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Dear BhakthAs:

Today we will study the Fifth Paasuram
of Thirumangai Mannan on Lord DhaivanAyakan of
ThiruvahIndhrapuram ( Periya Thirumozhi: 3.1.5):

"Aangu Maavali vELviyil iranthu senRu ahal idam aLanthu, 
aayar poonkodikkina vidai poruthavan idam ponn malar thihazh
kOngu SeNbakak-kombinil kuthi kodu kurukkinam iraitthOdi
tEn kalantha taNN palamkani nuhar taru ThiruvayeendhrapuramE"

In this Paasuram, Kaliyan celebrates Thiruvaheendhrapuram
as the place of residence of the Lord , who incarnated as 
Vaamana-Thrivikraman first and JaganmOhana Krishnan later. 

First Line of the Paasuram
"Aangu" : The reference here is to the northern bank of 
the river Narmadha , where an AswamEdha Yaagm by MahA Bali,
the grandson of PrahlAdhan , was in progress. The northern
bank of Narmadha was known for the sages , who were experts
in Rg Vedam Just as Dravida desam is known today for experts
in Yajur Vedam. 

"Aangu Maavali vELviyil iranthu senRu" : As a dwarf BrahmachAri ,
the son of Athithi and Kasyapa PrajApathi , Vaamanan arrived
from SiddhAsramam at the site , where the AswamEdha yAgam 
was being performed by MahA Bali Chakravarthi with the assistance
of his Guru,SukrAcchAr. Vaamana Moorthy travelled there (senRu) 
with His little steps and asked (iranthu) as gift three steps of 
land for "His AchAryan". MahA Bali sneered first at Vaamana Moorthy 
for asking such an insignificant gift and then ceded the requested
grant. Right before the eyes of that unsuspecting MahA Bali ,
the Lord grew and grew as "Ongi UlahaLantha Utthaman) and
measured the entire universe with one step and the skies 
with another step and asked MahA Bali as to where He can
place His third step . Mahaa Bali begged the Lord to place
that step on his head and became a BhAgyasAli.

In the previous paasuram , the focus was on NrusimhAvathAram
and the Lord's anugraham to PrahlAdhan . Lord Narasimhan promised
during that avathAra samayam that He will spare the life of
any descendant of PrahlAdhan's vamsam . Keeping that promise,
Our Lord spared the life of MahA Bali and contented Himself
with regaining the Isvaryam lost by the DvAs and dispatching
MahA bali to the nether world (PaathAlam).

Second line of the Paasuram 
"Aayar Poonkodikkina vidai poruthavan idam "
Aayar Poonkodi is Nappinnai , the golden creeper
like soundharyavathi of Aayar kulam . For Her sake ,
Krishnan fought with seven ferocious bulls and 
subdued them to qualify for the hand of His dear
Nappinnai Nangai . " Poruthavan " means , one who
fought . KrishNa BhagavAn fought with the seven
bulls characterstric of asura jAthi ( inam vidai 
poruthavan ). Kaliyan says The place of residence of 
this supremely skilled bull fighter, who won the hand of 
Nappinnai is Thiruvaheendhrapuram . Nappinnai is His
BhOga Devi at this site as at BrundhAvanam .

Third Line of the Paasuram
Now, Kaliyan looks a round and finds a bunch of
monkeys jumping energetically from branch to branch
on the trees like Kongu, SeNpakam and Venkai which are
known for their bright yellow flowers ( Kongu SeNpaka 
Kombinil kuthi kodu kurangu inam). In the earlier line of
the Paasuram, Kaliyan dwelled on Vidai inam or the group
of Bulls. Here , he refers to Kurkinam or Kurangu inam
(the group of monkeys). This batch of monkeys make 
a lot of joyous noise and jump from branch to branch 
( iraitthu Odi) in search of food for the Lord .

Fourth Line of the Paasuram
In this line of the Paasuram , Kaliyan describes as to 
what kind of food these connoseiur monkeys were seeking:
" thEn kalantha taNN palam nuhar taru". The monkeys were
seeking Palaa pazham (jack fruit)to offer as naivEdhyam
for the Lord of ThiruvahIndhrapuram , their Kula Dhaivam
(Raamachandran) . As the monkeys tore the fruit from 
the jack fruit tree , the honey also flowed .The monkeys 
mixed the honey with the sweet edible matter inside 
the fruit with the rough exterior and offered that
delicacy to the Lord prior to partaking of that prasAdham.
It is known that the dipping of the fruit in honey
will result in a combination that is highly recommended
for one's health. The monkeys of ThiruvahIndhrapuram
had that in mind , when they prepared their food offering
to the Lord.The enjoyment of the Jack fruit suLai with
honey is equivalent to the enjoyment of the Lord DhaivanAyakan
with His dear PirAtti , HemAbhja Valli . 

SrI HemAbja NaayakiA SamEtha SrI Achyutha Para BrahmaNE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan

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