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Dear subscriber,
I read with reverence all that is written about Sri Rama - how would
have reacted to the present situation in Ayodhya. Let us, in the same vein
visualise what would have been Sri Krishna's advice to Arjuna reg the mosque
built at the birthplace of Sri Krishna : protect dharma, demolish the mosque
and restore the place to the Hindus.
It is well known and part of every history book of the medieval age that
the zealots of Islam had built mosques after demolishing the place of
worship of other faiths. Thus the Al Aqsa mosque was built over the Solomon
Temple.This most recent faith of yesterday was spread with"Koran in one hand
and sword in the other" - British Historian, Lane Poole. I fail to
understand people going soft on this retrogade faith, every Sri Vaishnava
should recall that the holist of their holies, Srirangam was twice sacked by
the Islamic goons in 1310 AD (Malik Ghafur and 1324 AD (Ulugh Khan), time
might have healed the wounds on the body but the scars on the psyche would
not heal. Please read what Thomas Carlyle and authors like him, who were
closer to the age Islam was founded, have to say on Islam, I shall have
occasion to bring them to the site. Satakopan.
----- Original Message -----
From: "M.K.Sudarshan" <sampathkumar_2000@xxxx>
To: <tiruvengadam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <srirangasri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <Oppiliappan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 6:28 PM
Subject: [SriRangaSri] Re: Ayodhya Evidence

> --- In tiruvengadam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Malolan Cadambi" <cadambi@xxxx>
> wrote:
> > Dear Members,
> > > I hope this does not really add to the trouble already facing
> most of you in the Middle East. Lets hope Mr.Villepin's ideology
> saves the day.
> > I would like to discuss the Ayodhya situation in this list, since I
> find the members of this list with a high degree of restraint when
> discussing sensitive issuse, that faces us as Sri Vaishnava-s and
> ultimately as Indians in India. The identities seem so intertwinned.
> In addition, I would like to know your prespectives in this matter.
> >
> > A canadian company found remains of a structure beneath the Ram
> Janmabhoomi. There is ample proof that a temple did exist there.
> Thirumangai Mannan did his mangalasAsanams there. We have proof from
> all corners of India and from nearly every language from Malayalam to
> Kashmiri that Ayodhya was the birth place of Lord Rama.
> >
> > For those who feel the Ramayana is just a myth, they should also
> take into fact that a structure at Ayodhya was demolished.
> ********************************
> Dear Sri Malolan,
> Thanks to tiruvengadamudaiyAn's 'krupai' (not Villepin's ideology) we
> are having no problems at all here. There might be War on our
> doorsteps but there's no fear in our hearts. Thank you.
> This is a very controversial subject on which you are asking me for
> my views. My views are my own -- and, just for the record, I'm
> neither a "Hindu fundamenatalist" nor a "pseudo-secularist". I am
> also not one of those cynical "arm-chair analysts". In this matter I
> would like to call myself a "scriptural die-hard". I will express
> myself with all the self-restraint at my command.
> Let me explain.
> Since 6 Dec'1992, so much blood has been shed and so much agony has
> been caused to people all over India thanks to the Babri-masjid/
> Ayodhya-mandir imbroglio. In these past 10/11 years we have heard so
> much on the issue from politicians and religious leaders of all
> shades and hue. (Very soon we will hear from the country's highest
> judicial leaders too). But the problem of Ayodhya remains festering.
> It bitterly divides the country now as it did in 1992.
> I often tell myself : Maybe the time has come now to stop asking
> politicians and 'mahants' and judges to resolve the problem. Maybe
> the time has come for us to ask the only person we have not so far
> asked for a view at all... ask Lord Rama Himself.
> It strikes me as rather strange and ironic that amidst all the
> brouhaha of Babri-Ayodhya in the past 10 years, all of us completely
> forgot to ask Sri-Rama Himself what He thought about the whole
> matter! After all, it is Lord Rama who is the most affected party in
> all this, so why haven't we had the courtesy to ask Him how to solve
> the problem?
> To seek Lord Rama's view on the Babri-Ayodhya issue, we must go back
> to the Ramayana. We have to undertake a deep study of the 'itihAsa'
> and Rama's characterization in it. And then we must ask a simple
> question: If Rama of the Ramayana were to be with us today in flesh
> and blood, what would be his own reaction to this problem? The
> scripture will surely give us the answer.
> It was deeply ingrained in Lord Rama's character to unfailingly
> sacrifice His own self-interest for the sake of the greater good. In
> the 'ayodhya-kAnda' He gave up the throne of Ayodhya for the sake of
> a principle of "dharmA". Ayodhya was rightly His -- and that's what
> Bharata and the whole populace of Ayodhya told him vehemently. But
> Rama refused saying that 'dharma' was more valuable to Him than the
> Crown of Ayodhya.
> In the "kishkinda-kANda', Lord Rama put the interests of Sugriva
> ahead of His own. He could have easily told Sugriva -- "You first
> help me find Sita, and I promise then I will get rid of Vali for
> you". Instead, Rama first made sure to restore Sugriva his throne and
> only thereafter did the Lord request the monkey-king to help Him in
> the expedition to Lanka.
> Again, in the "yuddha-kAnda", Lord Rama made Sita-pirAtti undertake
> the "agni-pravEsam" first before accepting Her back into His arms.
> Once again, there the Lord showed clearly His preference for
> Principle over personal self-interest.
> Rama always, thus, pursued the greater and longer-term good and was
> only too willing to readily sacrifice the immediate good for it. All
> these incidents from the scripture confirms to us that if Sri-Rama
> were to be amongst us here today, His own view on the Babri/Ayodhya
> tangle would elicit a response more or less along the following
> lines:
> "Ayodhya meant nothing to me when I gave it all up voluntarily upon
> my father Dasaratha's command. D'you think it means anything more to
> me today than then? Why are you people all fighting over it and
> shedding blood? Which is the greater good for the kingdom of Rama
> (rAm-rAjya)? Tell me, which is more important to me -- the peace of
> my people or whether the question a mosque or my 'mandir' should
> stand on my birth-place at Ayodhya? If the peace and happiness of my
> people is the price to pay for my "mandir" at Ayodhya, then wouldn't
> I readily trade Ayodhya for the greater good of the people? If the
> price to pay for 'dharma' is my 'mandir' at Ayodhya then I would
> gladly give up Ayodhya, just as I gave it up in the Ramayana! Have no
> doubt about it, my countrymen!"
> If Sri Rama were amongst us today, I believe He would surely say
> something similar to the above. He would then urge the Hindus of
> India to collect funds and themselves build a beautiful mosque at
> Ayodhya. It would be announced to the whole world as a grand gift the
> Hindus of India, the elder brothers, gave to their younger Muslim
> brethern and that too out of their own free will!
> The mosque would then stand forever as a marvellous testimony to the
> greatness of India! It would be grander than any Taj Mahal! It would
> stand as a magnificent monument to the Spirit of India, to the
> greatness of its peoples, their past and the glory of their ethos!
> The whole world would marvel at it! Imagine, it would even move all
> the Muslims of the rest of the world to awe and amazement! The whole
> world would would simply gape and gawk at us and whisper amongst
> themselves, "What a great people these Hindus and Muslims of the
> Indian nation are! Is something like this possible at all in this
> world, in these days! How do they manage to accomplish such wonderful
> things?".
> Let the religious leaders, the politicians, lawyers, jurists and
> archaeologists of India stop talking about AyodhyA! Give Ram a
> chance; give the Ramayana of the mass-millions a chance to speak its
> eternal voice! Let the voice of 'rAm-dharma' be heard, please! And, I
> tell you, you will get nothing but the above unmistakable message, in
> my humble opinion.
> Regards,
> dAsan,
> Sudarshan
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