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SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH

namO nArAyaNa!

Dear devotees,

The following information was provided by a fellow
bhAgavata and a very good friend of mine.
The following is Microsoft Encarta English dictionary's definition of

Entry found for "idol"

idol n

1. somebody or something greatly and often fanatically admired and

2. something such as a statue or carved image that is worshiped as a

3. in monotheistic religions, any object of worship other than the one

end of quote.

Every meaning is negative. Remember, this dictionary gives what is
currently understood. Even this term when used by the British was
to be derogatory to Sriman Narayana. Contrast this with the
definition of
the term deity from the same dictionary given below.

Entry found for "deity"

deity n

1. a god, goddess, or other divine being

2. somebody or something that is treated like a god

3. the condition or status of a god or goddess

Deity n

God in monotheistic belief

Since the transformation has taken place by culture,usage
etc, it will be safer not to use the word "Idol" to denote
Lord's archA-avatAram. This was the point I was making
from the beginning. Since a major section of the English
speaking public started using this word in a negative sense,
we don't have other choice than to switch over to other
meaningful terms like Deity, Icon etc as suggested by others.
But, those who had been using the word "Idol" in a well
meant manner to a circuit of SrI-VaishNavas can't
be accused of insulting Lord Or has improper usage etc.
Still there are section of people for whom Idol is not
derogatory in sense. Hence, while there can be a better
usage, it can't be an improper usage alltogether.

This is my last note on this issue.

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

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