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Dear Dr.Ramakrishna:

Your comments to your response to 
point 1 , the following Upanishadic
passages came to my mind:

The passage is from KenOpanishad:

The student asks the question and the AchAryan


kEnEshitham pathathi prEkshitham mana: 
kEna prANa: praTama ; praithi yuktha:
kEnEshithAm vaachamimAm vadhanthi 
chakshu: srOthram ka u dEvO yunakthi

(Meaning by Dr.NSA Swamy): Prompted by whom does 
the mind function in its objects? Being directd by whom
does the chief vital air proceed to function ?
By whom is this speech directed that people utter?
Who is that effulgent God that directs the eyes and 
the ears?

AchAryan's answer:

SrOthrasya SrOthram manasO manO
yath vAchO ha vAcham sa u prAnasya prANa:
chakshuschakshu: athimuchya dheerA:
prEthyAsmAllOkAdh amruthA bhavanthi

(Meaning given by Dr.NSA Swamy): Knowing Him
who is the ear of the ear , the mind of the mind ,
the speech of the speech , the life of life
and the eye of the eye, the wise passing out of
this world (through archirAdhi mArgam) after 
death become immortal.Such people become MukthAs.

Through the next few manthrAs of this humbling 
Upanishad , teacher states that such informing
and energizing principle (Brahman) is not to be 
known by the external or internal organs. 

This Upanishad goes on to say: Brahman is infinite
and hence is not knowable as "This Much" with our 
limited faculties. It is unknowable in its fullness
and totality but is known to one , who does not think
it is of limited (aparicchinnathvAth BrahmaNa:) is 
the comment of Bhagavath RaamAnujA. 

In the concluding passage of the second khaDam 
of this Upanishad , the appeal is made to us for hurrying
to gain Knowledge about Brahman as the possessor of
unique attributes such as Sathyam , Jnanam and 
ananthathvam . The phalan of attaining amruthathvam
(immortality ) through such attempt to know about
Brahman is stressed . AzhwArs have stressed this same 
Upanishadic message intheir Paasurams ( Thirumangai
in His Periya Thirumozhi paasurams on BadrikAsramam
and elsewhere).

NamO NaarAyaNaa !


>Priya Bhagawatas,
>With reference to the following mail, 
adiyen would like to put forth >some points
>Sangeetha <sangs5@xxxx> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> Greetings. I am Sangeetha, Vadagalai Iyengar. I have a very basic >doubt
on whether god is >really listening to our prayers and whether he is with us.

I am not able to find an answer to this. I will be greatful 
if any one of you could share your mystic experiences.
> With Warm Regards
> Sangeetha
>1. Regarding the first point that 'whether god is really listening to >our
prayers and whether He is with us'; it should be noted that if it is not so,
one will not only be able to even raise such a question at all, but also will
not be able to read this messagel itself, because due >to Him only all the 
indriyams are working (led by the mind) as >declared by Himself in 

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