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Sri Krishnaya Namah!

There may be innumerable events happen within us and outside but we can 
only experience it when once chakra is energised and experienced by 
him/her. God will give various signals in His own way and reciprocate our 
bhakti, both inward and sometimes outward, but we just have to go on and 
on. Not a minute should we become complacent and be at that moment itself. 
Thus one can be liberated from the Indriyas and this world. There are 
many occasions where we are blissfull while doing meditation/pranayama 
etc., but we should continue what we do and not aspire for little fruits in 
the way.

Dreams are only real when we submerge the same with our atman. That can 
only happen when we are deep in chanting/meditating Him when we go to bed. 
We may awake at various stages of night but we should continue the 
chanting and keep ourselves busy like sages. That's why it is said that 
for brahmagyanis, there is no day and night as they're fully awaken and 
realise atman, unlike we, common men, who are always in deeply in sleep, 
whether day or night, unmindful of atma within.

I have, on my part, kept myself busy chanting His namas and I will be as 
fresh as ever when the sun rise in the morning. But the same me, 5 years 
back, was awfully sick on any day if I had kept myself busy studying or 
going to movies during the night. This make me realise that anything 
connected to God is pure bliss and it is never straining - mentally 
though(which itself has more say than the physical aspect).

Lastly, I think myself as a child in front of my granny and senior members 
in my native, who have many personal experiences to tell us and who are 
spiritually much more evolved than me, though they have not been in touch 
with scriptures, vedas.


Sri Krishna Parabrahmane Namah!

-----Original Message-----
From:   The Rangans [SMTP:ranganprema@xxxx]
Sent:   13/03/2003 6:19 AM
To:     bhakti-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; SriRangaSri; malolan_net@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 
tiruvengadam; Oppiliappan; radha jagannathan; j.srinivasan; cs.srinivasan; 
padmaja; sukanya Murali; mythily ramadesikan
Cc:     sadagopaniyengar
Subject:        Re: "The Dream Merchant"

+sri sreenivasa mahaguruve namaha ramanujaya namaha na janami shabdham na 
janami chartham najanami padhyam najanami gadhyam all i know is we shoud 
have acharya bhakthi like arjuna and like ekalavya then everything comes 
automatically can dreams come true there were days when i was praing day 
and night when iget up in the night i found iwas reciting sahasranamam it 
was going within me like atape recorder one day icould feel the varudal in 
the night then could hear the bell on the koil alwar ithought some one had 
come to steal the perumal vessals i was afraid to get up i held my hands 
tightly to my husbunds went on chanting next morning when iopened the puja 
room ifound one of our spoons with butter which ihad kept in fridge can 
this be adream if so how come the butter smeared spoon who will believe it 
is only to share my experience
--- sadagopaniyengar <sadagopaniyengar@xxxx> wrote:
> Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika
> Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama:
> The Dream Merchant
> The boy wakes up screaming. His entire body
> is bathed in sweat, his lips are dry, his face pale
> and his heart pounding with terror.

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- SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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