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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,

Coming to the last post of this series: Acharya
vaibhavam... adiyEn wants to share these with you for
the Grand Finale post

This is based on Swamy Desikan's RTS SvanishtAbignAna
adhikAram... as to how and what one should behave and
do after Saranagati... 

A MUST READ and FOLLOW for all of us

Please forgive me for my free translations (though not
error free). This article elaborated mainly on
"naanEthaan ayiduga" is based on one of the pamphlets
that are released regularly under "Project
Popularization of Swamy Desika's works" by Sri U Ve. C
Seshadri of Chennai. This particular one was released
on the 80th Thirunakshathram of asmadhacharyan Srimad
PaRavaakkOttai Andavan Sri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan
(8.4.2000).  This is from Srimad Rahasyathrayasaram of
Swamy Desikan - SwanishTa abhignaana adhikaaram.

(This is ONLY intended to remind ourselves of these
Athma guNAs that we need to inculcate and cultivate-
for us, Srivaishnavas, who have surrendered to the
Lotus Feet of Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. This is
srivaishnava lakshaNam to DEVELOP cultivating these

This post is more of my loud thinking to rectify
myself.. Or at least attempt.- start attempting. It is
NOT an overnight phenomenon. It requires us to have
the "real" feeling of "jIvan's" true nature of
belonging to Sriya: Pathi as His sEshan- His vasthu,
His possession- His eternal servant

Swarupa nishtai:

1. If we happen to listen to the statements
(derogatory) about us, like "He is short; He is dark;
He is of ugly face; He is lame; He is stupid- not
intelligent; He is of low caste" and any other abusive
statements, do not worry. These statements are all for
our body (sarIram) and nothing of that sort relates to
our AthmA, which is permanent, pure always. Hence, we
do not need to scold back or howl at them for such
statement; nor we need to sulk and feel remorseful.

2. Further, if someone really scolds or abuses us with
such statements as above, or any other disparaging
remarks against us, feel sorry for him that he
unnecessarily incurs paapams (sins) by such statements
and pray to Emperumaan to have krupai on him (remember
Sri KooratthAzhwAn forgiving Nalooraan).

3. Sometime, we may not adhere to saaasthras (I always
fall in this 
category) and due to laziness, or exertion, may skip
some deed; if someone finds us with that defect and
corrects us, we should not get angry for being caught
red handed; instead, we need to feel thankful and be
grateful to him for correcting us at the most
appropriate time. (Once ThirukkOshtiyoor Swamy due to
feeling tired, leaned on a pillar in Srirangam temple
during VaikuNTa EkAdashi festival, another person
(like me, waiting to find someone at fault),
approached Swamy and pointed that Swamy should not do
that being an AchArya. (One is not supposed to lean on
and relax in Bhagawath Sannidhi). Immediately Swamy
apologized and thanked him for correcting him. He felt
indebted to him for preventing him do that apacharam
which he had committed without even realizing that he
was doing.) What a quality! -

4. Even when one finds us committing apacharams and
tells us, we need to consider as if Emperumaan is
speaking to us through him to correct us and consider
it a Divine will. We should not think of any ill
against such people. Even when it is false
accusations, we should think that Emperumaan is only
testing us for balanced mind to face insults.

5. When one accuses without proper analysis, and
without any reason, only based on prejudices, we
should feel delighted that our praarabhdha karma is
getting dissolved by through his such false
accusations and be thankful to Emperumaan for enabling
us get dissolved of our praarabdha karma so easily.

UpAya nishtai:

1. Except for SarvEshawaran, Sriya: Pathi Sriman
Narayanan, we and our family (wife, children) are not
servants or daasa bhUthars to anyone else.

2. Even when we are in the evening of our life, or
suffering from deadly disease, and are going to die,
since we have already surrendered to Emperumaan, we
should feel happy that the time has come to unite with
Him at SrivaikuNtam through archiraadhi maargam.
(soozhuvisum panimugil thooriyam muzhakkina.- TVM
10.9) and gladly welcome death with smiling face. We
should know fully well that we are going to be sitting
on the soft lap of our Father Sri Parama padha nAthan
looking and enjoying His red coral like lips and be
along with His samastha parivaaram.- Nithyars and

3. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should
not worry about our protection and not be scared of
any event happening. He is there to protect us and
whatever happens is His Divine will. (It need not be
what we desire. It will be what He desires for us.)

4. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should
not undertake any other means (like bhakti yOgam). We
have surrendered to Him with an unflinching 
faith (mahAviswaasam). He has already taken a pledge
to save us from all sins and has assured us Not to
worry. (so why worry?) We should not do some 
yaagams /homams or any other karmas simply because it
is going to give us some puNyam, but simply as
Bhagawath preethyartham.

5. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, We should
always think that it is all in Emperumaan's will to
alleviate our sorrows and to grant us something 
good until our death. Whatever happens is for good.

Purushaartha nishtai:

1. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should
NEVER ever seek for material comforts, nor should we
unduly be worried about some problems occurring at
home with our family, - with a thinking that
everything is happening only due to praarabhdha karma.

2. By worrying about anything, nothing gets resolved.
It has to happen as per Bhagawath sankalpam. - With
that jnAnam, we should not brood about the 
domestic problems occurring.

3. If there is some unexpected wealth or comfort comes
our way also (of course through dharmic way), we
should not shun them. We should consider 
them as Bhagawath sankalpam and think that that is way
to get rid of (praarabdha karma phalam) puNyams as
they will also be stumbling block for 
SrivaikuNTa prApthi.

4.  We should view both happiness and sorrows equally
with a balanced mind and have ruchi (taste) only for
kaimkaryam to Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman 

5. Having surrendered to the Sriya: Pathi, we should
develop an intense desire (tvarai) for the Paramapadha
prApthi and utter Dwayam, (contemplating 
its esoteric deep meaning) at all times.

All above qualities are for us, Srivaishnavas, who
have surrendered to Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman

If we attempt to inculcate and cultivate these guNAs,
Sri AndAL and AchAtya saarva bhouman Swamy Desikan
will be pleased.

Any mistake in the above writing is only mine;
anything good is due to the great article written by
the author.

Indeed... this series is a great eye opener for adiyEn
[mroe than anyone else].

asmadhAcharyan krupai alone has enabled me complete
this. Swami's vailakshaNya kataaksham and daya is the

Kali purusha has never ever entered into this ashramam
of Srimad Poundarikapuram Ashramam. 

During Kaliyugam, where can one go and pay obeisance
to the Lord? No need to worry. There is a Divya Desam
(#1 Divya Desam), Srirangam, surrounded by the 
divine river Cauveri (purer than even the river
Ganges- per ThoNdaradippodi AzhwAr) where Lord Sri
Ranganthan reclines most mercifully on the bed of 
AdhisEshan. Groups and groups of devotees flock to the
Lotus Feet of Lord Sri Ranganathan and SathsampradAya
YathishrEshtars have established their 
Ashramams and mutts in the bank of Cauveri at
Srirangam at the feet of the Lord.

Among these Ashramams and mutts, the center kausthubha
maNi like Ashramam is asmadhAchAryan Srimad
Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam. This Ashramam was 
adorned by the seers and saints at the feet of the
greatest seer Srimad 
ParamahamsEdhyAthi Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan, (the
jnAna, vairAgya, anushTAna sEvathi Srimad
PeriyANdavan, the mukkOl muni).. Having the same name,
Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan (Srimad Poundarikapuram
Andavan), considering him as the personification of
eternal servitude at the feet of Srimad PeriyANdavan
Himself, established this great Ashramam.

The entire srivaishnava community and the whole world
knows that AchAryas having crystal clear jnAnam,
blemishless, faultless anushTAnam, and tremendous
virakthi have occupied the pristinely pure seat as the
beaconing light in this Ashramam. Let us try to
contemplate and be blessed to enjoy few great truths
about this Ashramam.

1 Kaliyum kedum kaNdu koNmin- Swamy NammAzhwAr had
happily announced this. Even today, one can see the
truth of this statement of Sri SaTakOpar 
in this Ashramam.

2.Srivaishnavan always considers YogakshEmam. He
always wishes the well being of the entire humanity,
nay, all beings, even. That too- YathishrEshtars
always are selfless and think of others' welfare only
at all times. Out of such YathishrEshtars, the eldest
among them, the greatest among them in terms of
anushtAnam, jnAnam, VairAgyam etc., is our AchAryan
YathishrEshtar Sri ParavaakOttai Andavan Sri
Gopaladesika Mahadesikan Swamy. He has understood
clearly that only VaidhIka anushtanams are the
protection and savours for this world and if one slips
and does not adhere to his anushtanam, then it does
not do any good to the entire world itself.

3.      Commensurate with His jnAnam, this AchArya
saarvabhouman shines with His anushtAnam also. Not
only does He adhere and follow the vaidhIka
anushTAanams and karmas; also does He instruct, order
and command all His disciples (who (on their own) come
to His Lotus feet with a desire to learn, get
initiated and have AchArya sambhandham) to follow the
karma anushtAnams in accordance with saasthrAs; - the
manner in which He does this (making sure that the
disciple commit to doing karma anushtAnams) is to be
cherished in our minds.

4.      AchinOthihi saashthrArtthAn AchArE sthApayathyapi/
swayam AchArathE 
yasmAth thasmAth AchArya uchyathE// .. ?Not only does
He preach these saasthrArthams; He practices what he
preaches. (The term AchArya implies: one who acquires
jnAnam by the study of saasthrAs (sacred texts); AND
who by way of imparting this jnAnam to others makes
them adopt the religious life as laid down the
saasthrA- says Sri SMS Chari in his book on

5.      When we enter into this Ashramam, the first one
that welcomes us is: the Board which advises us to
wash our hands, feet before entering. Not only is
there a board; also there is a water tap to do the
same. Such facilities are so nicely provided by
AchAryan. There is a saying in the saasthrAs that
Kalipurushan enters through a dirty toe.. (or heel)..
The most merciful asmadhAchAryan never ever allows
that purushan to enter through anyone into this
Ashramam. Thus, this is an Ashramam where Kali has NOT
YET entered into.

6.All Vaishnavites are firm in their understanding of
saasthrAs that they 
should never abstain from doing the most essential
basic nithya karma i.e. sandhyAvandhanam. This
MahAchAryan always advises those who come to the
Ashramam not to leave this nithyakarmA. One who does
not do sandhyAvandhanam and who has stopped doing the
same, gets deprived of and disqualified from doing any
vaidIka karma afterwards. He cannot even enter the
temple. He has nithya theettu. He becomes karma
chaNDALan. He becomes dirty forever. There is also a
board that pierces our conscience and advises firmly,
saying: I have performed sandhyAvandhanam. Only after
performing sandhyAvandhanam, I am entering into this
place  This is an excellent strategy (which is
currently being followed in most of first class
Management Schools.. as Leadership covenants.. and
Quality Policy etc..  AchAryan has done it by
displaying this board what cannot be done even by
saying hundred times, by letting their conscience
speak to him. Kali had promised and assured to
ParIkshit MaharAjan that he will never ever touch
those Brahmins who follow their karmAnushtAnams. Thus,
in this way too, Kali has not entered into this

7.asmadhAchAryan does not expect any wealth, or money
or fruits; nor does He expect them to be from high
lineage, or of high education, etc. All that He wants
from those who prostrate at His Lotus Feet to get His
munificent blessings is: they should be doing trikAla
sandhyAvandhanam without fail. If they say,, Yes. I am
doing trikAla andhyAvandhanam, then He gets really
happy and showers His vailakshaNya kataaksham with
paripoorNa aseervAdhams (fullest Blessings). He also
accepts what they offer be they fruits, money 
etc. Also He asks them as to what they want the money
or materials to be done with. He spends for the same
kaimkaryams, which they desire. He never enforces His
thiruvuLLam on it. If someone does not do trikAla
sandhyAvandhanam, He does not even ACCEPT their
offerings. He does not even see their offerings and
asks them to give to some sannidhi (He tells them 
without hurting them).

8.Also He addresses them saying ?If at all you are
coming in future, you should do sandhyAvandhanam daily
without fail. Then I can accept what is offered. He
does not stop with that. He also gives with his
Blessings, a very simple book which gives in great
detail how to do sandhyAvandhanam. Achamanam and
praaNAyAmams are repeated as many times as one needs
to do in a sandhyAvandhanam. There is no need to refer
back even. Those who have not been doing
trikAlasandhyAvandhanams for years together will not
even be able to pronounce those words. For these
people, He has organized for teaching them from basics
and with meanings - through study centers.There are
many now who perform sandhyAvandhanam without fail
after studying in these centers. With such an
AchAryan, who does not look for wealth or money; but
only for sishyAs performing nithyakarmAnushtAnams
withot fail, there can be NO WAY that Kali purushan
can enter into this Ashramam at all.

Let us pay our obeisance at the Lotus feet of this
AchArya saarvabhouman Srimad ParavaakkOttai Andavan
Sri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan Swamy and greet Him to
live for hundred more years. Youngsters need not worry
as to where to go for salvation in these cruel days of
Kali yugam. It is Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan

The above is a translation from Tamil article written
by Sri U Ve Mannargudi Rajagopalacharyar Swamy.
Anything good is due to his article. All errors of 
faults are mine.

Before winding up:

As Bhagyasaalis (fortunate ones) belonging to Sri
Ramanuja dharsanam- our Srivaishnava Sampradayam, let
us remind ourselves of and be proud of


(1) Sentient soul- Jeevathman;
(2) achith - Insentient matter
(3) Iswaran- Emperumaan Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan-
sEshi (master- owner) for both Chit and Achit

Hitham- (means- way) the Lotus Feet of Emperumaan
Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan, through Bhakti yOgam or
Prapatti (saraNAgathy)


Purushaartham- Eternal ceaseless service at the Lotus
Feet of Sriya: pathi Sriman Narayana.

[Like typical Acharya sthuthi- let us begin with the
first one- similar to KaNNinunchiRuthaambu]
Acharya vaibhavam- 1st post:

asmadhAchAryan His Holiness Srimad PaRavakkOttai
Andavan Sri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan swami will be
completing his 25 years in sanyAsa Ashramam by March
2007. Swami is verily like the Sage Vaishta himself.
He is YathirAjar- the king among ascetics. Erudite
scholars, other acharyas have praised Swami on many
occasions for His jnAna, bhakti vairAgya, anushtAnam
and more on His unbounded mercy on the sishyas and

It is adiyEn?s rash and daring attempt again to lick
the Ganges waters to get myself purified? to post a
page everyday on Acharya commemorate
this milestone of 25 years of sanyAsa ashramam. I pray
with all sincerity to the Lotus Feet of Dhivya
Dampathi to bless this kaimkaryam, and only with Their
blessings, acharya anugraham and bhAgawathAs' wishes,
they can be made palatable and all errors and mistaks
are entirely due to adiyEn's lack of or no jnAnam.

adiyEn mainly intends this more as an introductory
series for beginners like me to get to know
Srivaishnavam, the glories of our acharyas and the why
and how of Srivaishnavam as far as possible.

I am not doing or writing anything new. I will be
basically reproducing the wonderful articles, write
ups already made by erudite scholars. It will be more
of a compilation.

It is said in GitA:
tad viddhi pranipatena pari prasnena sevyaya
upadekshyanti tE jnAnam jnAninah tattva darshinah

One should fall at the feet of the gurus, serve them,
and ask questions at appropriate times again and
again, to know spiritual knowledge; those seers of
truth will teach you that divine spiritual knowledge.

AchAryan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam
Namo narayana

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