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Dear Sri Venkatakrishnan,

Adiyane inadvertantly missed opening your e-mail until today and
hence I'm extremely sorry for the long delay in replying.

Thank you for your interest in the "Art of Living" series on the life
of Swami Desikan.

You have asked a very pertinent question: How to identify a 'vivEki'
of the world? How does he behave and carry himself? What is his
character? What moves him in life and what does he shun? etc.

If you have read the read the "Art of Living" carefully, you will
recall that the story of Dhruva in the Srimadh Bhagavatham has been
adduced to illustrate the human quality of "vivEkam". The life of
Dhruva is indeed the life of a true 'vivEki'.

Similarly, if you go to the KatOpanishad you will come across the
wonderful story of the child Nachiketas who also was a great
"vivEki". The God of Death, Yama, himself celebrates Nachiketas as a
"vivEki", one whose priorities in life were perfectly ordered and
balanced -- i.e. one who always made sure to pursue the difficult
goal of 'srEyas' in life instead of succumbing, as the rest of common
humankind is wont, to the far more alluring goal of 'prEyas'. 

The examples of Dhruva and Nachiketas in our ancient scriptures have
an important secondary message for us: "vivEkam", the faculty of
right intelligence, right discrimination and right resolution in
life, is not the monopoly of the aged or old. The greatest "vivEki-s"
of Vedantic lore -- Dhruva, Nachiketas, Prahalada --- are mere boys
who outshone the oldest of sages even!

Trust this explains your query.



--- venkata krishnan <venkatakris@xxxx> wrote:
> dear vaishnavates 
> i had chance of reading file ART OF LIVING which is in our
> groups website about life of swami vedanta desikan.he prescribes 9
> steps for moksha ...though author has given examples about each
> step especially first 5 steps ...i want to still clarrify about
> VIVEKAM? arjuna asked lord krishna in geetha an yogi
> will walk ,sleep ,behave am also having doubts about it ..i want
> all intellectual persons of this group to guide me ..pls help me
> in this regard
> regards
> venkiiyyengar
> chennai
> Sri: Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
> Srimathe Srinivasa Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
> Srimathe Vedantha Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
> ----------------------------------
> M.E VLSI design II sem

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