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Dear sri Ramanuja Satagopan,

Both Sri Ramanujacharya and Satakopar ( nammalwar) performed bharanyasam as
indicated in works = sharanagati gadyam and thiruvaimozhi= ahalahillen
pasuram respectively.

Sri Desikar and Pillai lokacharyar's work explain the ritual aspects in
rahasyatraya saram and tattva-trayam respectively. There are more works
such as prapanna parijata, srivachanabhusanam etc.

bharanyasam for direct moksham and not to attain bhaktiyogam is the unique
feature of sri ramanuja sampradayam. This is probably an invention and an
option not provided by other acharyas of any vedantic lineage!!. ( every
other vedantic lineage expects a person to go thru several lives - bahunam
janmanam ante jnanavan maam prapadyate). In fact the support offered by
ahirbudhnya samhita to this effect as an explanation of the "tasman nyasam
esam tapasam atiriktam ahuh" is an excellent third party support by one of
Siva's 11 forms ( Ahirbhudhnya form - supposed to be sattvic). all other
acharyas of vedantic lineage have used the sadvaraka prapatti - or prapatti
to attain bhakti yogam methodology and such an independent support for our
sampradayam is an amazing "peace of mind" giver to sri vaishnava sampradayam
folks. This also means that prior to sri Ramanujacharya some where in
history there was a "secret" doctrine of surrender for moksham - devanam
guhyam = ( even a secret among devas).Hence, I wrote earlier that this is
the greatest contribution of Sri Ramanujacharya.

However, prapatti or bharanyasam is both an easy means and a difficult means
(since one has to get mahavishvasam or trust and this trust is not easily
gained - and gained only by anugraham of acharyas and elders and
srimannarayana). One has to be a mumukshu and one has to have tvara -

adiyen Krishna

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