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Priya Bhagawatas,
With reference to the discussion on 'doership' Adiyen would like to put
some thoughts.
All our limbs (micro and macro level) are the best examples regarding
the doership. They do service to us ( to the indweller of the body)
throughout our life round the clock without a murmur/feeling (though
intelligent from the main CPU - brain) regarding the benefits,
differences, acknowledgement, supremacy etc. etc. They do the total
service to maintain the main body and only get benefited indirectly but
automatically. For example the food we take is held by hand/fingers and
passed on to the mouth and then fed through the interaction of teeth,
tongue, esophagus under the close monitoring of eyes, ears, nose etc.
None of them get/claim direct benefit though all are very very
important workers and try to increase their efficiency from childhood.
. If one of them claims direct benefit or do not pass on we know what
will happen; we may probably try to repair/remove it. Similarly all our
activities personal/official are to be attributed with perfection to
the supreme enjoyer which nobody else claimed till now except Lord
Krishna who literally did taking full responsibility as recorded in
SMBG 9-27,28

Yatkarosi yadasnasi yatjuhosi dadasi yat
yattapasyasi kaunteya tatkurusva madarpanam 9-27
subhasubhaphalairevath moksyasekarmabandanaath
sannyasayoga yuktaatma vimuktamaam upaisyasi 9-28

Approximate translation(courtesy ISRA)
27. Whatever thou doest, whatever thou eatest, whatever thou
sacrificest, whatever thou give in whatever austerity thou engagest, do
it as an offering to Me. Whatever thou doest of thy own accord (i.e not
enjoined in the sastra) and whatever thou offerest in sacrifice as
enjoined in the sruti or the smriti, whatever thou givest such things as
gold to the brahmanas .and others,do all that as an offering to Me.
Now listen as to what will accrue to you doing thus:
28. Thus shalt thou be liberated from the bonds of actions which are
productive of good and evil results; equipped in mind with the Yoga of
renunciation, and liberated, thou shalt come to Me. Thus: when you
thus offer everything to Me. This (act of offering everything to Me)
constitutes the Yoga of renunciation. It is renunciation in as much as
every thing is offered to Me: and it is also Yoga in as much as it is an
action (karma). Thus, with mind equipped with Yoga and renunciation,
thou shalt be liberated from bonds while yet living ; and when this body
is dead, thou shalt come to Me,

Even chapter five slokas 8 to 17 discuss the above

Jai Srimannarayana

Azhwar Empberumanar Jeeyar Acharyar Divya Tiruvadigale saranam

Sarvaaparaadham kshantavyaha
Dr.Kilambi Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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