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Dear Rohit,

Yes, Sankara was a devotee of Supreme Lord Narayana.
Although Sankara taught impersonal philosophy but he
never denied the personal form of the lord. He
maintained that the Supereme Lord Narayana is beyond
material conception.

In Kali yuga to stop the animal sacrifice, the
supereme lord appeared as Buddha and rejected the
vedas ( Based on Srimad Bhagavatham). The purpose of
Sankara's appearance was to mislead the atheist, so he
preached the mayavada philosphy (advaita).

Yes, in Padma purana and Siva purana, the appearance
of Sankara is mentioned. The quote of Padma Purana is
as follows where Lord Siva states:

mayavadam asac chastram
pracchannam bauddham ucyate
mayaiva kalpitam devi
kalau brahmana rupina

(In kaliyuga I will appear in form of a brahmana to
preach mayavada philosophy to mislead the atheist)-
not the direct translation.

In Siva Purana, the Supreme Lord says

dvaparadau yuge bhutva
kalaya manususadisu
svagamaih kalpitas tvam ca
janan mad vimukhan kuru

(In the begining of Dwara yuga, directed by my orders
manay sages will bewilder people in general by
Mayavada philosophy) - this is still going on and on
in Kali yuga.

Again in Padma purana, Lord Siva personally tells

srnu devi paraksyami
tamasi yatha kraman
yesam sravana matrena
patiyam jnaninam api

apartham sruti vakyanam
darsayal loka garhitam
karma svarupa tyajyatvam
atra ca pratipadyate

sarva karma paribhramsan
naiskarmyam tatra cocyate
paratma jivayor aikyam
mayatra pratipadyate

(My dear Devi, sometimes I teach mayavadi philosophy
for those engrossed in the mode of ignorance (tamo
guna), but if a person in the mode of goodness (satva
guna) happens to hear this, he falls down, for when
teaching mayavadi philosophy, I say that the living
entity and the supreme lord are one and the same.

(The above quotes are taken from Teachings of Lord
Chaitanya by Srila Prabupada) 

Lord Chaitanya (Madhava sampradaya) said mayavadi
bhasya sunile haya sarva nasa which means if one hears
mayadi bhasya he/she is doomed.

Sankara in his last words instructs

bhaja govindam, bhaja govindam
bhaja govindam mudha mute
samprapte sannihite kale
na hi na hi raksati dukrn karane

(workship govinda, workship govinda fools, all your
grammtical knowledge will not save you at the time of

So Sankara is Lord Siva. Lord Siva himself is the
greatest vaisnava. (Vaisnanam yatho samboh) Lord Siva
also says at of all types of workship, workship of
visnu is the greatest (ardannam sarvesam visnum
ardannam param). 

I hope it answers your questions Rohit. I have
answered based on my limeted knowledge on the subject.
I know there many scholars/acaryas/bhagavathas who can
provide further explanation to the questions.

Hope to hear from them.

Penang, Malaysia

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