl minni: reminds of the brightness of the Lord's disc
valamburipOl ninradirndu: Thunder reminds of the shrill sound of the 
Conch and
saramazhai pOl: rerminds of the mighty bow of the Lord

vaazha         flourish, prosper
Unlike when the rains lashed in trying to destroy the citizens and 
livestock of the Gopas out of anger, Andal asks that the rains now 
prayed for should be benevolent and help them flourish. She prays for 
torrential rains but not the destructive ones.

ulaginil       in this world
pEydhidaay     rain!
naangaLum      we too
maargazhi neeraada: bathing during margazhi 
magizhndhu     will be happy, exult
The letter "zha" is peculiar to the Tamil language. Andal uses the 
same 11 times in this Pasuram thus:
Aazhi,  mazhai, aazhiyuL, oozhi, paazhiyam, aazhi pOl, thaazhaadhE, 
saramazhai, vaazha, maargazhi, magizhndhElOr

There are several similarities (Saamyam) between Clouds and Acharyas:

1.      Clouds absorb salt waters from the Ocean and convert them 
into potable drinking water. Acharyas absorb the hard-to-understand 
nuances and explain the esoteric significance of the Saastras to the 
understanding of lay ignorant folk

2.      Clouds move from place to place to yield rains. Acharyas also 
move from place to place to convey their message.

3.      Clouds when they yield rains do not do so expecting any 
returns for benefits conferred. Acharyas do not expect any rewards 
for their teachings. What Sishyas offer to Acharyas is nothing but a 
token of their gratitude and not to recompense them for their efforts 
to teach them.

4.      The Achaarya is expected NOT to demand anything, even under 
the pretext of Bhagavad, Bhaagavata, Achaarya Kaimkaryams. It is the 
duty of Sishyas to offer (to their Achaaryaas) to their utmost 
capacity without being asked to do so.

5.      When anything is offered by the Sishyas the Achaarya is 
expected to satisfy himself that the offer is not done with any 
ulterior motives. And, ONLY AFTER satisfying himself in this regard, 
he may accept the offer and as `Bhagavad Prasaadam". 
(I have seen Srimad Andavanm, Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, 
Srirangam doing this).

6.      If the clouds do not yield rains on time, there will be 
drought and famine. If Acharyas do not impart their instructions, it 
will ensue in moral degradation.

P.B.  Annangarachariar's Nirvaham:
?       PerumaaL: is like the Ocean where there is "water, water 
everywhere but no water to drink!"
?       Nammaazhwar: is like the rain bearing clouds that absorb 
water and convert them into pure water
?       Daya: is like the downpour of pure rain water
?       Nathamunigal: is like the huge mountain on which the 
rainwater falls
?       UyaakkoNDaar and MaNakkaal Nambi: are like the twin 
waterfalls carrying the water down.
?       AaLavandaar: is like the fast flowing river carrying this 
?       Emperumaanaar: is like a vast lake, where this water gets 
?       74 Simhaasana Adhipatis: are like as many sluices carrying 
the waters from the lake to the fields.
?       Jivas: are like the fields that benefit ultimately by the 
abovementioned water.

To Continue

"Lord of the rains! 
As the mighty Ocean,
Hide not your munificence,
But, dip deep into the sea
And with thunderclaps,
Ascend the sky,
Dark as the form
Of the ruler of Time,
Let lightning-shafts shine
Like the Discus
In the lissome hand
Of our mighty shouldered
And vibrate 
Like His conch-blast!
As arrows unceasing fly
>From His bow, Saranga,
Come with rain
 This world to revive
And for us to bathe
And rejoice
In the month of Maargazhi,
Oh! My Maidens!"
To Continue 

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