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SrI RanganAthO Jayathi 
Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Vishu Marghazhi KrishNa Dasami , SwAthi Nakshathram

Dear BhakthAs:

adiyEn will start with the First two slOkams of DS today.
The first two slOkmas are in the big SragdharA metre , 
which Swamy Desikan used for the slOkams of DhramidOpanishad
Taathparya RathnAvaLi(DTR). Since DS is an anubhandham of
DTR, Swamy Desikan lingered with SragdharA metre for the first 
two slOkams of DS.For the remaining 24 slOkams , he chose
the lighter SikhariNI metre. It is interesting to note that 
the entire Garuda PanchAsath and NyAsa Vimsathi are set in
SragdharA metre. Portions of DayA Sathakam and YathirAja 
Sapthathi are set in the SikhariNI metre .

The First slOkam of DS ( Echo of the 8th SlOkam of DTR)
Here Swamy Desikan states that Sriman NaarAyaNan shines 
in the Sarva VarNa SaadharaNa ThiruvAimozhi ( Equal access 
to all the four varnams) through the paasurams of 
the ten centums :

sEvAyOgyO-athibhOgya:Shubhasubhagatanu: SarvabhOgyAdhisAyee
srEyas-taddh-hEthudhAthA prapadana sulabha-anishta-vidhvamseela:
bhakthacchandhAnuvarthI nirupadhika-suhruth sathpadhavyAm SahAya:
SrImAn sarvOchithAyAm-upanishadi mishathyEsha gATAsathairna: 

Fourth Paadham:
"GaaTAsatham is the Thousand plus Sri Sookthi of Swamy NammAzhwAr.
" Yesha: SrImAn" is our Sriman NaarAyaNan . He shines with unique
glory in these ThiruvAimozhis through the celebration of His 
1000 KalyANa GuNams ( yEsha: SrImAn mishathi). ThiruvAimozhi is
identified here as "SarvOchithAyAm Upanishad" or the Tamil Upanishad
(DramidOpanishad), which is accessible without restrictions (unlike
Sanskrit VedAs) to members of all the four VarNAs. 

First Three Paadhams
The Ten major GuNams celebrated by Swamy NammAzhwAr in
his ten centums are identified by Swamy Deikan for us here.
They are: (1) sEvA yOgya: (2) athibhOgya: (3)shubhasubhaga Tanu:
(4)SarvabhOgyAthisAyee (5) SrEyas-tadh- hEthu-dhAthA
(6) Prapadhana-sulabha: (7) anishta vidhvamsa seela:
(8)bhakthacchandhAnuvarthee (9) nirupadhika-suhruth and 
(10) sathpadhvyAm SahAya: 

ThiruvAimozhi is known as dheerga SaraNAgathy and DhvayArTa 
VivaraNam .Swamy Desikan identifies the ten guNams celebrated
in each of the ten centums by Swamy NammAzhwAr in the three
Paadhams of this first slOkam . 

Swamy Desikan points out the MahA GuNams celebrated in each of 
the ten centums as :

(1) He is the most appropriate one to be worshipped 
and He becomes the upAyam for those, who wish
to attain Him . This is the essence of Upanishads and 
ThiruvAimozhi elaborates on this Upanishadic message.

(2) He is the most enjoyable and hterefore He is PrApyan or 
the goal of one's saadhana .

(3) He has SubhAsrayam and dhivya MangaLa vigraham in 
UpAyam and UpEyam stages . Here , Swamy Desikan states 
the emphasis on Moorthy Jn~Anam placed by Swamy NammAzhwAr in
the UpAyaM and UpEyam stages . AzhwAr rejects nirguNa Brahmam
concept totally and subscribes to the Ubhaya Lingam
aspects of Brhaman referred to in Brahma Soothrams

(4)He is the integratd essence of the most
delectable bhOgam that is beyond Isvaryam and Kaivalyam .

(5) He is the root cause behind all MangaLams 
and conferrer of those mangaLams. He becomes SarvOpAyan.

(6)He is easy to access by Prapannan and therefore Prapatthi alone is
sufficent as the UpAyam for Moksha Siddhi. 

(7) He is the banisher of all inauspiciousness(anishtams). 
Prapannan might have anishtams due to poorva karmAnusAram. 
Our Lord drives those anishtams as well is the message of 
the 7th centum 

(8) He is an yathOkthakAri for His BhakthAs . Whatever His devotees 
wish , He grants them their wishes. He becomes adhInan to His BhakthAs.

(9)He is avyAja KaruNA Moorthy and as such He is the One ,
who blesses auspicousnes to His bhakthAs as MahA Suhruth 
(great friend , benefactor and well-wisher). 

(10) He is of indispensable help to attain the sathpadhavi of 
Sri Vaikunta Vaasam and Saayujya Mukthi through facilitating 
the travle of the muktha jeevan through archirAdhi maargam.
This is the mesage of the Tenth centum.

Second SlOkam :
Here, Sawmy Desikan summarizes the essence of the Ten patthus 
(Centums) in a slightly different way:

aadhyE pasyannupAyam Prabhumiha Parama-prApya-bhUtham dhvitheeyE
KalyANOdhAra MoorhthErdhvitayamidhamithi prEkshamANas-thruthIyE
IsvaryAdhEschathurhtE visha-madhu-tulayAananya-bhOgyathvam icchan
Shadbhi: svAm panchamAdhyairanithara-gahtithAm aachachakshE MunIndhra:

Swamy Desikan salutes Sawmy NammAzhwAr here as MunIndhra: or King
among Sages. In the first Patthu, the Lord was recognized as UpAyam 
and as UpEyam in the second patthu. In the third centum, Swamy NammAzhwAr
explained that the UpAya , UpEya (PrApyathvam ) can only be linked
with One having SubhAsrayama and Dhivya MangaLa Vigraham.In the fourth 
patthu, SaThAri Soori expressed (rejected) disinterst in worldly Isvaryam 
and Kaivalyam , since they are like honey laced with poison. From
the Fifth to the Tenth Patthu, Swamy NammAzhwAr reitirated that he
has no succour and recourse other than Sriman NaarAyaNan and 
dwelled on his ananya-gathithvam.The special meanings of the centums
from 6 to 10 emphasizing ananya-gathithvam will be covered later by
Swamy Desikan .

The First slOkam of DS summarized the individual GuNams highlighted
in the ten Patthus or Centums. The second slOkam of DS covered 
the sangathi of the vishayams covered in the above ten patthus .

>From here on the slOkams of DS describe the GuNams of
the ten decads of respective centums . 

Sawmy NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
SrI NigamAntha MahA DesikAya NamO Nama:
Daasan, Oppilaippan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan/Sadagopan 

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