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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00078 Jul 2001

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SrimathE rAmAnujAya namaha:

HH Sri Sri ChinnaJeeyar Swami's English upanyasam on Kathopanisad

Details of the tele-upanyasam
Date: July 28, 2001, Saturday
Time: 10 AM CST to 11 AM CST. 
Subject: Kathopanisad (English) Suggested donation $10.00

Call the Number below at 10 AM CST on Saturday
Conference number: 1-405-244-5555
Access code: 1533# (Please enter # after the 4 digit number)

Participants can donate for the upanyasam at:

Or you can pay for all the upanyasams at: ($26/Month) 
AzhwAr EmberumAnAr Jeeyar ThiruvadigalE saranam

adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan
Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi

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