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Dear Sir,

Pardon my temerity in daring to voice a comment in
this highly erudite forum (lowly as I am), but I would
not speak of God in a "lighter vein" at any time (lest
it give people the wrong impression - the plant has to
be nurtured and protected tenderly till it becomes a
mighty tree, strong in its roots), because God always
seems to have a purpose - in this case, 
(i) may be He wanted to remove the misconceptions in
PicchAn's mind about our Azhwars; 
(ii) may be He wanted to illustrate to the world that
He can also be one's bosom friend, "descending" to the
level of having a "worldly" conversation; 
(iii) may He wanted to prove to the world that idols
are not lifeless, and are truly representations of the
Divine [yat BhAvam tad Bhavathi; to misquote
Vivekananda,"Idols (Man, he said) and God are both
circles with one difference: Idols (Men) have infinite
circumference, and center at one point; God has
infinite circumference, and centers at all points"]


Ashok Krishnamurthy

Whatever the reason,
--- "Sudarshan M.K. <sampathkumar_2000@xxxx>"
<sampathkumar_2000@xxxx> wrote:
> --- In SriRangaSri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
> "sadagopaniyengar"
> <sadagopaniyengar@xxxx> wrote:
> > 
> The Lonely Lord
> The Lord is thus left alone most of the time. Thus
> the arcchA samAdhi
> or the absence of interaction with His devotees is a
> source of tedium
> for the Lord.
> > One can endure only so much, and the Lord is no
> exception. When the
> solitude begins to tell on Him, He does open His
> beautiful mouth and
> speak with devotees of His choice, 
> > One day, while carrying out his chore, Picchan
> fell into
> conversation with the Lord, who wanted to draw him
> out and asked him
> what he thought about great people. In a deprecatory
> tone, Picchan
> replied that all great men had their own weaknesses,
> their respective
> Aschilles' heels. Peria Perumal, who found Picchan's
> remarks
> interesting and unusual, providing a welcome change
> from the litany of
> stotras He was fed daily, asked Picchan whether he
> could find any such
> frailty in the Azhwars.
> *********************************
> Dear Sriman Sadagopan Iyengar,
> Very absorbing tale indeed, this encounter between
> PicchAn and PerumAL!
> One may also want to see this encounter between the
> two in an
> altogether lighter vein too. I hope you do not mind
> me sharing it with
> you and other readers.
> The story confirms to us that even in the case of
> the Great Lord, the
> famous dictum, "An idle mind is the devil's
> workshop", truly holds
> good! Here we see "the lonely Lord", in archA form,
> driven by boredom
> and idleness to that bane of all idlers --
> mischievous gossip! It was
> really quite needless of our Lord to solicit
> PicchAn's views on great,
> noble souls like the AzhwAr -- and that too 'behind
> their backs', as
> it were! It was a case of what, in Tamil, is usually
> called "veeN
> vambu pEcchu" -- spicy gossip! After all, poor
> PicchAn was just going
> about quietly minding his own business and see how
> the Lord draws the
> poor fellow out and, within moments, PichAn is
> throwing all caution
> and prudence to the winds and is prattling out
> personal comments on
> the high and mighty of 'bhAgavata' society --
> something which the poor
> man might never have otherwise ventured to do in
> polite society!
> In our 'pUrANic' mythology, it is usually Sage
> Narada, the divine
> 'busybody', who is renowned for his social
> 'activism', going about
> here and there from one 'devata' to another, drawing
> out sly and
> 'juicy' gossip from one and delivering it to
> another... and then when
> things begin to get sufficiently foul between the
> parties concerned,
> quickly leave town! 
> Although certainly not as gossipy or mischievous as
> Narada was known
> to have been, here in the PicchAn case, we see that
> the Lord was not
> entirely immune to a nasty bout of "NaradAnitis"! 
> Thanks for a nice piece. Adiyane enjoyed reading the
> tale.
> Regards,
> dAsan,
> Sudarshan

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