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Dear Bhagavatas:
Here is an excellent article by our Sriman Balaji comparing Swami Desika 
with Trivikraman.
This appeared in a sister list. I am sure you will enjoy reading it.
Anbil Ramaswamy

>From: Balaji CG <>
>To: "'acharya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <acharya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'malolan_net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <malolan_net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'parakalamatham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <parakalamatham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'Madabhushi Hari Sarangarajan'" <mhari@xxxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'jvijayal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <jvijayal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'balaji_1008@xxxxxxxxx'" <balaji_1008@xxxxxxxxx>,   
>"'sampa_kumar81@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <sampa_kumar81@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Trivikramanum - Swamy Deshikanum
>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 16:09:44 +0530
>Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam !!!
>The term Deshika, in general refers to a preceptor. But, the term Deshika
>attained perennial glorification due to its association with our acharya
>saarvabhouma kavitaarkika simha thuppul kulamani Sriman Nigamantha Maha
>Deshikan. Our Swamy who possessed exemplary prowess in Vedantha, was
>embellished as 'Vedanthacharya' by Sriranganatha Himself. The term Deshika
>does not have any limiting adjuncts associated with it. It is a 
>vaachya shabdam. If Ramanuja re-established the sanaatana parama vaidika
>srivaishnava sri sampradayam on a firm footing, Swamy Deshikan fortified 
>strengthened this darshanam irrefutably.
>Trivikraman is one of the ten avatarams of the Lord who came as a Vamana 
>later grew to become a cosmic giant and conquered the entire brahmandam in
>just three steps of his lotus feet. Having spoken thus, a question
>immediately arises. How could a Lord with such vivid and gigantic looks be
>compared to an acharya who is as humble and simple as our Vedantha Deshika?
>But the truth is that Vedantha Deshika and Trivikrama have a very close
>relationship with each other. We shall enjoy those in the following
>The Lord incarnated on this earth on top of the hills of Thirumalai as
>Thiruvengadamuaiyaan in the holy asterism of Shravana. The noble 
>couple prayed at the lotus feet of this Lord for progeny and the Lord
>acceeded to their plea and made his daily votary, Thirumani azhwan to be
>born to this couple. This child was none other than our Swamy Deshika, who
>incarnated on this earth in the same constellation of Shravana.
>In due course, Deshika became adept in all the scriptures. He was blessed
>with the divine epiphany (saakshaatkaaram) of Lord Lakshmi Hayagriva, who
>chose to be throned perennially on the tongue tip of Swamy Deshika.
>"jihvaagra simhaasanamaaruruksho:" of Hayagriva stotram may be referred
>here. This Lord, Lakshmi Hayavadana was also born in the asterism of
>Out of the many disciples of Swamy Deshika, prominent was Sri Brahmatantra
>Swatantrar. This Swamy was also born in the asterism of Shravanam and even
>shares the same month of Purattasi with Deshika. This Swamy, during his
>lifetime was extoled by one and all as the Paduka of Swamy Deshika.
>In all the above passages, it may be observed that there is a profound
>influence of the asterism of Shravana on Swamy Deshika, be it the Lord in
>His mind, or the disciple who is his padukas or his own birth star. The
>asterism Shravana in fact has the supreme incarnate Trivikrama as its
>governing deity or adhidevatai. It is perhaps due to this influence that
>though Swamy Deshika looked like Vamana in stature, he yet, beamed as a
>Trivikrama in terms of knowledge, austerity, inherent virtuousness,
>refutation skills, poetic skills, intellectual prowess, steadfastness and
>other noble virtues befitting preceptor decorum.
>In the following passages we shall see as to how the avatara vaibhavams of
>Swamy Deshika may be celebrated in comparision to that of Trivikrama.
>The Lord in the guise of a brahmana went and asked Bali chakravarthi to 
>him in charity, land measuring three paces with His feet. The Lord after
>having won his request from Bali, assumed a gigantic cosmic form that
>encompassed the entire universe. He measured the entire bhulokam in one
>pace. With the second step He measured all the celestial worlds. This foot
>that went to Satyalokam was offered prayers by Chaturmukha Brahma along 
>his consort Sarasvathi Devi. When the Lord had no place to put the third
>step, Bali bent down indicating it to be put on top of his head. The Lord,
>with delight, blessed Bali Chakravarthi by placing His third feet on his
>This story of Trivikrama avataram may be, in every way celebrated analogous
>to the avatara vaibhavam of our Swamy Deshika.
>The Lord, though in the guise of a Brahmana asked for the fulfillment of a
>material pursuit and that was the want of three measures of land. Our 
>on the other hand, would never aspire for anything other than paramaartham.
>He has no desires for material pursuits like power, wealth or popularity.
>Our Swamy too, has taken three big measures of his lotus feet. Let us
>celebrate that now.
>It was a time when the sanatana parama vaidika sri vaishnava sri 
>was deluged in the mire of myths, fallacies and mis-interpretations. This
>was mainly due to the rise of veda bahya mathams like Jainam, Bouddham and
>also due to the so called vaidika mathams of advaitha. These mathams bought
>great disrepute to the pristine glory of the Vedas and its esoterical
>purports. While the bahya mathams took the atheistic approach of denying 
>existence of Parabrahman, the prachanna bouddhas or the advaitins went to
>the extent of tainting Parabrahman itself with the slush of ajnanam.
>Swamy by means of his works like Nyayasiddhanjanam, Nyayaparishuddhi,
>Paramathabhangam, Shatadushani, Tattvamukta kalapam etc ended the
>illegitimate desires of these mathams in trying to establish a sound
>philosophical darshanam.
>With the first measuring of his lotus foot, our Swamy deluged the veda 
>mathams into oblivion. These include mathams like Bouddham, Jainam,
>Charvakam, Sautrantika, Madhyamikam, Yogacharam, Vaibhashikam and also the
>likes of Kanadam, Gurumatham, Bhaskara matham, Prabhakara matham and 
>The manifestation of this feat of our Swamy is the composition of the
>magnificent work Paramatha Bhangam.
>With the second measuring of his lotus foot, he impaired and pulled down 
>so-called vaidika matham of Advaitham or Prachanna bouddham with 
>damage. Advaitham though having accepted the authority of the Vedas, brings
>a great amount of disrepute to it by quoting totally derisive
>interpretations to the Vedic lore. The manifestation of this magnificent
>feat of refutal is immortalised in the works of our Swamy like 
>Tattvamukta kalapam and others.
>Now comes a question. When Trivikrama had taken the second measure, his
>lotus foot reached Satyalokam. It was here that Lord Brahma offered
>prostrative ablutions to his feet. Does Swamy Deshika have any such 
>Yes he does.
>Swamy Deshika's lotus feet always enjoyed the prostrative ablutions of his
>disciples like Bramatantra Swatantra Jeeyar. This Jeeyar is held analogous
>to Brahma. This is true and the substantiation is as below -
>Swamy Brahmatantra Swatantrar's taniyan reads as -
>"paryAya bhAshyakArAya praNatArtim vidhUnvate | brahmatantraswatantrAya
>dvitIya brahmaNE nama:"
>Swamy GhatikAshatam Ammal who composed this taniyan extols Sri Brahmatantra
>Swatantra Jeeyar as Chaturmukha Brahma re-incarnate. The following are the
>substantiations for this.
>Brahma is lotus-born. A sadacharya is also extolled as the Lotus born as he
>is blessed with the acquaintance of the lotus like feet of his acharya.
>Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar remained always in the company of erudition
>similar to Brahma who remains ever in the company of Devi Sarasvathi.
>If Brahma created a world of Jeevathmas, Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar 
>a world of Deshika bhaktas who are mumukshus seeking deliverance.
>Just as how Brahma always keeps singing the praises of Lord Hayavadana, the
>Lord of Speech, Sri Brahmatantra Swatantrar always kept sinigng the praises
>of Swamy Deshika who is also extolled as the Lord of Speech and dwells
>always at Deshika's lotus feet offering ablutions.
>In this way similar to Brahma performing sevai to Sriman Narayana, Swamy
>Brahmatantra Swatantrar performed sevai to Swamy Deshika. Moreover, the 
>Shatadushani that depicts the second measuring done by our Swamy in order 
>refute and eliminate the philosophy of Advaitha, was actually scribed by 
>Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeeyar.
>Now comes the last foot. Lord Trivikrama had a question as to where should
>he take the third measure and finally upon the behest of Bali, He took the
>third measure on Bali's head. Our Swamy out of his boundless compassion,
>places his third foot on the head of his disciples who come to him with a
>beseech for knowledge thereby making them intellectual giants. He showers
>his munificent benedictions on them by means of this and makes them
>prapannas fit to embellish the goshti of liberated ones at paramapadam.
>Recieving the holy lotus feet of our Swamy on our crowns would make us free
>from all blemishes. They would instigate us to adopt the means of prapatti
>and would relieve us from all our accumulated sins.
>Swamy Deshika has celebrated Trivikraman in his Dehalisha stuti. In the 
>passages we shall see as to how these psalms befit our Swamy Deshika too.
>Deshika says "Trivikrama initially had the celestial stars as a pearl
>studded roofing. But as he took the first measure it became a beautiful
>pearl necklace. When he took the second measure it became a charming
>ornament worn around the waiste. By the time he took the third measure, the
>entire galaxy of stars adorned his lotus feet as anklets".
>Let us see how this glorification befits our Thuppul vallal. In case of the
>Lord, it were the same stars that adorned as his roof, later as his
>necklace, then as his ornament and finally as his anklet. But with respect
>to our Swamy, it is different.
>Our Deshika, when young, was under the shade of great stars like 
>Appullar, Ammal, Achchan, Pillan, Sudarshana Suri and others while Ramanuja
>himself beamed as the Sun. Their works were like gleaming light and his
>entire youth was spent under the shade of this galaxy of stars.
>As he grew by age and mind, he authored magnum works that established the
>siddhantam of Ramanuja on an irrefutable footing. These works bejeweled
>Deshika manifesting as beautiful necklaces and waiste ornaments of choicest
>gems enmeshed in the base metal of Ramanuja srisookti. Works like
>Shatadushani were like the quiver of arrows and bow that embellished the
>hands of Deshika. Even Trivikrama did not have bow and arrows !!!
>His disciples who were replete with atma gunams and jnanam stuck to his 
>like anklets. These anklets were indeed blessed for they had the greatest
>fortune of studying directly under the great Swamy Deshika. It is customary
>to tie small jingles to the end of Bells after all. The Bell is none other
>than our Swamy Deshika while the jingles are his disciples. Over the years
>disciples and apostles continue to embellish his feet as anklets while many
>win to be the dust under his holy lotus feet.
>The Ganga owes its origin to the Lord also known as maatha (measurer) and
>flows down the himalayas.  Our Swamy's divine work Srimath
>Rahasyatrayasaaram owes its origin to the pramaatha (knower) Swamy Deshika
>and flows down from this mahimaalayam in nectareous streams.
>The torch of surrender (adaikkala viLakku) was lit by the mudal Azhwars, 
>extoled Trivikrama with their anthaadis. Our Swamy with the oil of his
>divine works has set this lamp to glow perennially with luster and
>Do we need more substantiations to set our Swamy Deshika at par with the
>Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana?
>AchAryAdiha daivatAM samadhikAM anyAM na manyAmahe
>vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!
>vedAnthasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!!
>Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka
>Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:
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